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Thursday, October 12, 2023

October 12, 2023

One year ago today: October 12, 2022, taking care of Chloe.
Five years ago today: October 12, 2018, chasing termites.
Nine years ago today: October 12, 2014, textured vegetable protein?
Random years ago today: October 12, 2009, ‘contract’ for example.

           Am I going to make it up in that attic with the doorbell wire? Before starting, here is a view of the amount the house has subsided in just under six years. I can fit my fingers into the gap. When Installed, this assembly was flush. It’s been raining for hours, so maybe I’ll crawl up there. I put in another hour configuring the new computer, it is Win 10, which stinks.
           Plus, Wilford had it configured for games, which is difficult to switch back. I’ve never owned less than five computers in the past thirty years, two are usually kept in reserve, so I have my preferences for opsys versions. It is not a matter of simply going into settings and restoring all the defaults, and yes I know about the settings transfer. I know it doesn’t work worth a dam.

           Once more, the most annoying setting is the mouse clicks. You can set the default program easy enough, but when you click on the file name, it doesn’t open. You have select the icon, not the file, then drop the menu and select OPEN. The option to change this behavior does not appear in the mouse settings, once more I’ll eventually get it by chance. I say, why would a gamer need to store a file in a way it could be retrieved and who needs a foreground a different color that a background so you can read what’s on the screen? But, at least we have music and I found the original notes to “Fire On The Mountain”, a zero Marshall Tucker tune. I’ve adapted several of the fiddle riffs to play as bass fills.
           Aside, though the Prez can pick better songs now, he is still not paying real attention to the bass line. No, I don’t mean he should pick tunes with interesting bass, I mean he has not learned the simpler the bass line, the better it gets played. If you don’t understand what I mean, go play your guitar.

           Another thing I don’t care for it millennial narrators. Nobody has told them that ugly women and boys who lisp are not the greatest for the job, no matter how otherwise qualified. There’s some new Brit lady who’s half again my weight beginning to appear over there, where otherwise the documentaries are better made. It’s still raining, so fun as it sounds, I got up in the attic and finally installed an 18” crawlway between the rafters. The next picture shows me pointing to the plates, cut to fit snugly. I have to climb in there. Even if it is just something every other year, that attic needs attention and the planks I’ve been using aren’t wide enough to get in and out. So check even later if I have the energy left for the doorbell. Just cutting the lumber and hauling it up the ladder is day’s work for me.
           What do you know, the doorbell is wired in, but not connected yet. It’s been raining for 4-1/2 hours so far, so that’s the labor time. I was going to connect it to the power in for the bathroom lights, but that box is already full, The transformer wasn’t marked so I looked up a how-to before proceeding and I got this Englishman who kept saying “dorbal”, how irritating. I stopped around 5:00PM making this, in my life, the Day of the Dorbal”.

           By noon, it’s warm, but the rain kept it cool enough to get in the attic and lay down the plates. Finally. Take a coffee break, if it rains, we’ll run some wiring. The HAMAS attack isn’t distracting Americans the way these planned moves did before. Focus remains on the 24 election and the liberals must now prevent the election itself, since they can’t get Trump.
           War is one way they can manage that, but they would have to bring back the draft. The quality and quantity of the military has plunged due to woketardism and the Internet has moved the goalposts.away from the media. That’s a curious one to watch, it is not Holocaust denial that’s causing the headaches, but the way they are trying to censor free speech. Before, it was some guy in the newspaper, now it is every man at home being told he can’t ask questions.

Picture of the day.
The bridge.
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           Here’s the doorbell wiring going through the door frame. I was in the attic two hour total and I’m drenched, but tired and happy. I left the ladder in place in case it keeps temperate enough to add in some lighting. I have two closet lights and the tub area never did have adequate overheads. Draw the curtain and it’s just a bit too rustic. I don’t know how they managed when there was one light in the room, where now have eight and want two more. (Six of the lights are in the vanity.)
           Another photo shows the transformer, it turns out in my rather large spare parts collection, I have no junction box big enough. This replaces the wireless doorbell, seen on the door frame also. That is headed for the shed if the range is sufficient. It might be Bluetooth™ for all I know. I am also going to build a base for the clothes dryer with space to keep things It’s a front load and also needs a permanent vent connection. Plenty is getting done here, but still no new hot water tank and the bathroom faucet leaks.

           I’m tired. Picking up the bass for an hour helps, I think one more Sunday at the Prez’s place and we could become the cheapest wedding band in Polk. I must find something.soon, it how the band lifecycle progresses. Wedding are big business dominated by DJs and expensive orchestras, often frighteningly expensive. What’s the name of that Tampa site that lists the prices,, that’s it. DJs “starting at $800” are not uncommon and their listings are endless. I scroll through only to find the gaps and there is a lack of country duos. There are none in Polk, but are we good enough? Remember, as far as the Prez has made it, he is primarily a bluegrass picker at an amateur level—which don’t get me wrong, I can work with that.

           What’s not working is all the traditional Deep State attacks against Trump, and it’s got people worried. The fake accusations, piled hundreds of layers high, the bogus raids and hoaxes, the endless lawfare over ancient charges are only revealing to Americans the how and why all those seemingly meaningless “little laws” were slipped past the public. Even the libtard-leaning Rasmussen polls today showed something like 30% of Democrat voters are so disgusted with the antics they are likely to vote for Trump. No amount of ballot cheating can overcome such odds,
           The worry is they’ve passed other laws allowing them to suspend elections if there is a war, and look at events in Israel. HAMAS attacks with US weapons bought from US supplies to the Ukraine with US money given to Iran, and the Bidenistas are pounding the war drums to defend Israel. It’s a first class screw job and only the diehard libtards are denying it. They are incensed that all the accusations and attacks on Trump just increase his popularity. They will have to pull something off and do it quickly. I’m glad I live 50 miles from the nearest nest of liberals.
           And Texas is about to pass a law that all illegals entering the State are subject to removal, but the interesting difference is any lawman who refuses to comply gets up to 20 years in prison. I’m waiting for the first arrest of a Fed. Clips from video games has been appearing on-line in news reports about the war in Israel. With these millennials, how could they tell?
Last Laugh