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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

October 17, 2023

One year ago today: October 17, 2022, 5x the discrepancy.
Five years ago today: October 17, 2018, I ignore miffs.
Nine years ago today: October 17, 2014,the normal BC quota.
Random years ago today: October 17, 2006, the bike that saved me.

           See this lumber behind the van. Some 18 minutes ago that was an 8-foot pallet, long and narrow. There’s the material for my next shelf, the one that should eventually hold all my house chemicals. It’s an early cold spell and as normal, nobody is really prepared for it. I’ve kept my winter jacket so I worked the whole day. It was a great test of the van heating system which works just fine. What else happened today?
           A quick trip downtown let me listen to disk 8 of the English murder mystery. Macy, our protagonist, realizes it is time to wrap up the loose ends. Unlike US crime stories that present confusing evidence that later sorts out, the Europeans seem to like having it fed to them as you go along. I’ll venture a guess, the killer is the landlord because Macy does not like him because he bosses his wife around. And the evidence will come along in its own time. If you like this style, fine, I do not. If the landlord is the bad guy, most of the rest of the plot has been a waste of time. That may be what the author is aiming for. Patience, we are almost done.
           I predict it will emerge that since the victim had just arrived from Spain, it was somebody from there who followed or found her. Again, there is nothing in the tale so far to point that way. Ah, I just got it. The landlord’s dead son must have been poinking the gal. She was considered a rebel at the time, trying to become a famous radio reporter. The landlord, Mr. Tucker, did not want his fine outstanding son to be marrying such American trash. That’s my theory, with a twist, in that the son was killed in the war. I can’t explain that part.

           Here’s a big tray of baked drumsticks covered with potatoes and onion about to go into the oven. There’s lots. Somebody is buying up all the chicken thighs, my favorite, so when I get there usually by 10:00AM, it’s all gone. We’ll have to devise a plan. The lady at the till kind of likes me, so finding out when the truck arrives would be strategic.
           Tomorrow we spend a lot of money. I should not say spend, but allocate. Either way, it is gone and the destination is mostly in Tennessee, not here. Caltier gets $1,350 and probably close to that again next month. This is the reach the goal of $15,600 by November 30. That’s more than a grand per month and yes, it strained my system quite a bit but my feeling is it was worth it. The learning experience involved learning how to vew things from their almost backward point of view, which stems from their unsophisticated web page designers. On-line is the only practical way to invest and the coders know nothing of how the actual business is done.
           Each of their web pages has some truly stupid glitch. The log-on screen has changed for probably the fifth time, including one stretch where the only on-screen option was to open a new account. You had to fill in the information before a tiny “log-in” button would appear. This is how such people actually think. They “fixed” it and now opening a new account is bungled up.

Picture of the day.
Guatemalan “plurinationals”.
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           Here is the new weed eater motor, shiny and new. I’ll try for a better angle, but you can just see the older motor behind it in the upper right. So, if this works, one of handle extensions will be the only part left of the original. Howie is working on a tractor right next to my shed. He doesn’t mind adjusting the carburetor and such but that is not a solution, I need to learn this myself.
           I sent some advertising blurbs off to the Prez, I like to get tacit approval in advance when anyone else is involved. Between now and the weekend, I’ll mention the band to all the unmarried women I know, which is most of them in this area. It’s by elimination, I don’t really know many of the married ones.
           Who better to know who is getting married on a budget? And it looks like November will be an entire month off. The Reb’s best friend in California is again not doing well, I believe it is a recurring heart problem. I say visit now, I know how close to the edge such conditions are and I miss the doggies and talking to JeePee. Yes, I still find myself talking to JeePee when I’m working sometimes. It’s a firm connection, JeePee was around during the entire time a got back to where I could work more than ten minutes at a time. Mostly we talk philosophy, which you’ve guessed.

           There’s the planter, now with one coat of white paint. For now, the smaller plants are covered with wire baskets. The concept here is to put a screen over the planter, which is sitting on blocks. I will move it away from the window later. The wire baskets are expensive but only if you don’t factor in my time for all the planting. Avocados are not the easiest to coax along, often taking months to grow an inch.
           Tuesday is Gunsmoke and this afternoon we watched “The Mark of Cain”. Far too over-dramatic for those of us expecting to see a shoot-em-up western. The story involves a prison camp commandant later recognized by former inmates, a precursor to many of the scenes in “Andersonville”. The acting was spotty but surprisingly good and again Kitty got more air-time than usual. Mind you, she always plays the roll of the wise lady who has seen it all.

           I spent a lot of the day baking so plenty got done, including fixing up a wheelbarrow I got for eight bucks. The handles are old and brittle, but adequate for yard clippings. It’s not in my stars to be moving concrete or rocks around any more. Pictures when I find time. I’m giving those handles a few coats of paint, since replacements are costly. Howie says the Amish often appear at the tractor shows, where they compete with horse-drawn plows. The connection here is that is apparently to only source of good wooden farm handles left in America.
           The neighbor lady was also over. Turns out she makes regular hauls to the metal recycling depot. Good, that saves me the trip and makes her happy. I dropped another hint about the band for hire since she seems to know a lot of single ladies giving things a try for the second or third time. Many of the tunes on our list are sing-a-longs so remind me to find the old wireless mic, see if it still works.
           Last, food again. Some may have noticed I bake a lot of muffins, but let me add to that. In the twentieth year of my diet, muffins are a good portion size for me. Since baking is the most productive form of food prep for me, I’m going to try some new recipes carefully chosen for low-calorie snacks prepared in muffin tins. It seems efficient so let’s give it a try. First stop, on-line to see how others have approached this.

           The granny singer is finally officially called Peggy around here because she looks like a Peggy. What’s the link? She lives in a trailer park and in Florida these can be very well-to-do communities. Now, I need you to follow along closely here, as I am not into grandmothers. Peggy understands my interest in the situation is centered on whether or not they want to hire my band. To that end, things she said tells me, despite her denials, that she does know people on the social committees or are influential in same. My thinking is she is just touchy about pushing 80. This new six-piece orchestra moves the goalposts.
           Saturdays are a big day for the more well-to-do parks and the best of the best is Woodall’s. I’ve been past it, the impression is that if there was ever a trailer park full of millionaires, that would be the place. You know, fountains that actually work, multiple swimming pools, brand new SUVs parked everywhere, and no renters allowed. I have a standing invitation to Karaoke and now I’m thinking if she means Woodall’s, I could make a showing. One thing, I don’t believe she has anywhere near as much experience with music as she likes to let on.

Last Laugh