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Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 17, 2023

One year ago today: September 17, 2022, I’m glad.
Five years ago today: September 17, 2018, most could name four.
Nine years ago today: September 17, 2014, beginners, avoid this.
Random years ago today: September 17, 2017, after-storm oak tree.

           California, which has decriminalized theft “under $950” is about to start issuing $18,000 fines to small business owners who confront shoplifters. In response, California colleges are urged to add a new course in how to steal so their graduates can make money. Aren’t you glad you don’t live on the Italian island of Lampedusa? Around 10,000 African illegals have landed, and I think the islands population is around half that. I was looking for an on-line demo of the Harbinger mixer this morning, my gawd, what a troop of losers posted reviews. Mostly mouth-breathers, one “review” is a slightly retarded 8-year-old saying things like “this is the front”.
           JZ’s predictions begin to come true. The stalk on this plant, now some 12 feet high, has stopped and showing signs of age. I’ pointing at the lower leaves that are yellowing and have become rather brittle. It was a good run, several years from that tiny chute all the way from the Redlands. This leaves me two plants from the same origin for now, one very large, one very small.

           Taking the morning off, I watched a documentary on the latest Israeli tank, the Merkava V. It is openly criticized by their own military, leading me to disbelieve much of what they are saying. The tank is still designed to protect the crew, not the tank. A new fire control system means it tries to shoot first. The feature that got me to look was the anti-missile electronic dome around the tank. Built by Rafael, it can apparently “throw metal” into the path of incoming threats very quickly.
           Here is part of my learned process of installing hinges. I do this completely by hand with chisels and a hand drill. I’ve been quite lucky with the lids lining up, yet know that nothing of this sort will naturally go right for very long. Installing hinges is not something to learn on-line, though you get some good pointers. The hinges must be sunk into small recesses (mortises) chiseled or routed out to finely match the hinge dimensions. The best video found was from “Wood”, a link I won’t include because it is way to long to be just a link. The hinges are very precision work for me. Expect in some cases to have it take longer than the rest of the project. I resolve to take even more time to see if I can get these installed right.

           I’ve come to the conclusion that I bought most of the tools I own to gain experience. That’s done and now I realize even taking the best care, most of my cutting equipment is not capable of fine precision. My band saw will not slice planks without binding the blade. My jigsaws won’t slice straight even using a jig. And both my chop saws won’t stay on square. Do I need a new generation of tools chosen for ability to make exact cuts? We are looking at it.
           Taking a peek if there is anything new in DNA research says no, the focus is on refining the data and getting everybody on file. A clip came up about Jurassic Park, the movie. I liked the show but would have liked it more with out the subliminal messages. The worst was the portrayal of grossly fat as normal. It seems all DNA labs have been defunded except those concerned with identifying everyone they can. What’s with that, Joe?

Picture of the day.
Canoe makers.
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           The afternoon got wiled away. I have a partial excuse, my heel was sore. And that caused a bad mistake. It was the wrong kind of sore, like I’d had a shoe that pinched, so I kept walking on it for hours. When it did not abate, that’s when I got out a mirror for a closer look and I’ve got a serious cut. Not hospital serious, rather enough that I had to soak and clean the spot and apply antibiotics, dressing and wrap up with gauze and elastic to keep it healing. How did I miss that? Who knows? I was in the shed putting stain on the latest box, with the tap & die kit. It was a time built for laziness and that’s how fast I worked. This wound will take a week to heal and the band is booked for next Sunday. Today you get some generic pictures, use your imagination.

           Three photos in a row. Thre is the progress on the tap & die box, these are misleading by making the boxes look fancy. They do not stand up to close inspection. And the hardware, such as that brass tag holder, are only for looks (the blue painters tape will be removed tomorrow). The sides of the boxes contain a label for the contents, due to the way they are stored. The close-up of the saw plate angle is explained in a moment. And the speaker, now in the workshed for a replacement, shows that damn cone material must be made of something edible.
           Then off to band practice and I have info for you concerning band workings. If you want music lessons, off to Guitar Center. My goal is a working band that performs real live entertainment to crowds small enough to appreciate the personality and company. By regular standards, it was a bad practice. The sounds were off and for all our hard work so far, the music did not mesh. I’m happy with that. Huh, happy with a bad practice? Yes, better at practice than on stage—this is where music and acting have parallels. A bad rehearsal makes for a great opening night. I shall explain.

