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Sunday, September 24, 2023

September 24, 2023

One year ago today: September 24, 2022, so mine is a mess.
Five years ago today: September 24, 2018,hot dog day never happened.
Nine years ago today: September 24, 2014, coffee, crossword, & 220 calories.
Random years ago today: September 24, 2005, interesting speculations.

           Today you get two reports. Before and after. I can’t contact the Shipp Lake club owner to okay the gig tonight, so we are just going to show up and hour early and let the crowd know all we need is the go-ahead. Actually, they let solo acoustic players out back, so there is not likely to be any problems. Still, if the answer is no, we just move on. What luck, I managed to recapture the majority of the chicken dish from memory, so this morning’s repast was a treat. Let’s fix that electric chain saw and check the yard plants. I hear the birds are up early. This is a good day.
           Yep, the Democrats are broke again. Joe is on the airwaves about extra fees on concert tickets. This is the blog that called out Ticketmaster in 1982 for being the mob. A Salt Lake City high school rejects weapons detectors as they will disproportionately affect “students of color”. This folks, is why I consider liberalism a mental disorder, not a political theory. You want to hear if I got anything done this morning. .One burn barrel, more of the red shed wall, tended the plants, cleared the rest of the back yard, and fixed the electric chain saw.
           This view is from high up the ladder showing the two fences between the yards. On the left is the wire fence, on the right the wooden fence standing a few feet away from my silo. I have no explanation for this, but there is a walkway between the fences sealed at both ends. The wire fence was the one collapsed by the tree last day. It’s now repaired good as new, but it never was really that good since it was new. My wood fence still has a gap, but it is behind a tree you can barely see on the right, so no privacy issues. I’ve also posted a related photo that shows a haunting view between the tall trees toward the empty back fenced area. That’s it for yard news, let’s talk money.

           Months ago I believe I mentioned buying a CD from my funeral funds. It matures today and I made 32x as much as “bank interest”. Since I did not die would like to roll this note over, there is another brand of note that the bank does not touch. While I was there, I hinted to the bank lady, who takes a bit of a shine to me, that if any of their customers had such a note for sale, I’d be interested. Such matters can only be discussed in person and I’m not in Tennessee at the moment. I’ll make this complicated point simple as possible.
           When you see an owner financed property that sold, it means the owner is holding a note. This specifies the terms and such of the payments on the property, which remain in the note owner’s name until paid. Here’s the scenario. Those notes regularly come up for sale and find there are very few places who buy them. Why? Because somebody will need hard money for the transaction to take place. There is a sub-industry matching up buyers and sellers in this market.

           That creates the current situation. When the banks are not lending mortgages, they are certainly not lending for anyone to buy notes. That categorizes buyers such as myself as the secondary housing market. I know exactly how to calculate the discount on such notes and if I find they are working out to 28% like in 2008, this time I have some capital. I’ll take another look, as my second CD matures in 90 more days. I caution everyone to stay away from this form of debt unless you can afford to lose. For example, you buy note on a property under foreclosure and the occupant declares bankruptcy, you could be stuck with a five year waiting period.
           One reason I chose Caltier is management, they deal with the issues. They are chugging long just fine but I would like to diversity, still within the REIT or real estate confines. The market is ripe for something and it is those in debt who get stung first. If you would like to see some actual contracts for sale, got to PaperStack and you can view a few I looked at myself. For example, I looked at an item where the seller guaranteed payments for 12 months, and in case of a default, to purchase the contract back. I lack experience, so you can work right along with me. You have 89 days left to find something, or it is back to a 5.1% APR.
           To help out, a performing note is one the borrower is up to date on the payments, and the UPB is the unpaid balance. So a note with an UPB of $25,000 may be selling for $20,000, it is up to you to calculate the return. I say again, stay away from this sort of investment.

Picture of the day.
Taylor Swift’s dog.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Confirming with the Prez, we are both driving for the Shipp Lake gig, or non-gig depending on what happens at their end. We both fit right in with the crowd and by now half the place recognizes me. I wish I could recall that Sunday bartenders name, but I never wrote it down back in the day. It don’t matter, it is a family business and family hardly ever agrees on anything and he has every reason to say go ahead, boys. I did not check out the speakers but they were fine in February, if not I live close enough to go get backups.
           Yes, we had the long-awaited first gig this afternoon. Many things went wrong, which I’ll try to remember. Overall it was a success on the counts that matter. We put on an excellent show for a few weeks rehearsal and minimal stage gear. Things that went wrong were all known from ancient times, though I’m disappointed my Gigrac PA is showing signs of age. The choice of three sets instead of four was the right one.

