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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July 18, 2023

One year ago today: July 18, 2022, coffee and an hour.
Five years ago today: July 18, 2018, critical rehearsal six.
Nine years ago today: July 18, 2014, the crowd was icy.
Random years ago today: July 18, 2010, the job that never was.

           It’s the blog that dares, and today we give you a bit more insight into what contemporary life is in America. At least for people who don’t run out and buy everything with a credit card and then bitch they have no money. Today we further tackle that water tank. I’ll have to lift the bathroom floor, as I’ve long forgotten exactly what the hookups are. But they were well-planned at the time which is 90% of what we care about here. I took some measurements for the old Maytag, the unit slotted to become the ambient container. This photo is my millennialized rain guage. Millennialized? Yes, the standard markings are in fifths. Overnight, we had two-fifths of an inch of rain. When you see something screwy like that, you know it is a Tyler or Josh.
           One of the measurements was 40 inches, which turns out the Internet says that is the proper working height for a copper still. I’m listening to the commentary while making some biscuits and it’s curious how this process was ever discovered. The process is simple enough, probably anybody could do it, but I was more interested in what made the difference between good whisky and bad. Turns out it is largely timing and temperature. The fermented mash has to be heated to 175°F (don’t quote) me to begin separating the ethyl alcohol, which is then condensed back to liquid.

           The poorest whiskey forms at the start and end of this heating process, and the whisky can also be bad quality if you rush the process by overheating. I’ll stick with my whisky-flavored coffee, otherwise I find all whisky tastes bad. And there is a difference between whisky and whiskey, which you can follow up on your own. We’ve got some electric wiring to tackle this morning. This is going to involve turning off the mains power so if you don’t hear from me until tomorrow, it just means I’ve hit a snag.
           Over my second cup, I listened to some morons discussing that rich people should be taxed more. This persistent idiocy is common in the lower orders. They were talking about billionaires but it is their reasoning that struck me. They said social contact was needed to prevent the rich from “detaching” from society. I find that highly presumptuous. This was not just a couple thinking we should all be allowed to ride the same bus. Definitionally, they are part of “society” but they were saying we should not only be compelled to associate with them, we should be forced to like it. Or at least openly pretend to like it. Where have we seen this before?
           I’m from the opposite camp. Nobody should be forced to socialize with me except by choice. I can sit next to a stranger for hours without saying a word. Part of the incentive to get rich is to distance oneself from the Michael Moores of “society”. Groups of poor people are far worse and more dangerous than the same numbers of rich, so don’t tell us there is no common link between how poor people think and act. My ideal place is at least 80 feet from my nearest neighbor and I don’t think anyone is even entitled to an opinion on that.

           By late morning I got under the house and pulled a section of the 10/3 (water tank) wiring into place. Kerpow! Shook the whole house while I was under it. Something got a direct hit, I think the church next door. Took out the power for twenty minutes. It didn’t rain y’day so it decided to make up for it. Sheets of rain soaked me down before I could get around to the door. It’s about as bad as a hurricane except no wind. Right after I had finished watering the plants as well. I put in a pot of “Carpet of Snow”, a flower called Alyssum. Who’d name a flower after a college one-night-stand? The same person, I suppose, who puts them in a package you cannot open without destroying the directions. The prediction is the 25th, yeah, I think I’ll be here if they sprout.

Picture of the day.
Outruns the Coast Guard.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Bradford is again out of the picture. He’s too unreliable that way and now he goes on about how most Polk Musicians are useless bigmouths. Guess who didn’t believe me when I told him that in 2016. Anyway people have been telling me he’s going loopy, but to me that is a big fat zero. Anybody can have a bad year and all I’ve noticed is his shorter temper. My only negative on the guy is he does not know how to start or play in a real band and in that regard, I just described every musician I’ve met in Polk. It’s now 1:30PM and it is not drying out.
           I’ve reverted to a two-valve system as a safety and convenience feature on the water tanks. One valve would divert the flow to the main tank but that leaves a loop in the system. That’s likely nothing, water should just flow through both. Still, I’ve never seen any loops in the diagrams and examples (though I will now look). All I found was the announcement CostCo is ditching Bud Light. I have enough piping left over to relocate the hose bib which would otherwise be behind the ambient tank.
           Here’s some petunia seeds. They are going in tomorrow as it has become relatively easy to keep tabs on the new alcove. I have grown certain plants in the yard before, so I should refine what I mean. I’m seeking plants that grow without much attention. What’s there now gets daily tending and misting because it is in a great work area. From the literature, the alcove should be the ideal spot for this flower, so let’s see if they respond to a little less sunlight and a lot less crowding out by grass and weeds. All seedlings are now protected by wire mesh.

           It was standard movie night and we watched “Wagontrain”. A series I know nothing about and don’t identify with. An episode about this Japanese guy to earns respect from the Comanche and commits ritual suicide anyway. The point is, the hillbilly was there and I had a half-hour talk about the situation. He got caught in the same rainstorm but, as one of the few people who would know my van, informed me the license plate lamps were out. That, folks, is s fine example of Florida networking.
           He is in jail, but on some kind of work release program. I cheerfully informed him he needed to work there the rest of his life to have any kind of payoff. Meanwhile, show up on the weekend a see if I have any work to do. I walked him through the missing saw episode and why he was the suspect. He gets it, you must behave above being above suspicion. I showed him the yard, the alcove, and the plumbing since last week. Compared to Polk County, and for all I know the Internet, that is get-off-your-backside progress. Do you need any oregano or papaya?

           The far left has taken to evacuating movie theaters with “safety inspections” during screenings of “The Sound of Freedom”. They are moving fast to arrest Trump but this is not fooling anyone, they have to stop him from running or they know they are sunk. A “Houston woman” has been arrested in Dubai for chimping out in public.

Last Laugh