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Sunday, July 16, 2023

July 16, 2023

One year ago today: July 16, 2022, Boost Mobile sucks.
Five years ago today: July 16, 2018, the eaglet has landed.
Nine years ago today: July 16, 2014, Greyhound – the dog line.
Random years ago today: July 16, 2007, early Trump commentary.

           Capitalism’s top intruder on personal privacy, LexisNexis, had declared the top five banks in the world moneywise to be Chinese. This is based on their stated assets, so you decide for yourself. Not me, I’m going back to sleep until noon. This is Apple Sunday, so I’m having fried rice for breakfast. I think today will focus on coffee. And the Squirrel Hex, maybe. Besides, it is raining. Wait, what’s this? I’ve been invited to a jam in Winter Haven. Not every gig is reported in this blog, but I’ve played that Moose Lodge many times. And I don’t recall having heard from this band.
           Should I chance it? (The invitation is from that strange granny lady from Lakeland who picks at everything.) My rule is never turn down a musical opportunity in this town. No, gang, when they are over 30, this does not count as being asked on a date. That’s the Moose on Havendale, near the Dairy Queen. Mary is 5-foot-2 and wearing a “coral top”. That’s a kind of orange-ish pink, I believe. She’ll be sitting with her friend, Bobbie, the drummers wife. I still insist it is not being asked out. I know that Moose and they don’t have jam sessions. My granny-alarm says, “Stay back. It’s a trap!”

           This photo shows one of six prototype baffles that will fit into the hex box. Sadly, the glue does not hold like it does the pipes, so either some new glue or better fastener is needed. The plastic is also difficult to work with so I’m pondering substitutes. I miscalculated at 182 rings and only 162 are needed. Still, nothing beats a prototype and I should have put in some time on this before noon instead of crawling back in the sack.
           Hunter’s lawyer calls for gag order on Trump. It seems Trump posted Obama’s home address which is publicly available information. Then a J6 protestor got arrested nearby. The lawyer contends Biden is in danger from Trump posting on Truth. This, people, is why lawyers need to be held responsible for consequences. When posting a home address puts somebody in jeopardy, it is time to quit blaming other people for it. And I’ve been emailed a request for donations to Manitoulin Island.
           This is the Canadian Indian reserve on the north side of Georgian Bay, part of Lake Huron. It seems the Indians want the same distance to travel to a doctor as the inhabitants of the nearby city of Sudbury. Screw them, if they want to demand equality, let them go to a witch doctor. I once saw a documentary of Manitoulin in the winter. What a godforsaken wasteland to start with.

           Wait, I’m informed the documentary was on Drummond Island. A neighbor on the American side. I had spotted a mystery object on a satellite photo. I never did find out but the absence of trees makes me conclude it was a strip mine with some sort of conveyor belt. More information. Disney is bleeding out, they are already practically giving away hotel rooms near the park to drum up business. Few people I know have expressed any concern. For the first time in 50 years people from Orlando report the road system actually works again.
           Has anyone else seen that video of the beehives where they won’t build honeycombs over any portrait of Jesus? I know it’s a fake, but how did they do that. It looks like they pasted small pictures of Jesus on the insides of the beehive. Everything gets covered except the pictures. A group of Miami investors who lost on “Driver Loans” may be suing the government. I saw the “Driver Loans” web page and rejected their claim to pay 30%, I knew that was instantly fishy. Looks like a lot of people got stung. So why the court case? Because the government agency knew years earlier the operation was a scam. It is called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and if you’ve never heard of them it’s because they don’t do much in the open (although they have a website if you know how to read legalese). They’ll issue edicts but the bad guys just re-open in their wife’s name and carry one. The CFPB may send them a letter, but a lot of good that does unless they send the same letter to the investors.
           The problem is, under American law, they sue the Bureau and not the people who work there. That should be changed, I’ve always said that. Right now if they lose, the cost is passed on to the taxpayers and the Bureau continues on in secrecy. These are the people who are supposedly stopping the banks from charging junk fees. They do collect millions in fines but the money disappears into the government maw. I’ll grant they do a lot of apparent policing behind the scenes, but not warning consumers is an atrocity. Americans need a watchdog that barks.

