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Thursday, September 14, 2023

September 14, 2023

One year ago today: September 14, 2022, half are crime victims.
Five years ago today: September 14, 2018, a story of hotdogs.
Nine years ago today: September 14, 2014, fluzzle.
Random years ago today: September 14, 2004, a rare missed day.

           Still think going cashless is an improvement? Another coin dealer reports having it’s accounts shut down. The talk is that these places deal in cash, which the government is against. In other cases, not only the coin dealer, but also his relatives, had their accounts closed. They got their money out and are able to switch to another bank—for now. But the writing is on the wall. The moon rover from India claims to have detected movement under the surface. Some billionaire is advocating a 40-50% unemployment rate to “put workers in their place”. Canada is enacting a law to re-educate people found guilty of wrong-think. A Toronto school has removed all books from its library published before 2008.
           Did I take today off like I said? Yep, but not really. I rolled over, went back to sleep, and did not wake until 5:00PM in the afternoon. I needed that. Hence these pictures are from y’day. I thinned out the papayas and repotted the best examples into individual holes. I’m grateful for anything that will grow here even if I wind up with a papaya plantation. This is the "before" picture.

           Tell you what, make a pot of coffee and we’ll just sit down for the balance. I checked on these plants after 24 hours and they have really taken off. Remember we are only guessing this is papaya because they all grew from one pot at the same time, and I had thrown all the seeds from one papaya . All the evidence is circumstantial.
           It’s over an hour’s drive to rehearsal and back, so I listened t more of the audio-book, “American Agent”. It dishes out the same view of World War II and we were spoon-fed decades ago. The Brits are valiantly standing alone against “the nazi” who are bent on world conquest with a few hundred tinker-toy tanks and some supply wagons still towed by horses. We are on disc #2, so now we know everybody who is related to each other and every woman in the story thinks the male lead is dashing and handsome, except our heroine. We know where this is going.

           This, folks, is a picture of why you do not buy wooden-handled tools in the tropics. This is just part of my collection. And the new handles cost 80% as much as a new tool, it’s been that way in America for years, I sometimes call it Sony marketing. There’s some clouding over, if it cools a bit I might go do the rounds in the yard. Mrs. Downey, my favorite woodpecker, seems to have moved on. All the great food here doesn’t make up for loneliness, I guess. Too bad, the Downeys got along great with the Reds.
           Add Dove soap to the never again list. Never? That’s correct, even if they recant their stupid moves, they must learn you cannot unscramble and egg. Permanent boycott for supporting the BLM fat-broad. She is hideous, a bar of soap would get lost in her flab folds. The court case against Trump in Fulton is collapsing, but this creates a serious quagmire for the Democrats, who must stop Trump from running because he has already won the election. What’s more, we have a new dynasty. Trumps are the new Kennedys, like it or not. This was not addressed by the Founding Fathers because communism had not yet been invented. And it takes more than one generation to root out communism.

Picture of the day.
Meanwhile in North Carolina . . . .
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           Muffin tins, that’s your picture for later today. Mini-muffins on the left, since these are bit diet food, I thought I’d make them smaller. No dice, you just wind up eating two. These are drying on a painted wire-spool I never found an idea for. The pan on the right isn’t for muffins, I think it is for some kind of fancy French biscuits. But the muffin cups just fit so it gets repurposed. Can’t look it up on-line because nobody knows what it is called. I scrolled though a few hundred images, such as baking tins, biscuit moulds, etc. No luck. This is my "blues album" photo offering, if there are any contests this month.
           I have not followed the troubles in England with the 15-minute city cameras, but I’ve seen many photos of cameras that were destroyed. I don’t even recall what the cameras were to record. Now it seems 50,000 people have simply not paid the fines. Too many people for the police to arrest or jail. So the government is taking down the cameras. This is a lesson America has trouble learning.

