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Friday, October 13, 2023

October 13, 2023

One year ago today: October 13, 2022, inefficiency dressed up.
Five years ago today: October 13, 2018, working a shovel.
Nine years ago today: October 13, 2014, remember the welder?
Random years ago today: October 13, 2019, lock setting #6.

           All morning in the cool dawn, I got most of the tree trunk into the burn barrel. That’s the tree cut down and sliced up, the burn time so far is nine hours and I just loaded the second last pile. Skip the pictures since I had no Yueng-Ling. I have just the big pieces left, which take forever but it keeps me in the yard as I have to watch. I got several loads of yard rakings in there, just pile them on the coals and they disappear. There was another inch of rain and everything was soggy but I got the sucker lit.
           The weed whacker is a contraption.I don’t care for, but I had it running for ten minutes using the last of my chain saw fuel mix. I don’t find it fun or easy. The yard is looking nicer, I also raked out the area around the laundry deck, noting the raccoon got another of my avocado seeds, it was unsprouted so I lose the effort. I hauled the Gigrac out to the shed and set it up for testing. It could be a cable and I’m hoping that all. But I can’t take that chance at a gig. Tomorrow, each cable gets the bend & twist test.

           So, I hauled the old Crate out of storage and that’s in the shed, too. Fun. It should be loud enough to ensure the Prez can be heard at any volume we are likely to play. No word back from Randy but I know the guy. He’ll get himself in a jam and call at the last minute. Myself, I’ll do any circuit just to get out there. According to GigHeaven and others, the average wedding band in Florida costs $4,000 and I know that is too much for some. Mind you, that’s a pro orchestra, but not everyone wants to pay for a concert for their own wedding. I’m thinking—is there a low-end demand for a country wedding duo? If I priced us at $250 we’d be undercutting everyone including the DJs, who as far as I’m concerned should stick with radio.
           This hard to see picture is the prototype toothpick holder, the initial CAD drawing. It will need a hundred design changes. This is further than things have gotten in ten years and the work takes place in north Orlando, that I’ve only driven past. It is 3D printing that makes this even possible. Good, because the existing design and production methods are ancient and over-priced.
           This square is meant to hold 100 toothpicks. Count the pores if you want. These are too far apart and the piece is too sturdy. It will only be used once, to load the toothpicks. After that, it kind of sits there like a civil servant. The budget for the first design is $100, a far cry from the $2,500 deposit wanted by the big shops.

           This, while listening to the howls in the Middle East. The power brokers are playing the factions against each other, lending money to both sides. If you’d like to know how old this strategy is, read about the fairly unknown Greek, Alcibiades. Born rich, he spent his time starting wars, impregnating the wives of rival kings, and murdering the males of every city he conquered. It is strange to hear the Israelis scream for the death of the Palestinians, thus making them refugees, which Israel shouts for America to absorb. Yeah, well, four million who just jumped the border are being funded by Soros to form sniper cells. Biden may get his sooner than expected.
           Another familiar pattern is emerging, the Israeli accusations of atrocity on the other side. This time they claim HAMAS decapitated babies, but decline to offer any proof because that would be “disrespectful of the dead”. It’s a recurring theme but I just can’t connect the dots. In writing, I mean.

Picture of the day.
Something special.
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           The kitchen floor was up for an hour, actually only half the floor. That’s where all the plumbing and electrical spread out I found that missing half-spool of 12/2 wire—why would Ieave it under there? Anyway we got some shelves moved while a ran a load of laundry, this is about as domestic as it gets and a sure sign of my future without winning the lottery. Another eight houses in Tennessee ran the filter, a signal the bubble may have already burst. Under American capitalism, you cannot achieve a plateau and rest back. You must continually grow and even a temporary stop spells disaster for big swaths of those caught up in that game.
           Darkness arrives at 7:30PM and the barrel is down to glowing embers. I stirred it with the pitchfork, the last of the big old tree. I may put a swinging gate on the back fence to get between the properties, as the neighbor is a renter and shows no inclination to keep that space tidy. A five hour day, and I’m neither tired nor weary. You see, I have some heavy moving and lifting being put off and this could be my last chance to get that done. I’m not recovered, in the sense that working over 16 hours a week is not the same as two 8-hour days. That would be nice, but it will never happen in my lifetime.

           The estimate is there are 200,000 jihadist terrorists in the country, spread around all of the blue states. And ready to take marching orders. This has not been tried against a country with an armed populace. I’m not the only one wondering what would happened if an entire county or state acted in self-defense. The authorities can’t jail them all and they’d be stupid to try.
           The Democrats have perfected the art of hiding behind job titles, never naming the police or the lawyers that commit these acts against the Constitution. The US is sending warships closer to Israel, although I doubt many Americans agree with that.

           Finally, Caltier is making it easier to track what they have sold. They are still not forthcoming with the exact financial details on-line, but here is what has been sold that I know of:
The Vue, Austin, TX. 156 units
Solano Vista, Glendale, AZ 352 units
The Legend, San Diego, CA 1 unit (luxury condo)
           This is not a revealing list and I have tried many times to find out what happens with Caltier at the operational level. This month passes the $14,000 investment mark and I would think that entitles me to know what they are buying and selling, and for how much. That Solano Vista property was, to my knowledge, the first one they bought in March 2021. What happened to it and how is a mystery. I suppose one could find out the prices, but they should be willingly offered. The Vue was bought in September 2021 and the Legend in November.
           Caltier is also sticking to their five-day clearing period and that means non-holiday working weekdays. Gone are the old days without computers when it took 24 hours. It strikes me odd that they would insist on such a long period if the amount already in the account covers the new transaction, but there are zillions to be made kiting money these days. Keep a million in your account over the weekend and pocket the interest. So, the investment I made on Saturday the 7th will not appear until Monday, the 16th, and today’s investors find nothing funny about that.

           Here’s something else today’s investors must think is a good deal, since it is an advertised special. These people live in a world where charging each other 30% interest is considered a good deal, then turn around and blame the Boomers for the resulting ills. Just think the next time you see some soi-boi in leotards paying for his latte with a credit card because he has no cash and that is your fault.

Last Laugh