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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July 19, 2023

One year ago today: July 19, 2022, the stupidest man aboard.
Five years ago today: July 19, 2018, the ghost of Ann.
Nine years ago today: July 19, 2014, colossally repetitious.
Random years ago today: July 19, 2009, scantily-clad wildlife.

           Head’s up, piggy-backers. The Brit company with the largest stake in Twitter just dumped almost 10% of their shares. Disney World is empty and has lost millions on their last 8 movies in a row. I’ve decided to take the day off for logistics. That does not mean a day off. But it did give me time to make cornbread and muffins. And get my shopping done before the afternoon rains. Blog rules say I record the most significant events of the day, regardless of where they fit on the true excitement scale.
           So far the water tank hookup as cost around $40. That includes the two valves, which shot up from $1.89 to $9.33. But I’m still up $1700 over paying somebody else to do the work. Did I mention that? The lowest local price I could get was $1,800. I know they got to make a living at it, but that’s what happens when City Hall requires that you must physically reside in this town before they’ll issue a business license. These are heavy duty 3/4” valves because I do not know how the ambient tank will work, and once again find there is nobody to ask. The feed lines are 1/2" but I’ll not step things down on the tanks just in case.

           I planted some flowers. This time the difference is attention. I can see them out the window, plus I see where I can mount a thermometer that accompanies the ambient tank. If you are not familiar with the term, ambient simply means the water gets warmed up to whatever temperature the air surround it is that day. I will find some energy to add the burn barrel ashes to the planter area. If, that is, it ever stops raining long enough to let them dry out. I admit I went Wal*Mart shopping and found some glue says it works on plastic.
           See, tit says auto & marine. It also says not to use on two type of pipe that sound suspiciously like CPVC, so I’m taking a chance. Two things, the pipe material does not have to hold water under pressure and while I could not get a straight answer if the CPVC contained the forbidden material, none said they did. The glue package, shown here, say the bonded articles must not be placed in an oven, microwave, or dishwasher. Imagine, it’s the age of plastics and I can’t find any glue special to work on small pieces.

           Logistics. Almost two hours to pay the bills, which are mostly done by mail here. Around each six months, I deposit $20 in every account I have. Does the term ‘anti-dormancy’ ring a bell? It’s the phrase I use for these small deposits. They are to prevent the bank from declaring the account dormant and then eating away at it with fees. See, it says tougher than polyurethane, which I presume means something, and 2x more durable than Super Glue. We shall see.
           It smells like melting plastic, maybe we are on to something. What turned out to be not tough is the camera bracket I was making. It was a bit large and conspicuous on the dash, so I trimmed off a half inch of each dimension. Until the last cut. It broke into several pieces. Do I build a new one or test my latest glue on wood? The first rings are drying as we type. Let’s go check GAB. They always get some Twats this time of day, the type who drink the Kool-aid.
           The Europeans are again pushing for the “vaccine passports”. Insanity, since a majority knows the jab is not effective and does more harm than good. That’s with 84% of COVID complications coming from the jabbed. But, it is about control. Hopefully it flops, or at least so many people still refuse that the airlines cave.

Picture of the day.
Unsold electric vehicles piling up.
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           Good news for me, bad news for the squirrels. See this? The glue joint is stronger than the plastic. See me squeeze it and the plastic snaps before anything loosens. Now things could still go wrong, but this makes the grade for testing the theory. That theory is the birds fit but the squirrels don’t. If that rain would let up I’d go work in the shed. Ah, isn’t the shed waterproof? Yes, but only to work in temporarily during the intermittent rain. Not to tough it out during monsoons, though that would be possible if I was so motivated.
           Further, I’ve developed a second baffle for the feeders. In case the Hex does not work, I’ve draped string from the rim of the big baffle to see where the squirrels hang from and feed upside down. They can just reach the seed ports, so the backup plan is to make the stretch too far. If they try to stretch around the second baffle, they must let go. I’ll get you a picture that will make this clearer.

           And we have some larger animals in the area again. They might be wild turkeys, which nobody would much mind. But no more raccoons that fight with the cats. And them cats do enough fighting on their own. No link (because it is Forbes) reports that A.I. has been used to find “criminal” driving patterns. A drug dealer was caught for driving to New York nine times for “suspiciously short stays”.
           It never did let up until past dark. I must have needed the break, I fell asleep at the desk for three hours. Making some extra coffee was the solution, and I watched a decent documentary on El Alamein, it is actually the second battle there that most people associate with the town. Nothing much has happened there before or since, but it is the place that marks Rommel’s lowest battle strength but not his defeat. Alas, the documentary was another that told mostly the British side. My interest is how Montgomery could not push on to defeat Rommel, who was down to 10,000 men and 10 tanks. Against him Montgomery had 600 tanks.

           If I uncover anything new, I’ll say, but so far it’s the same old. This is also the battle where all the Italians surrendered and got a reputation for being unable to fight the superior British. Ha, even that is propaganda. What really happened is the Germans commandeered all their vehicles to get the German infantry out, leaving them nothing to move or get supplies. If you watch the newsreels, they all came walking in to surrender with no guns, food, or water. They were defeated by the desert, not by Montgomery.
           Nope, the only thing new is some footage which I do not understand why it was ever sealed. My theory is that while it shows the British always advancing, it is past miles of wrecks of earlier battles that show the scale of earlier British failures. Thousands of wrecked tanks and vehicles by an enemy the lowest foot-soldiers knew they outnumbered by insane ratios. The is also that nonsense propaganda that from the beginning of Barbarossa, which happened around the same time as Rommel arrived, that Hitler did not trust his top generals. Quite the opposite, Hitler knew his were the best in the world. Germany produced some 800 excellent top officers who had no counterparts on the Allied side. Most Germans never heard of George S. Patton.

           How about the story of the man who befriended a baby hippo that, six years later, dragged him underwater and ate him. This news from New Guinea about alien meteors has a suspicious ring to it. Like it was stage-written, the scientist nabbed for smuggling pieces out was motivated to save humanity from evil CIA agents who wanted to clone the technology. Elvis Presley’s daughter died from a purported “bowel obstruction” at age 54. Americans know the code for a drug overdose when they see one. She died last January and they just tell us the cause now? Give me a break. Yes, she got the vax.
           Big banks are continuing to write down their over-stated portfolios, which I have a hunch is 25%. Canada now says you no longer have to be over 18 to get medically-assisted suicide. I will not be investing in the gold-backed currency that the BRICS countries are introducing next month. It seems to be created specifically for speculation rather than trade. But I will be watching if the gold they have to buy will affect the price of silver.
           I’d be more likely to invest in GAB. It’s also crowd-funded, which I’m somewhat more comfortable with these days. I view GAB as highly vulnerable to political enemies, but at the same time they have their own infrastructure, especially those private servers, that prevent them being sold out by the likes of Google. It could be a ground-floor opportunity as sooner or later their free speech policy will dominate the market.
           California stores report being robbed up to 20 times per day. The latest smart fridge tells the housewife to replace the water and air filter every six months for $50. Smart or what?

Last Laugh