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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

November 15, 2023

One year ago today: November 15, 2022, another stolen election.
Five years ago today: November 15, 2018, WIP
Nine years ago today: November 15, 2014, in whose favor?
Random years ago today: November 15, 2015, I hung up on him.

           I’m caught up on the pets and logistics, so I got out there and raked the front yard. You can see the Civic behind this pile of leaves, thirty feet away. Nobody be a smart-ass and ask when the leaves were last raked. I’ve been out of town a lot. By now, the pets know it is not just a day trip with the Reb. They’ve fallen into moping around and Sam is refusing his food. So Chooks and I took the long walk this morning by ourselves. Way around the subdivision. It warned up after 9:00AM, which is how I decided to tackle these leaves. The pile shown here is five feet high.
           I baked some gluten-free muffins for the Reb in case she wants a hospital visit. Real banana mushed with oat-milk and range free-egg. She does not have a muffin tin, so it’s more like vegetarian squares. The pets are still in a mood but with me at least they get over it. The big doggie was outside to watch me work on the leaves, I don’t know if I’ll burn them or drag them into the woods. The cold weather has me slow starting.

           Exxon wants to mine lithium in Arkansas. It’s 10,000 feet down there, and where are they going to find all the African child labor? Oddly, Exxon was about to mass-produce lithium batteries in the 1970s, but decided there was no money in it. It turns out women who don’t have social media accounts are in high demand. Vaccine deaths have lowered the life expectancy of US males by six years. A.I. is slumping the demand for coders, who were not doing such a great job anyway. New insulating materials now allow fridge walls to be 60% thinner, making for 25% more interior capacity and the biggest innovation for this appliance in 50 years.
           I’m now settled in, looks like I may be here a while. If I didn’t say, they loosened one of the splint and sent the Reb back into terrible pain, which is not subsiding. The pet sense something wrong so I never let them out of my sight. Sam usually goes into a no-food mode and Chooks will mope, the cats begin to demand constant attention. So, it is JeePee and I against the world. You don’t tell the Reb this, but I bought them all, including the turtle, a special treat they never get otherwise. Cooked ham. JeePee especially just loves it.

           Taking inventory, I must do a major shop. The Reb tends to shop as needed, where I will stockpile. Hence, we are out of all her stuff, but there is a 60-day supply of coffee, bog roll, oatmeal, and Carnation. My projection is that she will be totally helpless for a number of weeks. You know, the dogs are more than I can handle long-term by myself. Chooks often wants to play and I cannot keep up. Sparkie used to play fetch, Chooks wants to rumble.

Picture of the day.
Bell Island, Newfoundland, by drone.
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           Another difference in our survival skills, is leftovers. The Reb will store things separately in small containers, rice in one, carrots in another. Me, I’d pack up as many small meals as I could mix into each. MRE, folks, a great concept. One motion in the morning and breakfast is ready. I was home all evening writing letter to everyone concerned with this changed situation. JZ & Alaine talk daily, so they get e-mail. The Reb is stable so things will shift to how things will go from here. Biden has strained my resources already and now I must face the reality that things could get stark in a hurry.
           I’ve already got flak from my post that I allocate 30% over cost to protect and investment. All say it is too much and overkill, but they have not had their episode yet. To invest, you MUST be operating at a surplus and only you can determine how to go about that. Return tomorrow and I’ll have some of the details and logic to support my stance. And explain why, with a house, which is an enormous investment, I say as much as 70% is needed in the short run for the big four necessities.

           We’ve been listening to more of “Starfire” and after disk 10, it gets interesting in an unplanned way. The disk is copyright 2014, so there is no way they knew about the Democrat vs Trump conflict. The author attempts to portray a “Peacenik” movement against the satellite system, but in light of Trump, it becomes a devastating commentary on how twisted the Left has become and the filth to which they will descend to grab and hold power. The opposing Presidential candidate (Bono) is a Pelosi-style witch in caricature. The students use a microwave beam to send electricity to a restricted army base. Two protestors get downed flying a light aircraft into the prop-wash of an army helicopter.
           Sure enough, the Left are suddenly anti-military, the beam becomes a death laser, the protestors were shot down by a space weapon, and the other side is trying to start World War Three. An amazing bit of unintended parody. It turns out there are many items titled “Starfire”, this photo is the one in focuse here.

           Late evening update, the Reb stays in the hospital. They are keeping her on the painkillers there and she reports she surely needs them. They loosened the splint a little to give some stress relief but the tradeoff is movement and I remember what happened to me. It’s a different pain than most and I have zero tolerance for it. She has some photos of the repair, but not the damage. Since this was a vicious attack, I would have thought the police were involved by now. I know that Nashville Metro Animal Control has been all over the neighborhood.

Last Laugh