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Sunday, July 30, 2023

July 30, 2023

One year ago today: July 30, 2022, I like canned beans.
Five years ago today: July 30, 2018, there is no more newsletter.
Nine years ago today: July 30, 2014, $80 was considered remarkable.
Random years ago today: July 30, 2017, less than $200 in the world.

           Trump calls Biden a “dumb son of a bitch” and brings down the house in Erie. That is how confident he is. Such a statement would be political suicide for anyone else and the D-Party knows it. Trump is holding massive rallies to overflowing arenas right in Biden’s own back yard. I know all this because I’m up so early because I fell asleep at 9:00PM last night. Hey, if I found a good guitar player, then I deserved the break. What’s this, Biden is withholding money for archery lessons? I’m not surprised he has to disarm everyone, but that my tax money is teaching people to play bow & arrows instead of studying math. Outrageous. This morning is vehicle repair.
           We’ve got a headlamp out on the KIA. It’s the auto-on low-beam, an H11. Grrr, I’ve got one around but can’t remember where. The grill has to be loosened to get at the mounting, which is not work I take to handily. The parts store doesn’t open until 10:00AM on Sundays, so let’s see about a song list for the Prez. We play everything he possibly can and my material takes up any slack. Emptying pockets for the laundry, I found my work jeans which are too hot to wear in the summer. Found $22. We need more clamps.

           The lamps should be replaced in pairs, but not for safety. Rather, cops are trained to pull over vehicles with a slight mismatch in beams, indicating a do-it-yourselfer, which are not the pride of America the way it used to be. Here are the replacements, normally $19.95 each. I reached behind the rack and sure enough, here’s a pair of old stock. Both for $15.00. This left me enough cash for an item that over the years has become requirement around here. A 99 minute kitchen timer. I’ll explain
           When I say siesta, most of the time I set the timer. An hour is not enough. The ideal nap is between 85 and 90 minutes, and it stems directly from a heart attack almost twenty years ago. You never quite recover from that form of tired, it is different from sleepy tired and muscle tired. Rather, it operates down at the cellular level. Your lungs, blood, brain, and even eyes experience a weakness. Around that time, digital timers came on the market and they were pricey. But I’ve never done without one very long since.

           But I know the prize news you are after. The clamps. Here they are, four of them and the bill for $19.20, such a deal. These are right-sized for small boxes. I’m comfy enough with the sawing and gluing that I can run two projects at once, so a second set of clamps doubles productivity. Again, the blog that dares to feature glue clamps, you are just not going to find this level of viewer appreciation just anywhere. It’s ad-free, zero-diversified, and in almost real time. You know about it with the day that I do.
           The timer lets me snooze until past 5:00PM. Hey, it took two hours to go downtown. And I notice the distance to meet the new guitar player is 44 miles at least, so three is nearly two gallons of gas for that. I’ve begun noticing prices agains, not a good sign. Let’s see how far we get with the headlights. Nothing else is going on today and Taylor is nowhere to be found. Yep, I would check her headlights any time.

           I closed up the shed to head downtown, noting that book safe with the cutout. I got to thinking. The minimal usable size is around the thickness of a 2x6” piece of wood. The weight is about the same. Why not cut off the pages except a stub to fasten to and cut out something easy like the wood? That way, the cover is the disguise and the concept is that if someone was looking for a book safe, the glued pages are not going to fool them anyway. Anyhow, just a thought, so return tomorrow.

           Barr, the carb-face traitor who turned on Trump, says he will jump off a bridge if Trump is nominated. Oops, Trump is the only possible nominee, so here are the top comments sent to Barr:
1) With your noble circumference, you’ll make a good splash.
2) He’s that worried about consequences.
3) Another reason to choose Trump.
4) Giddy up!
5) Yeah, hanging is not that fun.
6) May we suggest the Golden Gate?
7) Tie a rope around your neck for safety.
8) Can you imagine the ticket sales and pay-per-view?
9) The card game or his dental work?
10) He’s telling us the election is already rigged.

           A bit of history. This is the day, in 2017, I finished my recap of the actual budget implications of buying this cabin. It’s paid for itself three times over by now, that is, I’ve saved around $60,000 in rent. But at the time, I was drained down to less than $200 in the world. It was $193, I think. The right way to view this is I never was in the red, never borrowed a cent. This is probably not possible in Florida any more—unless you want to live dangerously.
           JZ still remarks I got the last deal in America. While many people can’t imagine being down to $200, it never bothered me a wink. I knew it was a beginning but yes, I felt shaky. But I knew I had the money so other than delays, there was confidence in proceeding. I’ve sunk more in materials into the place than I paid for it, but it’s all equity and most of it contributed to comfort. Yes, if it came to that, I could live in the shed and rent the house for what looks like $1,000 these days. But the system would have to go for a total dump before I got that desperate.

Picture of the day.
Southern Colorado.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Later, the headlight is off, and as normal, the procedure did not match the specs given on-line. There were 12 bolts and they were not 11mm, the entire grill cover has to be removed, and it is a special H11B built with the contact pins on sideways. I got it apart, but had to reassemble it to go downtown to get the correct part because my scooter, with the $200 carb job, won’t stay running. Welcome to America, the country that used to be. Having said that, the parts fit together quite nicely and they have a feature that America never mastered at the height of her power. Namely, all the pieces are designed to fit back together only one way and in the correct order.

