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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

August 2, 2022

One year ago today: August 2, 2021, insider trading anniv. coincidence.
Five years ago today: August 2, 2017, they operate differently.
Nine years ago today: August 2, 2013, unviable diets.
Random years ago today: August 2, 2004, oh no, free samples.

           It was a valiant attempt. Out there at dawn, today is not going to have that pleasant breeze. I got the grass whip going and took down all the major kudzu in the front yard. Around an hour’s physical work. I’m going to have to spring for that electric chain saw today if I can find one. The gas unit is going into the shop, I’m going to pay for the repair if only to find out what is wrong. I was shopping y’day and if the tyrants are attempting to cause a food shortage, it isn’t working well in Florida. Americans are a resilient lot and enough of them own a patch of land to learn gardening in a hurry. I repeat my warning, mind you, that gardening is not the greatest hobby when you have a full time job.
           Or when it gets above 90ºF at 9:30AM. The vines are down but not raked. I braved the heat to move some of the birdfeeders around to make it easier for the red cardinals. They don’t like having to swoop up under the feeder unless thy can see a perch. I’ll make them something nice later. Here’s a new visitor, a common sight, I don’t usually ID them until they become regulars. I dunno, a sparrow, a wren.
             Let’s read the news. From Arabia, since the formerly good Australian stations have been re-educated. Remember the Branch Davidians? I did not know when they were attacked, they called 911. The ATF agents asked for a ceasefire, it turns out they did so because they were out of ammo. They used the lull to reload and slaughtered around 70 people, some of the children. It was not about firearms, it was about establishing who was boss. I was amused to see many postings of Hitler’s speeches which are assuming an eerie new relevance. Some of the posts are sped up to make Hitler seem like a madman.
           And I warned you about planning to grow your own food. While only a few states restrict actually growing food, selling it or trading can get you in deep trouble. There are also dozens of those “little laws” you never paid attention to that could be evoked to put you out of business, such as no health inspection, no farm license, landscaping ordinances, neighbor’s complaints, plant height restrictions, water restrictions, and countless bylaws and federal ordinances. If you grow a tomato, you are required by law to submit a sample for testing and allow inspection of all your property, not just the garden. News today is that the Northwest Territories (northern Canada) has prohibited the selling of all food directly to consumers. You may only legally buy food from a government approved store. And so it begins.

Picture of the day.
Eastern Montana, I think.
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           Real estate in America, what a scam. Late this afternoon, over half the filters I have set up texted me almost in unison. These supposedly independent firms were all reporting price drops nearly simultaneously. I counted forty houses with price drops of $20,000 or more, so something is up. I know BlackRock quit buying in anticipation of a bust, but these are not homes in their range. Here’s a house in Paris, TN, listed for $44,000. It sold last year for $20,000 and I’d consider it if it was not 120 miles from Nashville. It’s out past Cumberland Furnace where we visited not long ago. Damn rights I’d live in a house like that. Careful, some of these are designated heritage and won’t let you renovate or even paint without an inspection and a permit.
           As expected, the voter fraud is in full operations mode in Arizona. But it also shows that the bad guys are incapable of doing things any other way. It’s all the old crap, people being told they already voted, the pro-American booths running out of ballots, people being told to use sharpies instead of ballpoints, printer and computer “malfunctions’, and the poll website not displaying where the stations are. And I see the “nothing is stopping you” crowd is on another binge. You know, the arsholes who tell you nothing is stopping you from living on a private acreage in the mountains and raising your own cattle. Or stopping you from going to college until you are 38 or becoming a millionaire. I know, it sounds like everybody’s parents just before they said you were rich “in other ways”.

           Julius Caesar, the English play, now carries warnings of sex and violence. Geico has shut down all its 38 California locations without notice, putting hundreds out of work. No reason given. It cooled down a slight bit but the rains came, so it was letter time. Two cursive letters, or for millennials, code. It’s become a standing joke that US students can no longer read longhand writing. It never occurred to me anyone who can read printing would have trouble with writing, but standards have really slipped that low. The millennials and their big mouths are going to be in real trouble one the Boomers are gone. There will be nobody left to maintain the infrastructure. According to Forbes, the winner of the $1.28 billion powerball lottery got less than $500 million after taxes. What’s that tax rate, around 66%, I don’t have time but it’s up there.

                      Windows 7. I put it on the office computer only because there are so many dickheads out there who will refuse to make their files backward compatible. It’s got one of those bastard rat filing systems cooked up by some brain-dead millennial, the type that know more about what you want than you do. Well, today file I use for downloading music disappeared. Poof, gone. Not in the recovery bin, no record of it on the computer. There is no way to open two copies of file explorer in Win 7, so you cannot watch and confirm file transfers. All my personal files have distinctive names, in this case “My Music1112”. It moved itself into that retarded “library” mess that you can’t turn off. I very carefully copied all the files back to the original location. No good. All of them disappeared. And they wonder why people prefer Windows XP.
           And the same goes for the jerkwads who post videos that won’t play. There’s every chance they are that stupid, but I say most do it on purpose. I suspect they think they are impressing others that they have the latest and greatest gear. Last evening was another shocker, one I knew was coming. For years now there have been terribly misformed versions of popular music on jukeboxes. Despite careful selection I still get taken for my money when some bonehead jazz or live recording junk comes on. Now, you can pretty much kiss whole segments of original hits goodbye. Even the fake-out versions are no longer there. This is the millennial world with rules that entail watching every move you make.
           I got them back [restored the files], but it takes mostly an hour of walking to the front office backup computer and copying them to a flash drive, which is always minus the very latest updates. And time that should be spend more productively. That’s the mark of a millennial, they cannot leave well enough alone, convinced as they are that everything before they came along can be improved by their clever brain-farts.

           To double check this horrendous development, I went on-line to check that almost final source of piracy, youTube. And the recordings are also gone by the tens of thousands. It had to happen, which is why I have dozens of backups of the top tunes of my time, safe from the predators. I’ll pay to hear my favorite tunes played live, but not for a recording and don’t hand me that crap that it hurts the original artist. He sold out long ago. So I’m trying to find “You Are My Sunshine” with no luck. Instead I kept hitting this tune “The Swallows of Capistrano”, so I finally gave several versions of it a listen.
           Thank goodness that junk music went out before I came along. I thought Capistrano was some place in Italy. I listened to the Ink Spots and Elvis, no matter how you slice it, that song typifies what I think sucks about early 1960s music. Shoo-wap mostly gags me. My earliest recollections of music were The Beatles, which I’ve aleady explained were a clear dividing line between the “Yes sir” boomers and the “Up yours” boomers. First hand experience tells me no matter what the others say, the year was 1965.

Last Laugh