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Monday, September 4, 2023

September 4, 2023

One year ago today: September 4, 2022, pallets & papayas.
Five years ago today: September 4, 2018, hot dog economics.
Nine years ago today: September 4, 2014, kite power.
Random years ago today: September 4, 2004, no to management.

           The country moves a bit closer to either secession or civil war as Trump and his majority continue to best every effort of the left to block or steal the 2024. This is supposed to be a big holiday and instead everybody is talking politics. The two latest shots at Trump have failed, one to keep his name off the 2024 ballot the collapse of all eight indictments. Actually, there were only four, but it is the tactic that failed—to have stupid people think indictment was, in itself, a serious crime. Funny thing, in the pre-Internet world, that would likely have worked.
           Here’s my fancy Japanese saw, which has found its new role as a spline trimmer. It’s more like half-Jap since there are only teeth on one edge and they market it as a “dowel cutter”. There are a number of fancy variations of this saw and the splines, just no plans to do any of those at this time. Keep it simple and get good at that. Good advice for playing bass, too.
           The other picture is a big pile of siding material, around $170 worth that I got for 70% off, so around $50. I wanted to seal off the table saw lean to but it isn’t all that damaged. I’ve already considered it for the interior of the red shed, but that is not really framed yet. If today’s rehearsal goes well, that practice space will quickly become a priority. I’m lending the Prez my Crate (amp) and the chorus pedal, how weird to meet musicians in this day and age who have none of this gear and like the pedal, did not know they existed. Hey, at least there is no damage that needs undoing. You know, that lumber picture is hard to look at. The siding is the white boards laying across some handysawhorses. To the left is the wasll, partially covered near the top by slats of lumber to keep the sun out. You can just see the camoflage tarp down the middle.
           It’s me and the birdies and one of them is the cowbird. Now fully grown, it’s a female and she, too, now respects the cardinals feeding times. They all wait their turn, except for the tiniest birds who know to raid the feeder where the cardinals aren’t at the moment. Today we putter in the shed again and later this week we have a van drive scheduled with no destination picked yet. We have some extra gas money, maybe I’ll finally visit Tampa. Except for Ybor City, I’ve never been there. Is that science museum still open? Notice how all manner of excursions got put on hold when the Reb re-appeared.
           Sammy, the white doggie, is in a bad way. He’s always had a collapsed trachea and has coughing spells. The Reb called y’day, it was most of the night, so in to the vet he goes. He’s fifteen and a half, it’s best to prepare. He’s had a few signs the last year or two, including arthritis and a slight limp. Where he used to curl up on his bed beside the guitar stand, he now wants up on the sofa when I sit down and immediately falls into a light sleep. I just don’t deal with these things very well. Remind me to send a card to my physician, she’s retiring on the 21st and I can’t be there for the party. Checking my files, she’s been my primary care go-to for 19 years.

           Back to Trump, let’s go to Rumble and a few feeds to find out what’s changed. Why would it change? Because the Democrat camp really went overboard with the “get Trump” contortion of the laws of the land, many of them put in place by the Democrats. These failures don’t just push back to square one, they open a completely new door for Trump to speak. You see, until now the Democrats had the system twisted so you could not say anything against them without sounding anti-USA. They never thought an opponent would ever get the power to use the same back at them—and if Trump was a politician instead of a businessman, they might have succeeded.
           Do Not Comply. It’s one thing Trump said among many but that one is getting plastered everywhere as a slogan. How about the father who got thrown out of school board meeting for reading a textbook that used foul language? Saudi Arabia has reportedly gunned down illegal immigrants at their borders. After border-crashers rioted in Tel Aviv, the Israelis are rounding them up. Amazing, these Blacks, they run away from Africa but when they get some place nice, they start acting like it’s back in the jungle. Israel refers to them as “infiltrators”.

Picture of the day.
Testing the V-2 at Aberdeen.
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           Today is pegged for a movie. Popcorn and coffee, something theaters would offer if they had any brains. I’ve heard of “Appaloosa”, a western with funny-face Zellweger and lots of action. Let’s compromise. A few hours in the shed making minor repairs, then the movie. I woke up lazy today so I’m just following the course of nature here. Let’s hope I don’t get halfway through the movie and realize I’ve seen it before. Happens, you know, I’m that bad with names.
           What did we learn new today? A couple things. One is that these splines are easy to retro-fit to boxes I built ages ago. At that time, I used drywall screws to pin the corners. Another is that I’m getting much better at putting lids on older boxes constructed before I learned to cut the lids. Now, I custom make each lid I want, such as shown here. The finish, if you like it, is Vitamin E body oil. I discovered this over accidentally getting a couple drops on some wood I was finishing on the computer desk and noticing it left a nice light stain.
           I ran out of wax (to insert hinge screws) and tried some Dove™ face cream, which I used as anti-weathering in my motorcycle days, but quite when I found it was made in India. I’ll see if I can find you a sample of that finish. Next photo shows the above box during the glue-up phase. This is the first box built here that contains no metal fastenings. It is meant to test the spline technology, which can easily be seen on this edge. This is actually not a box, but a tray meant for the battery charger small components, but it always depends on how nice things turn out.

