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Monday, September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023

One year ago today: September 25, 2022, vaxxed need not apply.
Five years ago today: September 25, 2018, that bar hussy look.
Nine years ago today: September 25, 2014, industry, not sport.
Random years ago today: September 25, 2005, at the computer shop.

           Monday, and I’m taking the day off. Maybe we’ll go for a drive later, we have extra gas money, y’know. Last week was hectic by the standards I set for myself. It was wise to switch the gigs from four sets down to three. Toward the end, we got a good segment of the crowd engaged. If we play there again, I’ll step it forward an house to we play until 8:00PM. It looks to me like some dropped in after supper—and that is part of my target audience. Times have changed and music alone is not enough of a draw.
           Once the crowd began listening, we had a few old-timer recognize me from five years ago. That means they’ll have some say, and get this—the way they recall the group from back then proves a point. They all remember it as being a four-piece. But it was just the fat lady and myself. This is the effect of good duo arrangement, I call it “voicings”, knowing it may have a proper term. If the Prez keeps at it, he will soon be quite an accomplished player because he’s a much better picker than Lady Nik ever was.

           Clearing the yard brush, I cut down this plant. Or, just the flowering end of it. Shown here is the twig with flowers and a seed pod. Return later for some close-ups or if I can get one of the microscopes focused, maybe a view of some insides. I don’t have any biology background or interest, but I do like magnified views. I can’t name most of the specimens. For the rest of today, you get things in the order they happened. The raccoon has again made a snack of all the unprotected sprouts, which means all but three or four of the papaya plants in pots. It doesn’t seem to care for the ones in the ground. Our English murder mystery gets a thumbs down at around the one-third mark. Why? Because it is too English and not enough murder.
           By now, we know everybody’s social rank, who they are related to, and who is having affairs with whom. Not a shred of progress on the murderer. This is the version of “investigation” made popular by movies. An excuse to dig up dirt on everyone and start a file on them kept at the police station. I’m already exasperated but now I must find the killer and tell so nobody wastes the same time as I did. It might pick up but the damage is done. It is also full of peculiar English terms but easy to get from context. Like lift and lorry. I take it coffee is as popular as tea over there, but doesn’t get as much mention.
           Here’s the mystery screw that was mixed with my last batch of 3-1/4s. It some speciality item, probably expensive. Made of aluminum, it is self-tapping and has visible pegs below the threats. Notice the threads also have a score. What is this fussy fastener for? I’ll peek on-line but like the dictionary, unless you already know what to look for, good luck. Ten minutes later, I take it to be some sort of deck or joist fastener, but why such a substantial bit? Later, see addendum.

           On the return leg from shopping, I stopped at two locations for a quick chat with the bartenders. It’s dead all over. But the Prez & I just got paid a huge compliment—one chap had already heard from his regular patrons that the Shipp Lake had a “four piece band”. That’s more than several people have said that or recalled my last duo as also a full band. Hey, anybody who had listened could have been in on this deal. I’m going to really take the day off at some point. You know, bake some chicken make some rice.
           Over the past day or two I’ve had a mild tummy-ache. This is just not a factor in my life, I’ve had maybe twenty bout total, most of them fifty years ago. I have eaten nothing but fresh food prepared by myself this month, so that rules out anything processed. My old pattern is showing, in that with almost nothing to eat since last Thursday, I’ve gained four pounds. I measured out the section of fence that needs replacing and laid out the materials except th pickets. It’s going to rain. The last week has been silent rains, mostly overnights that show up in the gauge, I’m saying not thunderstorms.
           Hurricane season isn’t over. Hurricane Ian was one year ago to the day because I found ot that is what wrecked the Pavilion. There was a substantial pole holding it up. The witnesses said the thing got twisted “like a pretzel”. Ian’s the one that hit everywhere around here except here.

Picture of the day.
Swiss flea market.
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           From this morning’s picture, here is the seed pod. It’s long and narrow, like peas. The top view is the view into the casing and the bottom is the casing sliced open to reveal the embryos. This ends my curiosity, I have little interest outside of looking. Like most wild plants, this single stem had dozens of pods representing hundreds of seeds. Before I forget, the wildflower I trimmed to see if it would grow was doing fine, but the raccoon got that, too. But he did not get any of my baked pepper-ginger-nutmeg-paprika chicken with garlic rice and sesame oil.
           I’m in a reading mood, where is that chapter on GPS. I’ve read it before and picked out the navigation parts. We’ve all heard there is so much more information, so what is it? I want both the explanation and to view the raw data myself. It was interesting to note already that the most advanced scientific systems in other countries use Latin characters for their coding.

           I got several solid replies from videos on the gig, which I’ll pass on to the Prez. He’s still not able to pick which tunes are adaptable to this form or presentation, but he’s now totally aware that my songs are chosen for maximum effect. We had three requests for more Merle Haggard, which I cannot really sing. I think three more will make up a half-set of Merle material. We got requests for tunes like “Silver Wings’ which I’ve played before but never learned. I did not know “Okie from Muskogee” and “Stay Here & Drink” were Haggard songs after playing them for how many years now?
           I listened to most of the list and narrowed it down to four potentials. “Big City” because of the bass line. “Silver Wings” because of the piano line. “Momma Tried” because I already know it. And I’m touching on “Sing Me Back Home” which would normally be rejected as too slow and moody for stage work. You want to be moody, go home, draw the curtains, turn out the lights. You don’t go downtown where folks want to party.

           One movie I’ve always like for scenery is Django. The theme is secondary, it’s a revenge movie, but the acting is first class while portraying all manner of Hollywood fiction. My favorite scenes are the bullwhip, the dynamite, and face it, there is just something satisfying about seeing anybody shoot that little snot DiCaprio. California just passed a law making $20 per hour the minimum wage. They predict a Big Mac Meal in San Fran will double in price to $22. Gas is $7.75 and heading, they say, for $20 per gallon. Yep, the F-35 stealth fighter disappearance fools few people who know its computerized systems were built using Chinese chips. The UK has rewritten textbooks to claim it was blacks who built the Stonehenge.
           I’m half-way through the movie by sleep time. It’s drastically over-done to make it seem that cruelty and punishment were constant. I’m not supporting slavery any more than I support credit-card debt, but you don’t get money out of an asset unless it is in good working condition. That many sound cruel, but compared to some things, it seems to be there are a lot of worse things than setting the table and serving food. I could be wrong. But you gotta had the acting award to Samuel L. Jackson.
           How about my redneck peach tree planter. A study in concrete half-blocks and handle-less shovel blades. I knew you’d like it. Figure out something novel to do with those shovel blades. I’ve already thought of mounting them as bases on a pole for potted plants. But potted plants around Florida need constant attention or they will dehydrate no matter how much rain comes along.

           The screw is identified, it has no formal name but several descriptions. It is for attaching wood to metal. Are you looking closely? The wood must be on top and thinner than most of the threaded shaft. The bores through the wood and the underlaying metal, where some of it wears away. Use your imagination. The drill part cuts through the wood and the tiny wings clear a bath just wider than the threads.
           Thus, the threads do not grip the wood. But, when they hit metal, the wings shred away, allowing the threads to grip into the side of the drill hole. This design, from The Nutty Company is meant to be used on solid steel. Who would use that? Maybe old wooden-deck aircraft carriers, but I’m stumped. I know something must hold the floorboards of mobile homes to the frame. The price is 36¢ apiece, dropping to 27¢ for over 1,000.

Last Laugh