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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

One year ago today: September 6, 2022, it’s still broken today.
Five years ago today: September 6, 2018, imaginative screens.
Nine years ago today: September 6, 2014, my ex was . . .
Random years ago today: September 6, 2007, without any proof.

           It’s nearly time to conclude the world has gone to hell. A man was identified by the “notches” in his ears. Two and a half years after J6, hundreds of thousands of murders remain unsolved as the FBI continues arresting people for the known hoax of an insurrection—but they have their marching orders.
           My interest is the effect these things have on people with nothing to hide. Why would they even think of their ears, but now they have to, little by little, think about such things and it’s only right they squirm uneasy. Good, because they also know what kind of help they can expect from all the people they called names for the past twenty or thirty years. It’s me and the cardinals having a big breakfast, good morning America.
           Here is the beautiful finish on ordinary lumber from the Vitamin E oil. I read the ingredients, which is suntan lotion, which I don’t much use. It’s a generic brand. I applied a very thick coating on this wood, and kept smoothing it where it dried fastest. This took a couple hours while I was busy with other chores, then I left it to soak overnight. Here is the result. It is not dry to the touch.

           Music, the work part. Concluding my examination of the competition, there are no advertising duos in Polk County. (It’s usually the club that pays for ads.) The trick to getting in is a no-brainer. Play for tips only. It’s the only surefire method in this atmosphere. I’ve sized up the entire market from Plant City to Haines City and it’s a vacuum. The lure of the bright lights east and west means there exist maybe five or six working bands, all comprised of the same people as 2018 when I last looked in any detail.
           This is why 1960 bands like the Rolling Stones are releasing another album. Nothing has come along better to replace them. There’s talk of better bands, for sure, but this is the first Stones album in 18 years and that says it all. This is now the 3rd consecutive American generation who have not produced their own replacements. Living off the fat of the land and complaining that the fat pile is getting smaller because it is all going to their thighs and arses. Fact is, this band is launching into some of the worst times I’ve ever seen. My rescue is that all this would be hitting the unprepared even harder.

           Anything unusual today so far? Not really. Hold on, those seeds I threw in the swinging planter have all sprouted. They were papaya seeds but none of the seedlings look like papaya. Pictures tomorrow, we’ll see if they get to 3” and thin them out. All I’m saying is that was a handful of papaya seeds and the resulting 30-odd sprouts are identical. For now, here is the armored pineapple pot with sharpened extra spikes of chicken wire because I think that raccoon is desperate. This yard is for me and the birds and I’m okay with the indigo snake who shows up once in a long while.
           Last evening, Gunsmoke Tuesday, we watch the episode of a traveling healer, Bohannan. We bust out laughing because have both seen Steve Martin’s spoof “Leap of Faith” and instantly saw this is where he lifted the plot. Even the boy and the rich widow. Did you know that movie is over 30 years old? I remember the town, Rustwater, Kansas, although I read somewhere the movie was filmed in Texas. The Gunsmoke original was 1972, so it took Martin just 20 years to plagiarize it. I liked the movie but did not care for his choice of co-star, Debra Winger, who I don’t find that pretty and she got the job through family pressures.

           I’ve begun reading a book on the history of bank secrecy. It’s not a how-to, but a description of how much secrecy you get and why. Very dry reading. He makes it clear there are no secret bank accounts in reality anywhere in the world. He calls the opposite of banking secrecy as “banking inferno”, listing Great Britain and the USA as the worst offenders. Where and why did out modern version of banking secrecy originate.
           In Switzerland in WWII. It’s common practice that when people die without a will (intestate), the value eventually winds up in the hands of the government. And during WWII and awful lot of people died this way. The book chronicles how rich people sought out places to keep their money out of distrust for the system where they resided. So far, the book is full of this type of indirect facts. I suspect later chapters will tie this together. I just never though about people who have hidden bank accounts never living in the same country as the bank. The Swiss secrecy only applies to the name of the account owner, it seems. Turns out there are no banks that keep your transactions a secret. Thus, if you know enough about a person, you can find who owns the account—another reason to keep off as many database files as possible.

           Write the morning off. I was downtown for an hour, came home and moved the 30-ton jack onto the doorstep. For reasons unknown, that got me so tired I barely made it into the air-conditioned bedroom. I usually get some warning but not this time. Out like a light. But cheered by the news the vaxxed and booster Whoopi has caught COVID for the third time. New York City is complaining that immigrants are ruining the place. A quick reminder to all you leftard “students” who sold your vote to Biden, your student loan payments resume next month.
           TMOR (to my overseas readers), careful of what you hear in American news broadcasts. They are all owned by a small group of exceedingly unpopular but rich people. They are trying to portray the upcoming primary elections as a closely run race and that is a lie. Trump utterly dominates in all but two States (Iowa and New Hampshire). Here’s the quick explanation. A primary is an election where only party members elect the person they want to run in the upcoming presidential election. Thus, only Republicans vote in their primary, and Democrats in theiras—at least in theory.

