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Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16, 2024

One year ago today: February 16, 2023, 57% depression rate, huh.
Five years ago today: February 16, 2019, I love that saw.
Nine years ago today: February 16, 2015, riding the Amtrak.
Random years ago today: February 16, 2008, free parking for their side.

           We now have a second circuit that confirms the on-line diagrams are wrong. It’s quite the hobby but involves tons of quiet reading to really understand the workings, part of which is due to such bad teaching material. The new model of this circuit has an extra set of pins to allow other tests. For example, how the circuit behaves differently before and after the power is on in places where only the voltage should change. At dawn, I zipped over to Winter Haven and got some banking done. Over two hours, a lot of us do not like this version of America. For the first time in our history, society is not replacing the technicians and professionals who are keeping the system up and running.
           This is nothing new, I worked for one of the first companies to make this move, placing blind trust in some coder who likely had no idea what was going on. Often, they were unaware the computer wasn’t even connected to the circuit. And woe to the diligent one who notices a problem that is not one of the menu selections. He’ll be scoffed. And I’m still using this computer with Open Office. You may have noticed some decline in the features. Same with pictures, there is no suitable pre-edit application.
           What is that racket this time of the morning? Ah, it is the sound of completely content and well fed birdies. Some sharing the feeders, others cueing up for their turn. Easy, friends, there is plenty for everybody. We have a temporary reprieve from squirrel attack by placing mousetraps at their usual launch points.

           Here is an Apple product I looked at. What a strange combination these products have. This unit, at $259, had no word processor. The next step up at $549 had an excellent word processor but also tons of crap I don’t want or need. Nothing in between. It was again curious to learn all the sales people had very little knowledge about whether the units had office, editing, audio, or conversion software, like duh-whats that. They think they can sell you on the social media apps, you have to explain to them you know what it is and you don’t want it.
           Moments later, I find that the photos I took of the Apple are all hard to make out. Instead, here’s a nice video clip of the PNP transistor circuit with the swtich installed. Isn’t that classy? I made that myself. It even makes a satisfying clicking sound. The LED is hard to see because I raided it from one of those flickering candle toys, or so I thought. When replaced with a proper LED, it continued to flicker. This set off a series of experiements to learn why. I still don’t know, but noticed, for instance, that two LEDs in parallel both flickered at the same rate, and so on. If you try this at home, remember the measuring tape is covered in paint that must be removed for contact and the material is no solderable.

           I’ve reached a decision with the jam session. I’m not participating. The Prez can continue but he’ll soon weary of playing the same ten songs at the same tempo. Plus he’s not really strong enough to put on a good show solo and the other dude randomly walks off stage for up to an hour at a time. My reasoning has little to do with intolerance, althugh that would be justified alone by the fact the dude publicly called us faggots for the first month. No, my reason is he’s introduced pointless drama into the equation every time and has shown no intention of working as a team. I grew out of that 50 years ago and I don’t need more of it in my remaining time.
           Also, the guy does have a now confirmed mean streak and has tried to go behind my back with my guitarist, who trust me, knows what side he’s on. He knows we went from nothing to playing out in six weeks, or was it eight. Anyway, I’m negotiating with another club that pays and just you watch. No matter what a musician tells you about his attitude toward money, they quickly prefer the gigs that at least fills the old gas tank.

           The nation was treated to a spectacle and a half this morning as the crazy Willis never-Trumper was herself put on trial. In America, when you sleep with the wrong people during a court trial, you are supposed to recuse yourself. I didn’t follow details since I was always of the opinion it was really the people running election interference that were on trial by Trump. And this morning’s, what would you call it, a shit-show, revealed a host of problems beyond ordinary misconduct. How do people of such low character and disposition get into the system. She’s unhinged, ranting, and now caught lying under oath. A crybaby, caught in the act and now gnashing at getting the same treatment she was meting out just hours before.
           There is a rumor Supreme Court Clarence Thomas is dead. Then again, he could see the Trump tsunami on the way and was beginning to vote pro-Constitution. Somebody has won a case against Air Canada who tried to blame wrong price quotes on A.I. It figures India wants to block Protonmail, the only system with true end-to-end encryption.

Picture of the day.
Orlando dance troupe.
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           This afternoon was spent making decisions and building a box joint sled. Here’s working model, except it used available materials which are not the best and I don’t own a dado set. So I’ll work with what I got. If you are familiar at all with these sled jigs, you can see all the parts. There’s plenty of on-line videos how this works. You cut the first notch, then move it over the peg cutting the next, like until you run out of wood, I guess.
           Another sort of sled is called a cross-cut. I’ve measured and cut the pieces already but are not assembled. I checked in on the neighbor, the older guy, which I do when I see any signs like lights left on in the shed, or the gate open when he’s home. Who am I to talk? I’ve been getting weary after the fashion when I worked full time. Even when the week was not busy, by quitting time Friday you’d put in 40 hours and you were tired. And that’s what I get again even when my week’s output has been very light duty.
           I read later this type of sled is overkill and most cutting is done on pieces that don’t need so much space, or the front rail. If you see it, the tiny peg is attached to a piece of wood that is removable. Other size pegs can easily be set with this system. I discovered a rumor that dado cutting blades are illegal in Europe. I looked it up and they are legal, provided they have a braking system to stop them rapidly when turned off. Doesn’t make much sense to me. But then, Europe has screwed itself. Russia is now the dominant economy.

           Let’s talk business, just a bit. Kooter’s is willing to try anything that brings in the business. It’s not a bad location at all, just north of town on a main highway. I say they should put up a twenty foot neon sign. They are more about entertainment and that’s were I come in. I never said a word about bingo or dancing. Both topics have come up recently. Yes, I call bingo and yes, I can teach group dance lessons. I also know they are work and the rewards have to be there. Later, just after supper, the Prez has communicated the same conclusions I drew over the jam session this morning (see above). The music is fine, but the crackpot running the show isn’t.
           I watched a short documentary on A.I generated movies. The improvement is incredible, many of the scenes are close to reality. Some sources say this spells the end for Hollywood since soon anybody will be able to create propaganda .

Last Laugh