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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

October 18, 2023

One year ago today: October 18, 2022, the Yeti is okay now.
Five years ago today: October 18, 2018, at least I tried.
Nine years ago today: October 18, 2014, considerably downhill.
Random years ago today: October 18, 2012, we look at

           It was around this time in 2006 that this blog regularly became published. It was key-entered by then because I could barely lift a pencil, so some of the entries are unformatted script. The computer shop was still open so it is curious to read how I had to explain new terminology and spell out the IE meant “Internet Explorer”. Except for on-liners at that time, most of whom knew as little about computers as they do today, many of these words were nowhere near as well-known. The worst mistakes of the computer era (all related to the lack of standards) was made infinitely worse by the Internet. It was an icy morning, around 52°F and I’m crawling back in the sack until the sun comes up.
           Later, it is 7:30AM and coffee time. This is a pitcher of beans soaking. Yes, it is a coffee carafe but it has a handle and is exactly the right size for one bag of beans. Twelve hours prep time if you want to do it right. I don’t know how it is done yet, but some users are able to post their material directly onto my new Gab account, as in on the home page I’m using to investigate this potential investment (could be later today if I'm happy with it). But they [these intrusive posts] can be informative.

           One situation I find amusing is the on-going spat between the flat-earthers and their counterparts. This is not a debate on the shape of the planet, but a contest of debunking each other’s claims and counterclaims. For example, this video is a great watch because the guy is truly no nonsense. He takes apart the flat-earth videos in very clever ways. For example, he identifies the land mass in the background and matches it to weather reports of that day. Brilliant.
           However, applying the same treatment to his video, the shows the face of the astronaut, who would be burned to a crisp in the direct solar flare light. Space visors have to be very dark black to filter out the harmful rays in outer space. One fake artist calling out another, that’s the Internet.
           I was outside in the heat as well, until past noon and I cannot get that weed whacker running. Starter fluid, I dunno, my guess is it is not getting gas. But it was just repaired by a guy who can fix V-8s. I got more painting done in the balmy weather. Here's the wheelbarrow after a couple coats. Must take advantage because nice shady places to paint are at a premium around here.

           America on the verge. Trump announced he is willing to go to jail to save American democracy. If the libtards do that, it might be the last thing they ever do. But Trump is blasting them out of the water, even in their home states. The one thing the Democrats cannot change is that Trump flicked on the lights. The Bidenistas are switching from Ukraine, which they’ve pretty well tapped out and have their media arm focusing on Israel. However, this time the hoax is not even getting started. They made wild claims of beheadings and hospital bombings that were instantly debunked. The result is more people are realizing the truth that the far left would rather destroy the world than lose power. Frightening.
           Here’s a video Poultry in Motion. What’s this? A replacement screw in a cell phone just cost me $204? Who cares when these XYZers wind up on the skids? They are bringing it on themselves. That’s labor only, the part was free.

Picture of the day.
Japanese street food signs.
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           The new wheelbarrow also got a couple layers of paint. It’s paid for itself already just in yard rakings and getting all the scrap metal over to the neighbor lady’s recycle spot. She says you don’t have to sort the metal like the hillbilly and I did. That was work. They look it over and give you an average price, saying she’s always done well just dropping off even small loads. I used part of the time to mention the band is looking for weddings an such, sly fox that I am.
           If anybody ever tells you rats don’t drink, show them this picture. They got two bottles out of my emergency trade-goods cupboard. I was leery of buying anything in plastic bottles, but these were on sale and I got a dozen. The latch was a little loose and now I just paid $18 for at least one rat to get blasted out of his mind. The planter got a third coat since the lumber is untreated. I have not yet designed the cage but I’ll use the existing box as just a stand The cactus is showing those stamen seed thingees on the lower, oldest pod clusters.

           Painting is supposed to be relaxing. Maybe so, I needed a two hour siesta. But I got back out there and did more tidying up. Instead of a planned trip to Winter Haven. If I didn’t say, some long overdue financing finally arrived so the pressure is off. All told, 61 days late and my reserves were down to 15%, although I can easily simply stop spending and do just fine for months on end. But who wants to live like that. Here is the cheapest place to live in Nashville town, priced at $489,000. It must be a total piece of junk, since that is the price of a vacant lot. For now, I mean, price drops of $30,000 are reaching my mailbox every day, often ten at a time. Somebody is hurting.
           Dozens of stores continue to close down in the crime-ridden Democrat city centers. Crime, they say, has become the latest Black entitlement. It will be interesting to see what the long-term effect is. To continue the spree, the Blacks would have to commute to the suburbs where people are more prone to defend themselves. As a reminder, if you take the worst ten Democrat cities out of the equation, America becomes one of the safest places on Earth.

           The reports out of Ukraine are unreliable, but the trained eye can spot what’s going on with the weaponry. The Russians are losing tanks, I closely examined the video of the Russian column being ambushed from a roadside. Since the Russians use reactive armor, the way they are being destroyed by one hit indicates the use of the latest SAAB (Swedish) “bazooka”. It’s a missile that used predictive aiming and when done right assures a kill. The operator tracks the tank for a few seconds and the computer launches the rocket at where the tank will be.
           Called NLAW, it is light and cheap at around $39,000 each. The missile flies over the top of the tank where the armor is about as thick as cardboard and explodes a shaped charged downward into the hull. With tanks costing at least $1 million each ($4.5 million for the T-72) , it’s quite the ratio. That’s about a fifth the price tag on the US Army’s Javelin. Mind you, the Javelin has a much longer range. The video shows the Ukrainian launch is from a few hundred feet away and you would never find me brave enough to get that close. If you see a tank with the turret burning, it’s likely been hit by this weapon, with one possible exception.
           Russian tankers tend to leave top hatches open. This leaves a target for a grenade-carrying drone—and the Ukraine has trained 10,000 drone operators.. For that matter, drones are cheap enough (around $500, low enough to target individual enemy soliers) to fly them right through the opening. Internal fires are especially dangerous to Russian tanks as the ammunition is carried under the floorboards of the crew compartment.

           In other tech news, the US government is reportedly requiring encryption companies to make their codes crackable. Quantum computers are a hush-hush topic, meaning there is likely progress toward using them for codebreaking. These computers, such as they exist, have no other non-scientific use so you can presume they are being used for snooping.
           Io, a moon of Jupiter discovered by Galileo, has been photographed from about 8,000 miles away. The spacecraft Juno was launched in 2011 and will orbit as close as 800 miles from Io’s surface by next February. The moon is full of active volcanoes so is kind of the opposite of Europa, the icy moon from last year. The clarity of these photos is astounding.

Last Laugh