           The scooter shed now has light so I tidied up in there and found that big screen TV. It had got stacked under a large empty suitcase. I did not have time to test it. I had bought it at the Thrift for a monitor, then noticed it had every known TV jack on the back. If so, the shed will soon have entertainment, as I have an unused DVD player and there is a Blu-Ray around here somewhere. Or is that the one I gave to JZ? Who still has not got his e-mail working. The TV is set up in the shed, movie-style. It on the scooter and watch TV, sounds okay to me.
           The reason for rummaging in the shed was to find my speaker cables. The Gigrac has special heavy duty plugs on the back which lock in place, thus I prefer them for stage work. I found only the shorter one and a 25-foot regular cable, so that is our working stage gear, now complete. All of it needs a good cleaning. Not today, though I am not suffering any pain at all, which is amazing, I am tired as can be.
           I don’t watch TV but I’m a great consumer of DVD movies. TV sucks and we have another hurricane on the way. That means non-stop blah-blah 24/7 even if the damn storm misses us by a hundred miles. If the TV works, I may clear a spot for it in the workshed simply because most local radio stations suck. The one that doesn’t is cheap and will only pay enough for around 48 songs, so they get played to death for one month, then the next batch.

           “Sea of Heartbreak”, Don Gibson. I found my only copy of it and it is the extended version. That is, it repeats the last verse and chorus. I gave many short songs this treatment so they could be played as background during my bingo games. I see I’ve got some people overseas visiting this blog (thanks for the company) and should mention I was once a professional bingo caller. It was quite the show, bugles, and victory marches. But the club sold out to an upholstery shop and that was the end of an era.
           One more thing about the song. Here’s a case where you can go on-line and every last tutorial, lesson, tab, cover, and sheet music is wrong. They consistently show that oddball chord variously as B7, B7/E, and one authority says D7. To me, that proves every last one of those “experts” is a guitar player. Not just because that’s how they can all be wrong, but because the chord is an ordinary Bm, which guitar players don’t like. A piano player such as my self knows it is really a Bm13, a chord that requires two hands to play on piano and is next to impossible on a guitar because the full pattern requires seven notes.

           Most of my new clicks are from Singapore, hello Singapore. Can any of you leave me a comment why all of a sudden you're reading this blog. I notice each day the number of hits is almost identical, so I conclude all of you must have some connection or a robot. Is this a class assignment? Some viral thing I don’t know about? I notice when 56,000 people suddenly appear in two weeks and I’m curious. Have they mistaken me for Donald Trump, or Taylor Swift?

           It’s getting dark by 8:00PM now, so I snapped these photos right after supper so they would be 24 hours since the transplant. Look how healthy they survived. Compare with this morning’s pictures taken same time y’day. If these really are papaya, each one of these seedlings is a potential tree. The small cactus is really putting out sprouts or something, I’ve been watering them with any leftover tea and the odd unfinished beer. It sat dormant for years until that change, but it’s likely coincidence.
           Tomorrow I confirm the first gig date. That’s the Pavilion, it is 24 miles from the Prez’s house, which is the same distance from here. He’s aware of the hour commute but since we pretty well know there will be enough tip money to cover the gas, this adds to the cause of calling it paid practice. He has learned the material in record time, he has none of that guitar-player resistance to learning new things. That is a very real problem most of the time, and it has two faces. One is the guitar player who does not want to reveal how slow he is at learning, the other are the gorfs who think doing anything but their own way cramps their style Both are band-killers.

           Another plus for the Prez is that he allows that I’m not a failed guitarist, so he does not assume I can follow anything or know what he’s going to do next. This allows us to take a song apart and put it back together, which is always the proper way to arrange music that already exists. An example is Charlie Daniel’s “Long-Haired Country Boy”. For twenty years I could not get a guitarist to simply play a C and G chord behind that bass lick. The Hippie, Ray, Willie, none of them would even try. It did not work recording one part and playing over it, to be certain I needed both instruments at the same time.

           Finally, the Prez tries it right away, I won’t go into an explanation other than to say I’ve tried for years to play it but could not get it right. Now I know for certain I was right, it is a split C and a G. By how we’ve covered dozens of these details which are not apparent to the untrained eye or ear. For example, most guitarists will not play an arpeggio, only block chords. I have no explanation why, unless they all got dropped on their heads as infants. The Prez plays them without hesitation. If you were to hear us, likely the first thing you would notice is that we rarely both play the same thing—and that some of the material would sound empty if played in isolation. I have hopes for this sound and this duo, but all small-scale stuff.

Last Laugh