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Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 30, 2023

One year ago today: December 30, 2022, newset club member.
Five years ago today: December 30, 2018, 7-41/64ths inched.
Nine years ago today: December 30, 2014, festoonage.
Random years ago today: December 30, 2007, my largest expense.

           Too cold for me and its staying that way for a week. This spurs me into getting more paperwork done, in turn you get more reading. Good, you owe it to yourself to relax more. Make this blog one of your resolutions, read one-half hour minimum each day would be a good start. I curled back under the blankets until noon, but left the news feed open. Watching the worldgto to rot can be amusing when one is not directly involved. Finally, I went downtown and scored a sheet of chip board. Ten feet long, maybe wide enough for my saw canopy. Lying on the curbside with one slightly damaged corner.
           My luck held out as I found the last rubber repair sleeve on the shelf at the old price of $5.99. The new stock is $12.99 so I went over to Wal*Mart and bought something I don’t think I’ve ever cooked before. Back ribs. JZ is the pro, so I’ve certainly had them regular. This is the year I try it myself. The sticker says time in the oven is all that’s required. The sauce one can always find on-line, it’s like chili, everybody’s is the best.

           It’s dropping into the 40s overnight, so I won’t be straying too far from the coffeemaker. Which explains how I grabbed one cup, entered the books, and fell back asleep until 5:30PM. It takes two heaters to keep one room toasty. I have the oil radiator heaters from last year, but they must be augmented with a small fan or the convection takes forever. One is quite enough, two pops the breaker. This is the blog that dares to headline these important events, but you know the rules. The most superlative events get recorded, even if it’s less exciting than watching somebody get a haircut.
           So, a second small fan is needed. One of those small desktop types from Wal*Mart. I go all out and get the oscillating type. I’m not keen on the slightest chill, I grew up in a place where the thermostat was considered the enemy. Not me, shirtsleeve comfort in the house so you get things done. I ran further numbers with the CNC concept and took a clue from the caliber of people making the videos. If they, duh, can do it, maybe I don’t need a course. Instead of a thousand dollar course and a five hundred dollar machine, well, you take it from there.

Picture of the day.
Dave's Pawn Shop.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Was I in dream-land, running like an avatar with the doggies in Tennessee and eating cake, which I never do. This cake, with black icing. Lost my taste for it long ago. I’m reading three books simultaneously since one is technical, one is tough material, and another is about a subject I know nothing. For distraction, I’m finished “The Last Patriot” in audio in the van. It is a nice tale that can be like this blog, you realize you can’t really read it without learning something. The plot is about missing verses in the Koran. I know enough about that religion to know there are two sects, one violent and one peaceful. And that the penalty for questioning the violent side is death.
           The theme is based on the persistent legend that just before he died, Muhammed recanted a lot of the violence he advocated, but was assassinated by his more radical followers, who destroyed the extra chapters. They say. Should they be found, it would destroy Islam as a fundamentalist violent organization. There are those who do not want that to happen, they are called terrorists. I cannot recommend this book unless you truly love stereotypical spy novels and have an interest in such affairs. Otherwise, Islam is just to strange for most people to even sample. Another caution is the book is plainly written for a more millennial audience than you’d care for, plenty of annoying catch-phrases and such--but very subtle.

           Let’s take a closer look at this “Turn The Page” song. I don’t care for it, but it’s a jam staple, and I’ve mentioned the Metallica bass line. I just spent an hour on it and it’s a junk line. Junk? That’s my term for generic bass beats, of which the worst are the phase you go through when young can play but can’t listen right. I don’t have slang terms for most of these and the bass line in focus is strung together clichés. This makes my life easier. I can slack off for the parts where the guitar player is busy playing and singing, then pick up any slack when he solos. What slack? Most solo guitarists don’t play real lead breaks, it doesn’t work.
           So it is with Keith and all the others who’ve showed up so far. They’ve learned to strum through the breaks and pick very little. That creates an opening for any instrument who can hit those notes. They are just never expecting it to be the bass. I put together three motifs for that tune. The slow parts are the Seger bass line. The choruses are the Metallica beat with the Seger notes. And the rest, a generic or junk line care of pure Metallica.

           There was a documentary on the Bachmeier case. This is the German lady who shot her daughter’s killer in the courtroom. While I agree with the justice meted out because Grabowski admitted the crime, his testimony rings 100% true. He was still wrong, but if he had not been already a previously convicted molester, well, let’s just say I think he was telling the truth and that makes his death very disturbing. Then, I moved on to watch some excellent reviews of tank armor and development. I’m easily distracted and starting to like Gab.

Last Laugh