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Saturday, August 5, 2023

August 5, 2023

One year ago today: August 5, 2022, 50 hours.
Five years ago today: August 5, 2018, Blu-Ray wears off quickly.
Nine years ago today: August 5, 2014, one bacon sandwich.
Random years ago today: August 5, 2009, music, parallax, space shuttle.

           Argh, I wish I was in Tennessee. I’m on fire and nothing around here is any use. I needed a quiet day at home, I just wish it had been my idea. I’m not as pissed off as Hewlett-Packard. They shipped a couple million printers that were “WiFi” only. It said so right on the back, a sticker said “WiFi Only”. Purchasers then found they had to download an app that required them to essentially fill out a credit application with all their personal private information. This worked until somebody peeled off the sticker and found a USB port. Then published it on-line. Good morning.
           Interesting. Since Trump won’t attend these debates, Biden has decided on the same. No rallies, no campaigning, rotten poll numbers, it signals they think the fix for 2024 is already in. America is watching, because to cheat on the scale required to win against Trump, they will have to openly commit fraud. And to do that, they must count on the police and military to follow orders. Yep, this could get hotter than anyone thinks just now.

           Here’s a sextant at the museum. Or maybe just a close cousin, as the scale along the bottom seems a bit short. I would say the museum is not worth the price, no matter how low. We paid $10 for parking. Yes, it said $10 per hours, but we both speak Spanish. As a resident of Pinecrest, JZ got us free tickets, but overall, the outing cost $30. So no, it isn’t worth it. I saw nothing new or informative. It is plain the displays are aimed at idle tourism rather than any actual research into history. A million-dollar a month operation and we were among the 12 visitors present y’day.
           Now politics, that’s more interesting. And only because Trump is involved. They are totally out to get him personally because of who he represents. The whole country knows the harsh treatment of the J6 people is nothing but a warning by the State to anyone who questions their authority. I think it backfired, in that anybody who protests in the future will have a better idea of what they are up against. The worst protesters are these climate change traffic-blockers. The lady who dragged one silly bitch off by the hair was gone viral. It won’t be long until the drivers figure out a way to stop these ignoramuses from walking back out on the roadway.
           The picture is a flintlock pistol from a galleon. Yes, they were complicated, hard to load, and would not work well in the rain. But the history of European firepower is not one of speed only. The pattern common to all development was the ability to kill from longer and longer ranges. Most weapon development had that factor as a pre-requisite.

           Still no e-mail from JZ. He will get it though, because some of the items he has to fool with are only available on-line. It’s a bit entertaining as he learns because he is squarely entering the computer era like a Millennial. Contrary to the reputation, most of these millies were born in the computer era, but that is not something that switched on overnight. Few, if any of them used computers before the Internet arrived with games and porno. The other aspect is social, and the amusement is because he’s twice the age of the millies, but still in their learning bracket.
           Let me put it another way. Countless millies think older people who don’t use computers are out of touch with how things have changed, that is, they are too unskilled about computers to ever get educated or use apps. The reality is many older people lived through the scams and games and schemes and recognize them when they show up on a computer. Millies are truly naïve about what they are doing on-line. Essentially they are just setting themselves up for woe, handing out personal information, exposing their credit info, blindly trusting banks, and supporting idiotic concepts like a cashless society. They have no idea they are being set up and forget trying to point that out. You are nobody to them unless you have a Twitter account.

Picture of the day.
The local Yum.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here is a rope gun. It’s small, a couple feet long and was used to throw a rope out to a stricken vessel. This rope was then used to haul a series of thicker ropes out until a harness cold be rigged to get the sailors back to shore, sort of like a cable ride. For safety, the harness was like a pair of breeches made from the toughest known fabric, a pair of Charlie Christi’s trousers.
           The airwaves are alive, the D-Party just can’t seem to get it. The hoaxes and narratives just don’t work any more. When they tell a lie, it gets found in minutes, not months like it once did. They are trying to prevent Trump from talking before the “trial” while they continue to spew out what is seen as pure propaganda. One them said any man who thinks he is above the law should never have been allowed to be President. Yep, things are indeed heating up.
           How about ankle monitors for kids. It even comes with a punishment mode. Meet the new Donald Trump, like this blog said. He’s coming out fighting. “Come after me and I’ll come after you”, or similar, is a catchphrase gaining popularity as he fights back the Deep State. An openly corrupted gang who no longer try to behave at all. They must feel their grip on the country is enough to crush any dissent. I’m okay with that, as long as it happens a long way from here. Like I said, I’ll fight for America, but not for people who’s primary goal in life seems to be stealing.
           The people closest to the fake Trump issues are trying to silence him from both speaking in public, and now speaking in his own defense at the hearing. The reasoning is, they claim, that Trump may try to defend himself by disclosing confidential information received from the government. The government that’s trying to put him in jail. That’s a good one. Myself, I think Trump can’t be tried because he’s already been declared innocent over the J6 matters and nobody is going to buy the indictment hoaxes. He could simply keep calling witnesses until the election is over. And he’s got an increasingly angry electorate growing in size with every Democrat dirty trick.