           I forgot to put the camera on the charger after the rehearsal, so forgive any mentions of pictures that aren’t here. I slapped together another box to see how well the splines might work on a butt-joint assembly. You have to carefully make the cuts deep enough to angle through the exposed wood and deep enough into the blind end. It seems to work okay, the glue is drying. I’m making a small printer stand, that peripheral always takes up too big a spot on my desk. I put screens and wire mesh over my mini-garden area, which I’ll explain in a moment. Since none of the planted papayas happened, I buried a handful in a flowerpot. Not I think I have 30 sprouts or something. Since I welcome anything that grows around here besides weeds and kudzu, I planted two more similar groups.
           We have a big raccoon and I think it is rabies. No pic, that’s how I found out the battery was dead. She hunts in the daytime and I caught her trying to dig up my pineapple. They are nocturnal, so something is wrong, the neighbor with kids has called animal control. I’m on the final disk of “Hidden Empire” and again descended to libtard-grade. Everybody is a double-agent except our pure-of-heart single mother Presidential-aide, the only person he can trust. We got past the part where there was a political solution to every problem in Africa, where the population has suddenly smartened up and chosen eternal peace with each other as a condition of receiving foreign aide. In fact, that was the only condition.

           My interest is the exoskeletons. The author researched that part enough to catch me up on what’s being developed. The exciting military part is over, now they are trying to kill the President using the latest model. Head’s up, it was designed as mobility aid for the handicapped and President Torrence is able to stop one attacker with a nail gun, no less, I take it with the safety lever suitably disconnected. All Presidents know how to use pneumatic carpentry tools, you see. Wait, this one was electric. Strange how it was unaffected by the EMP devices.

           It says here to mention food. I baked six chicken thighs, my favorite part. The aroma and flavor are also an old favorite of mine, the glaze is made from turbinado and ginger, with a hint of nutmeg in sesame oil. Here is a better view of the side on the table saw lean-to. All of it is lumber from the cull bin, with the siding now shown in the foreground. I’ll get you better pictures of that siding as to why I think I should use it on the shed interior. It’s nice enough if you ask me.

           The new marshal or sheriff (never did know the diff) is in “Appaloosa” town and Rene Z has just got off the train. Playing the one and only roll she ever could play, No real trouble yet, but if she can’t find it, she’ll create it. By now I know I have not seen this movie but parts of it are so predictable that maybe it’s played in the background somewhere I’ve been. Is this from a book I may have read? The jacket say it is adapted from a novel by some guy named Parker. No, that’s not it, maybe I’ve seen the movie in parts. Anyway, they’ve arrested Bragg and Rene is doing the marshal.
           Ah, the train scene. This I’ve seen, but don’t remember. I have seen the horse and Commanche incident. The message of the movie is clear. If you meet a single woman over a certain age, head for the hills. The market for a decent woman is so stop-at-nothing you are nuts to think you’ve met the one exception. I still figure women have the advantage, in that they can usually find a man with faults they can live with. Good luck the other way around.

           Japanese farms are statistically the smallest in the world. The average age of the farmers is 67, and the culture there means there is nobody to replace them. Farming is so rare that some have hotels where a week’s stay is considered a prime vacation .It was an article on A.I. farming that directed me to Japan, where if they want to feed themselves, they may have no choice. We’ve long since passed that point of no return in the USA. Maybe one person in a thousand could grow their own vegetables and I don’t know anyone, including me, who could raise anything but chickens.
           Worse still, Japan is experiencing the invasion of pests from all over the world. There’s a type of stink bug causing big problems because the farmers are distrustful of chemical sprays. How about some trivia? China makes around 90 billion ballpoint pens a year, that’s 80% of a market that used to be exclusively American. The nib at one point required such precision engineering, the US was the only place with the machinery. Computers or not, sales of ballpoint pens continues to rise. The design is so refined there is little difference in writing quality between the best and worst pens.

Last Laugh