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Thursday, August 3, 2023

August 2, 2023

One year ago today: August 2, 2022, fraud in Arizona.
Five years ago today: August 2, 2018, got dovetails, never use it.
Nine years ago today: August 2, 2014, grew up with it.
Random years ago today: August 2, 2005, toothpick expense report?

           I must still be in Miami, if you are reading this. Be patient, there is always something new that results from any visit to the deep south, even if the news is generally bad. One great thing about the COVID hoax and the Disney boycott, it shows the traffic patterns of Florida cities would actually work somewhat well if we ever revert to the 1970s. Given the current investment climate, that is not outside the realm of possibility. JZ called early, my smart phone is not working again. That, folks, is millennial America. You find out your new phone isn’t working by buying an old phone as a backup.
           Six hours of chasing around north Miami and I have some news. Today’s top story is that I do not need the big-time glasses. And my vision is stable, that is, if I have my glasses from elementary school, they would still work fine. The last I consistently wore glasses was a pair of granny glasses I had in my twenties. All told, I’ve had around ten pairs of glasses in my life, I’d guess.

           Next item is that I am, like so many Americans, progressing toward diabetes. By the most stringent criteria, I already am diabetic if I stop taking one of my prescriptions. It is beyond doubt the diet yet I have had a strict diet for close to twenty years. I’m not going to worry unless it gets to the stage of needing injections but it is scary that most people who get this condition are only in their 30s. Now my back pain. It is not from that fall a year ago. I now officially have arthritis. Took my doc ten seconds to determine what it was. If I walk just a little too fast or too far, I need a ten or fifteen second stop every few hundred yards—but only sometimes. That’s what threw me, it is only sometimes.

           They sent me of an X-ray but they don’t expect to find anything. It’s arthritis. No more running the marathons. Or put another way, I’ll only run marathons now as much as I used to. Sigh, I did used to walk, sometimes twenty miles, just to clear my head. I was successful getting a double prescription filled so I’m not due back in Miami until March of 2024. I’ll likely visit before then, but I needed this double to establish a precedent. My insurance company likes to keep tabs on everything and I don’t like being kept tabs on. Never give up the element of surprise, gang.
           The doggie? That’s JZ’s sister-in-law’s pet, one of two. This one likes being picked up, the other is just plain crabby all the time. The connection here is JZ may be pet-sitting this for a reason than was, in my day, incomprehensible. You see, the oldest daughter is going to off too college. The parents are taking two months off to drive her to the campus up north, a prestigious girl’s school. They will help her find an apartment and get her settled in, and meeting with the school staff. Like I said, incomprehensible. (If you are new here, my family basically told me if I wanted to go to university, that made me useless around the place.) Imagine, riding to university in a car. For some of us, that takes a lot of imagination.

Picture of the day.
Summer camp for the wealthy.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Next to JZ on the table is something we thought we’d never see. He’s got a computer. It’s an iPad, which I have never used much. Donated by his other sister, it has a dead battery. Like most planned obsolescence, the battery, even if it will not hold a charge, is an integral part of the circuitry. I think she left it plugged in for a couple years and fried the lithium, because it still appears to charge. Then drains in ten minutes. Her boyfriend is weird, he’s never formed healthy relationships with other men so he thinks JZ and I must be homos. Ha, if you judge by looks, he’s the pansy in the room. Then again, he has no idea what my woman looks like. Don’t tell him either or I swear, he’ll shit his pants.
           Did you know what happened to him? He’s one of those bow-hunters who thinks my hobby is music. Tell him fifty times that around me, music is no hobby, only to discover he does not have the mental alacrity to process that. He went hunting with a $1,000 bow and the string broke, nearly taking off his ear. You may have guessed I did not tell him my hobby was celestial navigation. He’s already operating at near-capacity over the music thing.

           Here’s a typical example of the liberal-think you get shoveled on you in Miami. This is a make-shift boat used by illegals sail from Cuba. The worker’s paradise of Cuba. The boat is supposed to impress you with how “brave” these men are to run away. No, they would be brave if they go back where they come from and stage a counter-revolution. After all, Castro took over the country with a handful of badly-trained misfits. Don’t let the propaganda fool you, folks. Illegals are not welcome here. You will never get a decent job, although anything is probably better than where you come from. And you will be in constant danger of being shipped back and dealing with your own consequences. Most of America feels there is a mass expulsion looming in 2024. As in 30 to 40 million, good, we don’t need them, we don’t want them. Let them escape to Mexico, who deserves them.
           JZ says we should take the next day off. Yeah, spend some of the $4,000 saved on eyeglasses. Actually, I want to find a junk yard and get the bracket for my license plate light. Turns out the make and model of my KIA is not that common and many of the parts are not common between the closely related “Sorrento”. What I want is the LED lights. The problem with the factory bulbs is, as the van gets older, you have to slam the gate more latch and turn off the dome light. This is a design flaw in every vehicle that puts the lights in the door.

Last Laugh