           As for investing, Caltier has been a slow month around here. I may invest an additional $500 next week. Otherwise, it seems to be gaining steam and we are watching. They have a Caltier blog that paints a prettier picture than me, but it is accurate and up to date. I like the term “multi-family rentals” instead of “apartment dwellers”. If interested, you should read it anyway as it is far more outward looking than what I report. Be alert, with them all news is good news. I do not use their highly-touted auto-invest feature because it does not care if your bank balance falls below a minimum. I don’t need to be convinced of the value of that third decimal point.
           I should remind you that I have not been with Caltier very long. At the same time, I do not believe I could participate in real estate to anything like this level without this fund. Put another way, from nothing six months ago to now, I technically own 1/4000ths of Avenue Grove, a place I could never afford to live. Yet.

Picture of the day.
Mormon “conference center”.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I decided against the trip to the Moose, you know, because of the rain. And the wind. And septuagenarian husband-hunters. That’s one crowd you don’t want to mess with. I’m not into that age-appropriate stuff, but I’m certainly sold on intelligence-appropriate. Meaning if I’m condemned to date local women who are stupid, at least let them be young and pretty. Taylor still hasn’t responded to all the psychic hints Ive been dropping. The good news today is I bought what I thought was instant coffee for the van. It turned out to be regular brew but whiskey-flavored. To be specific, Jim Beam.
           So I brewed up a cup and it is surprisingly good. And the coffee itself is above average. I grabbed the package and it is produced by a company that specializes in Jim Beam flavors. Did you know you can taste the difference when coffee beans have been sorted by hand? The brew tastes somehow “thicker” or more “meaty”. And this is top-quality stuff.

           Let’s talk food for a few moments. Rice, it has a bad rap as a high-calorie food, which I dispute. For years I ate probably twice as much rich as others with no gain. Now I take everything in moderation but have noticed a difference. Short-grain rice now will not cook all the way through unless you leave it until almost mush. Which is known as congee but I have not had that since Marion and I were last in Chinatown. Think 1993. Anyway, I see that rice has been rated downward to 200 calories per cup, which is within my range.
           Another food that I think is pegged too high is avocado. There is something in the measuring process that puts it above other veggies that seems unfair. I consume two avocados per month here, and six per week in Tennessee. I ran out of money shopping today, having left the house with only $70 on me. I say again, by the time I feel the squeeze, others must be practically choking. But they don’t want to change their lifestyles like I did. I learned new ways to live that cost less and so can they. I view the ones hurting the most are the new car every four years group. I’ve bought one new car in my life.

           Meta, the Zuck’s counter to Twitter, continues to grow while Twitter stagnates. To me it’s standing joke, as both are platforms that have ripped off, spied on, and misinformed their users. Both have turned private information over without warrants, but it seems some people never learn. The rate at which Meta has grown suggests to me they are merely bleeding off the most disaffected Twats and it will cool just as quickly in a bit. Either way, I have nothing to do with either one, the closest I’ll get is reposts on JimmyR and GABs that get past my filters.
           I decided against going to the Moose, partly because my granny-alarm tells me this Mary is far more pushy in real life. Don’t confuse not wanting to deal with it as any inability. In place, I went over my records until I found a matching song list for the Fast Frets guy. Aha, he goes by two aliases. He’s the guy who plays to the backing tracks. And now I have a sample. He has some software that takes out or lessens the background and he just plays along.

           Having said that, my decision is to see what use I have for the guy. If he wants to use backing tracks, why not go along with it and see if I get any better offers. I can play most tunes to spec, that is, exactly note-for-note the same every time, which is what tracks call for. I recently mentioned the distinction between overplaying the band, and that does not apply to outplaying them. Do the best you can on stage and anyone who thinks they can outplay me is welcome to try, in fact I see it as their job.

           According to Reddit, the most dangerous person in the world today is:
1) My mother when you lose her Tupperware lid.
2) Leroy Brown. He’s the baddest man in the whole damn town.
3) Some guy you never heard of because he wants it that way
4) A guy in the middle of nowhere with an undiscovered disease
5) My brother who eats Ramen noodles without the seasoning
6) Definitely Chuck Norris but I can’t remember why
7) Probably that yodeling Walmart kid
8) Can this wait till I get my groceries up the stairs?
Last Laugh