           We played the Shipp Lake, not to be confused with the Lake Shipp, and made a half a tank of gas each. And as normal, my SONY camcorder let me down when I needed it. Shut itself off as I got on stage so missed the entire opening set. A first gig is an important milestone. Enough went wrong to bore you, so I’ll tell you what went right. We completely guessed right on the song mix, and that club is representative of the area, so we are on to something. The old country numbers went over best. We easily made a half-tank of gas each, more than compensation for all that driving. And three sets instead of four is the right formula.
           We know which songs to punch up, there is nothing like stage therapy to keep a band focused. But we do need another round of rehearsals to focus on presentation. The bass-acoustic combination is also a winner even though many of his selections don’t lend themselves well to such treatment. His Merle is his best effort, we’ll maybe get him doing more of that. Sadly, the crowd is a third of the pre-COVID turnout, but that is what we are doing there. A group of eight people walked in for one and stayed for a few due to the band and the entire staff (minus the owner) saw the whole episode. Good, that applies more pressure than I could.

           Some of our intros fell apart on stage, so I will again revert to strong bass parts. Like myself, the Prez does not wear glasses on stage and we could not see the set lists, but that is why they invented font sizes. One solid lesson from this gig was stage presentation is a far larger component of gig success from top to bottom. I’ve found a way to clip short videos out of longer footage, so I may have a sound check for you in the near future. Don’t expect titles or fades, or expect Google to upgrade anything. Here’s a sample of the above still [photo] with a few seconds of sound track using this method, which is a hack. It’s a start.

           Elon Musk wants to go ahead with his brain chip transplants. The question was asked who would get such a thing? Here are some replies I liked.
1) The vaccinated, because they’ve already proved they are stupid.
2) Natural selection, do your thing.
3) You can’t fix stupid with a blunt instrument.
4) He should test it on his kids.
5) Do Fetterman first.
6) I volunteer Bill Gates.
7) Mitch McConnell already has one.
8) Now brains can catch fire and explode.
9) Dr. Elonenstein.
10) What could go wrong?
           I awoke to a news feed full of reports Trump is crushing all opposition. Serves, them right. Years ago we wondered if he had the stomach for a fight which very well may be to the death. There is no middle ground left. He is crushing his enemies, who are beyond desperate.
           He is openly campaigning to obliterate their politics and his support is massive. Before, I thought he would not be the strongman, but he is most assuredly moving in that direction. Once he learned they were after his family, the wisened up in a fast hurry. His videos show a new and direct attack on an enemy he now knows by name and he knows they are entrenched.
           So he is appealing to the instincts of the majority of American voters to winkle them out. No more single-handed or direct approaches, this time he is cornering the rats who will soon have no option but to eat their own. I remind the reader this is not a political blog, but I am anti-libtard which is NOT a political position. Libtards are a social cancer who have taken over the civil service, not a political party in any formal sense.

           Next, I looked at the Bovington Tank Museum site to see if they’ve anything new. They seem the only place in England that restores tanks. Good luck, the British tanks were horrible. You hear stories of mechanics trying to fix them in the field who discover the factories simply cut off pieces they didn’t need or got in the way. The Matilda required two engines to move it at 16 mph, but that was faster than the Italian opposition. I will give the Matilda credit for performance against the Italians, who soon panicked at the sound of the noise the two engines could make. In reality, the Matilda had heavy enough armor to shrug off Italian shells and word got around.
           When the Germans arrived, they had the 88, a flak gun, but they also had air superiority so there was nothing up there to shoot at. It didn’t take long for one of them to take a pot shot at some British tank that got in the way. Neither the Matilda nor any other Allied tank in the desert stood a chance.

           Last for today, we now know something is going on in Singapore with this blog. Not one person has come forward to say. But for the fourth time this month, we have had exactly 3,941 clicks from that city. Anyone who knows blogs knows that means something is up. Won’t some kind person from over there leave me a comment?

Last Laugh