           There was another difference, naturally. The price. These 11B units were $19.95 each, so around $44 with tax. And the grill cover would not go back on quite right. The plastic expanding bolts thingees are not meant to be re-used and it looks like the piece had already been removed once. Then, there was the snarky broad at the service counter. One okay babe, one el gordo diversity hire. Guess which one I got. Well, the cute one was talking about getting off work in time to make supper. The mood was right so I joked that I was single. I mean plainly nobody would seriously think I was hitting on the gal.
           But the fat one did. She “protectively” mutters I’m too old. You would have been proud the way I resisted saying she was too fat. She was not even in the loop, but you get that in America. If these fat old ladies could pass a law saying you have to prefer them for their “maturity”, they surely would. Gasp, what a Miss Piggy that one was, but I escaped with my light bulbs and here is the storyboard of the repair.

           Not wishing to drive through downtown a third time, this was completed in the shadeless Wal*Mart™ parking lot, shown here. I’m pointing to the cap that needed to be removed, you can see the entire headlamp assembly hanging out of the cavity. The bulb is a simple twist and turn, but be careful, there are fragile plastic bits and flanges everywhere. The final pic is difficult to see in the sunlight. Both headlights are on, what you are looking for is not brightness, but a matching set. It seems okay. I did not fix the license plate lights while I was at it. Don’t push your luck in Florida.

           All extraordinary expenses are now back under scrutiny. Replacing these bulbs at the shop would have set me back $186. While there is no cause for concern, prices are indeed getting way out of hand. My entire investment program, of which Caltier is only one facet, is not eaten away monthly by increased costs. The KIA, on average is behaving, with only $54.20 of the budgeted $100 monthly repairs. But I have no spare tire yet. My worst year for deficit spending was 2018, when I plowed a lot of cash into this cabin. If this year continues as it is, I will again be approaching 2018 totals, but this time it is not equity. It’s food and gas. The good news is, you guessed it, I’m still paying cash. I’m not getting poor as fast as people putting things on their credit cards.
           Ha, Trump is openly calling Biden by obscenities that would ruin any other campaign. People are more than fed up and the rallies are setting records for attendance. I don’t follow closely, but when the stats show he out-draws Cher, KISS, Elton John, and other icons who have attained god-like status in their time, Trump is on to something. He’s discovered declaring war on the other side is immensely popular. The Left has previously been experts at playing offended at the slightest direct affront. They are hysterically unable to deal with this. The louder they call for Trump’s imprisonment, the higher he climbs in the polls. You see, it has become almost impossible for the Biden faction to deny they are terrified of being exposed should Trump get in.
           That is what is shaping up. They’ve behaved so dreadfully they cannot back out now, they must press home the attack. And America is treated to the spectacle of how stunned they are that their planned hits are just not working on Trump. Nor can any apology reverse things, I mean they are trying to put him in jail for 400 years to stop him from running. When he gets in, America will demand he put the Democrats permanently out of business, with all the horrors that will entail.

           It’s a good thing I moved fast with the headlamps, within a half-hour of getting home it was a freak storm, that means besides the usual downpour, there was a terrific wind. I skipped Karaoke but found the latest editions of USA Today (I think) have smartened up and included a crossword and puzzle page. Took them long enough. There is entertainment over at Kooter’s, I heard, but my decision is to stay in and watch Joe Dirt. Even though the babe is not that great in my books, I like a good love story. Did I ever tell you part of the reason I don’t like “Tequila Sunrise”. Well, this is your lucky day.
           That part about “just a hired hand” was too sucky for me. You just can’t gear it much lower, it was meant to appeal to low IQ drunks. And I saw it work. One thing I never liked was easterners who voted liberal and came out west looking for work. During the days I worked the lumber mills in Montana, there were a crop of these guys. Nice enough people and I partied with them a bit. But they went overboard identifying with that song. A few of them married local girls, which delighted the local girls but not anybody who knew them by character or reputation.

           It was somewhat laughable but disgusting to see the process repeated. The gal decided it was time to quite dating drunks and gets all dolled up in the classic “Ellie-Mae Clampett” manner. You’d look, then realize who it was, and keep walking. But sure enough, some easterner would think he’s found his diamond in the rough and thinks he’s the first. Yep, he’s the eastern city slicker who found what the country bumpkins had overlooked. And a week later you hear they are getting married.
           And that was often the last you heard of them except the odd domestic violence and the divorce notice in the classifieds. You go back for a visit 15 years later and there he is, sitting on the same bar stool, sometimes with her serving him. And guess what he’s playing on the jukebox five times a night, singing along with that part about the right words never come. Don’t blame me if I can’t identify. Joe Dirt has a more meaningful existence, he’s just entered Silvertown. This movie has a soundtrack I can get into.

           Biden wants to tax canned food. With a 300% tariff. No gas stoves, corporate farms, now canned food. It’s recognized to be sheer desperation to cut off people who don’t vote right or maybe think right. They are moving too fast and so obvious even the staunchest Trump-haters can see the pattern. Various media personalities are “admitting” they were wrong to back Biden but they waiting until too much damage was done, so no takers.
           England is cutting off bank accounts to those accused of “wrongthink” at the rate of 1,000 per day. Interesting because historically money is the only thing that gets the English fired up enough to do anything.

Last Laugh