           This cool device is the switchboard out of an old Miami hotel. This was advanced technology at the time and these often lasted fifty or more years with zero maintenance. Expand this eight times and it would resemble the “Number One Board” I was trained on at the phone company. It was truly like walking into the 1920s when the board was set up at company HQ—but if you could not learn this board, you were hooped for any other work at the company.
           It worked by having a speaker at the nearby CO, for “central office”. That’s the room full of racks and wires you see in the movies. Then a line needed testing, you had a tech plug a “shoe” into the correct pair of wires and then applied a series of tests to determine if the trouble was inside or outside. Rolling a truck outside was the most expensive daily operation of the phone company.
           Toward the end, I was able to run three or four of these tests simultaneously, but I would not. We all got paid the same. You quickly learned to perform just slightly better than average. It was an amazing era of my career but anyone who has worked in an office knows how little control you have over who you work with. Let me count how many locations I worked in that company. Four. It was not uncommon to get transferred to a room full of people who hated your guts before you’d even met. How, some ask, is that even possible?

           Hang on, I’ll give you the quick version. Some of you have heard this, so bear with me as it is a bit complicated. I worked at the company during the days when they finally decided to “go computer”, which was some fifteen years after I had been programming as a hobby. That was an era when of the 15,000 employees at the company, I was the only one who had ever touched a computer. All the tons of company records had to be key-entered. It was not uncommon for tech personnel, such as myself, to be loaned to these busy-work clerical departments in the summertime when things were slow. You can guess what happened next.
           Word quickly got around that I could not only out-type any three of the women (clerical departments were all women hires in those days), I could “read” and correct the records as I entered them. That right there saved the company a fortune. One summer I key-entered an entire exchange (120,000 lines) by myself with zero percent error. Ah, you say, but that is no reason for anybody to hate me. True, but I’m getting to that part.

           This was a closed shop union. That meant no matter what duties you were assigned, you were paid at the rate of your highest trade qualification. I had attained top “combination” rates thirteen months after I arrived, a process that normally takes seven years. That meant I knew enough about both inside and outside procedures to independently undertake and co-ordinate any possible company repair jobs. Damn, they paid me a lot of money. And that is where this is going.
What is now known as the “dental assistant syndrome” was pure mis-informed jealousy.            I was regularly in an office setting where I was the top paid “clerk”. From their perspective, warped as it was, that meant I was getting paid more for the “same work”. Ah, some of you will recall that phrase. And every clerical department had a Cathy Wells or a Joan Baer who was every bit just as good as you. These simple-minded housewives convinced themselves I was getting paid three times as much as they were for doing the same job. History has long proven otherwise, but I presume they are still at the company whining about it.

           I can’t get mobile today. Soon as the direct sunlight is down, I’ll force myself out there to putter for an hour, but that’s all. Trent has attached another tune from his studio work, I’ll work out a bass line. This is work because the material is contemporary. That makes it hard to come up with any changes that don’t alter the mood of the tune. Listen to twenty indie tunes in a row and you’ll see what I mean. It is rare for any instrument to stand out in that mode.
           One hour later I’m back with another mystery. The white shed can flood, but that means a two-hour rainstorm. The signs were there but it seems I would have heard something on the news. If the water gets high enough, it leaves swirling patterns in the shed sand floor. So I checked the rain gauge on the northside. It shows slightly over two inches. It must have really come down. Being that I don’t mind rain, I really missed a good one. I confirm the rat got my avocado, as I found the say he’s getting up on that isolated ledge. He’s able to run along the tip of the narrow fence part of the way, methinks. I’ll start another today and armor it with wire. That’s now done, it’s getting dark, and the heat remains oppressive. What say we opt for a quiet evening with my book on oil tanker construction.
           The book is a surprising revelation on stormy politics. The movement of oil is shaped by forces way beyond the ownership and building of these big ships. The supertankers were not built on a whim, but the economics of the shifting oil demands after the Suez Canal was closed for eight years after the Six Day War. From what I gather, the oil is taxed while it sits in the ship, so moving it fast and economically impacts every other factor. The smaller tankers that fit through the Suez were too expensive to sail around the Cape of Good Hope.

           The Canadian Prime Minister, Trudeau, has announced a divorce. The Missus wants everyone to respect their privacy. Yeah, like they respected the privacy of the truckers they wiped out by the tens of thousands. Here are the top comments so far:
1) She got tired of the no-dick dicktator.
2) Like she respected the children of the truckers?
3) Is he finally coming out of the closet?
4) He was just too much woman for her.
5) They both decided to start seeing other men.
6) She got tired of his boyfriend wiping his dick on the curtains.
7) Everyone knows you’ve been separated for years.
8) She got weary of putting the strap on.
9) Respect her privacy while she announces the divorce on Instagram.
10) She found out he’s been dating Zelensky.
           The public is quite aware of this asset-splitting tactic. We’ve seen a half-dozen billionaire divorces as the dragnet closes. She takes off to some foreign island to shield it from the comng lawsuits. One of the oldest tricks in the Canadian divorce manual.
           In other hilarity, ABC news has said Kamela’s record-setting lack of popularity is due to “race and gender”. That’s just ridiculous, everybody knows it is caused by climate change. And AOC has stated the reason Blacks are using guns to commit robberies is because they are hungry. Trump’s team may ask for the current trial to be televised, something the D-Party cannot risk. Yet if they don’t, the parallels to Stalin’s era will be unavoidable. If they allow it, Trump will bring up issues they thought they had burried.
           And the latest target for street attacks is delivery robots. People are upset that they are replacing cashiers. Question for them—when you can’t read, tell time, or make change for a dollar, exactly what is it you expected to happen?

Last Laugh