           The Prez is much more keen on which music possesses the punch and the song list evolves quite rapidly. That’s another departure from other bands. The reason things did not go well today was a good reason. He’s now a realist about how soon we will get on stage and what to focus on. That’s what caused the poor sound, he is now expanded to include a much wider spectrum of what we are doing. Rather that concentrating on doing a good job, he is now moving toward what makes the duo sound the best. See the subtle change? Good, because people like the Hippie never got there. The sound was off because he is changing music mode from guitar playing to the larger realm of entertaining.
           We have just under three hours of material, including the three tunes added this week. The rough sound was because we are now struggling at a different level, that barrier which, if we get past it, propels the music to the next level without any increase in logistics. Most bands never get there. Naturally, I view it as a result of good management because most of “those” bands would deny management played a role. People that like to spend six months practicing before they make a move tend to think like that. Nope, I throw the Prez to the wolves next Sunday and he knows it is for him to learn what needs his most attention.

           I reviewed the videos in detail and much of the dead sound tonight was the Prez pausing slightly before known tricky spots. That’s why I call this a success, he knows where those spots are and keeps going. We have Wednesday marked for dress rehearsal, then off to the show next Sunday, under the carport. That, before Hurricane Ian, was a pavilion. It’s all good.

           I listened to another disk of “American Agent”, it is over an hour’s drive there and back. (All highway). Our investigator lady is also a psychologist. This book follows the strict rules of police work as presented on TV or Hollywood. Bit of a frustrating laugh if you ask me, but it’s only part of the plot. The book so far has been a revelation of the trickery being employed by the English to get America into the war. You know the saying, England will fight to the last Frenchman and it applies here. What always gets me is the way the police use the guise of investigation to get the personal details of witnesses and suspects on file.
           Always, even if you are certain you are just a witness, refuse to talk to the police without a lawyer present and answer only questions you are required to answer—and even then, find out the consequences because not answering may still be a bargain. So far, all four of the people who had no connection to the crime other than sharing the same rooming house have given far too much information for strangers to have on file and have unwittingly set themselves up for any future less friendly encounter with these authorities. How do we know they are not suspects? They were away at work at the time and the killer was a male.
           For example, why would you tell a complete stranger where you work and what you do there WITHOUT knowing why they wanted to know and what difference it makes? Do you see the Catch-22? If, as they say, it makes no difference, then you should be allowed to not answer the questions—but you’ll notice how they suddenly insist. If it does make a difference, you have a right to know everything about that difference before you answer. It’s a principle called “best defense” and I’m saying nowadays, always assume if you talk to police, you are a suspect. It may turn out otherwise, but they have lost public confidence. I’ve often wondered why some sharp type never brings this up in a court room.

           The second and largest agave cactus plant has begun to form a stalk. So, even cactus around here has limited staying power. I’m marking the calendar to see how long they last and maybe find out what triggered the changes. Then I sat down with my sore foot and watched more videos on the latest in Israeli armor. I view these a American, since that who is really paying for all this. One real game-changer is the crew helmets. They allow 360° vision, much like a helicopter pilot. That solves a huge problem once the tank is “buttoned up".

           There were also several short scenes where some shaped charge devices are exploding while still ten or fifteen feet away from the tank hull. Like they’ve hit some invisible barrier. Maybe it is that new “Trophy” system that forms a dome over the tank. This is not a proximity fused round, the main charge I detonating too far from the tank to cause damage.

           Having said that, the behavior and wording of the claims made in these videos telegraph that the software on these missiles is not programmed, it is coded. By no, my blog patrons know the difference. Coders are not programmers, they are wannabes, the proverbial infinite number of monkeys. Thus, anything they code is predictable and easy to work around. Their claims are usually based on carefully misleading words, that is, a sales pitch with no merit. And if there is but ONE person like me in that vast enemy camp, these weapon systems will be defeated by cheap "common sense" methods.
           We now own two “skilsaws” but only need one. I’ve got an idea. The new saw has a tilting table that is marked 45°. If it really can be set there, consider the following. One of the limitations to box building is the height at which my saws can but bevel. My chop saws are not tiltable, so corner bevels must be cut with the board vertical against the blade. And the maximum in one cut is around four inches, and around less than seven if you carefully turn the plank over for a second cut.

Last Laugh