           The scam is the media trying to pretend it is a hot race when, in fact, Trump is ahead by the largest landslide in our history. He’s something like 40 points ahead of the next candidate (DeSantis). So what is the immediate concern? It’s known as the “winner-take-all” regulation. Over the years, the Democrat party has installed their own people in the Republican camp. They are called RINOs (Republican In Name Only). When elected, they support the Democrats. However, the Democrat’s cheating mechanism only works when the contest is close and the outcome can be stolen by a few suitcases of fake ballots.
           The regulation means that if a candidate gets (usually) more than 50% of the primary vote, then he gets all that State’s representatives. This Democrat ballot harvesting is why you see so many times they win with only 51% or 52% of the vote, and why the media is pushing the “close contest” narrative. The irony is that the rule was put in place by Democrats who thought they could always cheat by just enough. As Trump said, everything woke turns to shit.

Picture of the day.
German photo of Flat Holm Island (Wales).
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           It’s late afternoon, let’s talk music. To be more exact, the business of music, the part that so many musicians leave out that they wind up on the trash heap of history. Welcome to America, where music and selling vacuum cleaners run parallel courses. I ran the new guy through 1-1/2 sets, that’s half what is needed for three hour gigs. What he lacks has been pointed out—stage time. He requires ordinary gronk stand-on-stage face time. Toward that end, I’m about to tell you how the process works, and why so many don’t make the grade.
           There is truly good progress here, my plan is to throw this guy out to the wolves, he has not yet spotted or possibly does not know a great duo sound such as we have. However. I promised you some behind-the-scenes, the aspect of bands few will talk about. Get those gigs or fester. Take your pick.

           First option is the Pavilion. I’ve stopped by three times, unable to catch the owner guy in. I sort of know his schedule, so I will try again Friday. How goes this avenue? Best answer: the owner has the final say and I have not talked to him. Ah, but most of the staff remembers me.            They’ve mostly put on weight since 2018 but the fun times are damn clear in every memory I’ve talked to. The guy who took the chance on us is still there and has not forgotten that extra $70 in tips. So support my decision to go ahead as if this place is a go. I clocked it and was surprised it is 25 miles from Prez’s. house. I admit to not knowing any clubs or managers even close to his house out near Kathleen. (This is not and will likely never be a paying gig.)
           What’s the back-up plan? Funny you so well knew I had one, thank you. Kooters, with or without the apostrophe. I’ve met with the manager/owner but he is likely to turn that decision over to Jordan, who I have mentioned before. I’m okay with that as she is protective of her position. She recalls the number of times I’ve tried out there with my startups. Here is the situation she describes, you decide. There is a Saturday pool tourney that does well. The Karaoke is Friday and there is nothing on Saturday after that event ends, usually around 6:00PM.

           That slot is my precise focus. A crowd that is already there and needs a reason to stick around. Are you with me on this? It means taking a chance based on unknowns and that makes us all shaky. I chatted with Jord and she is well aware of the finances should that many people stick around even another hour. I believe I can hold them for two. This is the battlefield that musicians like to deny. Let’s see how many of them join us on stage in a couple weeks. Jordan is a practical gal and I think she will okay this knowing full well in the end, it’s about the money.
           The Prez has kept up his end of the bargain. I recap this guy has not played in this type of environment before. One aspect is he had no road gear. Over the past couple days, I’ve dug out lots of gear he can use. That includes mic stand, boom, mic clip, a Shure microphone, the cable, the adaptor, and instructions well enough that he got it set right first try. He has additionally become adept with the chorus pedal. You should hear us play old Don Williams now.

           Today I made a $31.40 deposit into my “funeral” account. It seems trivial, but that’s more than most people, if you go by averages. It is listed on the books as an “anti-dormancy” deposit. This interest-bearing account goes dormant if unused—the tip-off that I’m dead. It’s for my own cremation, if you must know. But the real significance is this is the account where, in March of 2020, not that long after the Reb & I reached our present arrangement, that I began investing again. If you’ve followed along the past 19 years, this was a landmark decision. A sign that I’m at least hoping to be around a while yet.
           If you would like $81.90 to start your own investment plan, don’t go to LegoLand. That is the price of one adult admission nowadays. With Disney on the verge of collapse, it’s only going to get worse.

Last Laugh