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Friday, December 30, 2022

December 30, 2022

One year ago today: December 30, 2021, first the dryer.
Five years ago today: December 30, 2017, I won’t budge.
Nine years ago today: December 30, 2013, war clubs.
Random years ago today: December 30, 2007, $3,191.00

           Trump’s got nothing to brag about, listen to this. Over the years, I know my annual blood tests take three and a half hours. Until now. It has become automated. A few sensors on your fingers and toes and picture of your eyes. (These are preventative measures, the McDonald’s generation are all becoming diabetics.)
           How is this good news? Easy, I’m never much eaten and McD’s and I just passed another year with flying colors and I broke their pee-testing machine. It’s some new screening prodecure they do for illicit drugs and on my sample they thought the machine wasn’t working. Zero, folks, that’s what they got, zero. Ahem, they’d never seen that before, so what’s that tell you? The new automated tests take 44 minutes 43 seconds. (I had the stopwatch on me.)

           I was off to visit Agt. M, who has increased the robot club membership by one. Meet Oliver, joining his older brother as the leaders of a new era, bound for peace and prosperity. His car is acting up meanwhile, so it’s great he’s a fan of bicycles. We did not go over any robot club items this visit. There was no time.
           One reason is his older son. The kid already plays music, speaks other languages, boundless energy, he even took the microphone from the church speaker and led the congregation in a prayer—at an age most kids are just managing a few words. I showed him the next stage of guitar work, but his attention span is still that of a child, so he has not yet developed the necessary concentration. With full access to robot club resources, there is no telling what’s to become of the lad, but he’s a human dynamo. Makes you wonder who his mentor is. You go kid, don’t worry what the peanut gallery has to say. Go your own way, if you come back in 30 years, they’ll still be there.

           Duly noted, I made my appointments on time by allowing twice the usual window for Miami travel time. I still got delayed, a reminder that Miami traffic sucks. Oh, I know that gravel truck driver is just doing his job. On the freeway at 40 mph near Griffin Road at 6:30AM blocking both lanes. Never fails. Things of note this trip include the stopwatch. Nice as it is, if you slip it in a pocket it can activate itself and change time. Who designs a watch like that? But that’s twice now it threw off GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). To set that time is a complicated series of button presses, yet the damn thing manages to screw up by itself when you are not looking.
           Also, I left the clinic at just before 9:00AM and headed straight for the old cafĂ© on Taft. The same staff is there ten years later, I skipped the usual. I ordered the house special and I was fierce hungry. Biggest meal I’ve had in years. Ten years ago the breakfast special was $2.99. Today is was $14.00. Tell me again inflation is only 7%. The good news is one of my investments begins paying $75 more per month starting January 3. That’s gas money anyway. The day is already getting muggy.

Picture of the day.
Pocket selfie-drone.
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           John called, he wants to go downtown for New Year’s, but Miami holds no attractions for me. Big third-world population, the American spirit is not there. Ha, John still “recalls” all the trips we made while I was house-hunting and how he paid for it all. Double-ha, he never paid once cent but this is how selective memory works. Next week I may stick around a few days, he doesn’t get out to many places on his own. Like train museums. I admonished him for that and told him to get tickets for a museum or two, they are free from the library. Then I’ll get him over to some kind of display, where he knows if there are any good women around, I’ll bring them over.
           He should be looking for a $10,000 van and could budget for some lengthy stays. He knows my formula of 2 or 3 days camping, then a day in a motel. Stop at every interesting site, travel the backroads, spend many an evening in the local library. Plus many times he’s seen me pull up maps of rest stops, gas stations, generally most things a non-computer person would need even if he’s never traveled by camper. I’m telling you, the only guy needs a good woman to keep him aligned. If he was out there, one would find him in no time.

Last Laugh