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Saturday, February 3, 2024

February 3, 2024

One year ago today: February 3, 2023, grouchy.
Five years ago today: February 3, 019, astonishingly pretty.
Nine years ago today: February 3, 2015, never been offered . . .
Random years ago today: February 3, 2005, too convenient to ignore . . .

           It usually makes for a mild day but this is the thickest fog I’ve ever seen in Florida. Today will be a great day, I scored enough lumber for $9 to finish the roof over the saw shed. Even though I may be selling the saw. Y’day was your reminder there is no such thing as a quick shopping trip any more. Yes, folks, it takes 10 working days for an international check to clear, up from 3 days in the snail mail pre-computer dark ages. As for the future, Biden's isn’t much brighter. Somebody has posted videos of him wandering aimlessly through a diner in Michigan, where the patrons ignore him. If this is the kick-off to his ‘24 campaign, he’s sunk.
           In the video, he walks up to a table and tells the surprised diners, “Don’t jump”. But to millions, it sounds like “Vote Trump” and that’s the way it plays. Housing prices have leveled off in Tennessee but not much is selling. Unable to get started anything this morning, I did a search on European rivers and found some with no names in Latvia. This led to a couple short documentaries on the country and what a millennial horror story that was. History video, my eye. They went far out of their way to present frumpy single mothers and “sex workers” as everyday fare. Which for today's excuse for men, it may well be. Disgusting, but knowing how weak specimens go about getting any, it makes sense. But the technique itself stinks, I want to see normal people, and if there are any females, the pretty ones. I remember American [documentaries] in the 1980s how they kept pushing AIDS like it was measles, a normal expectable childhood disease.

           This [picture] is one of Iran’s Shahed (“Witness”) drone factories, built by top military engineers educated in the USA with your tax dollars at US schools you can’t afford for your own kids. Seen are the 4-cyclinder piston engines and wooden propellors, totally pirated US technology and surplus Radio Shack parts. The strategy is to build these by the thousands, bring the price per unit down below $4,000 parts & labor. They know the US cannot counter this with $15 per hour minimum wage for diversity hires. The US claim that the missles cost $20,000 is based on US rates for incompetent millennial labor, not reality.
           The plan is to launch more at a single target than the US can shoot down. Ergo, billion-dollar ships are being hit in the Red Sea. I have no doubt the Iranis are building a fleet of sacrificial target drones at 1/10th the cost, designed with baffles that emulate full size incoming drones, just to get the US to use up their missiles fast. They are aware that recruitment standards have fallen so low the ships have to sail back around Africa to home port because the crews are too illiterate to reload the launch tubes.
           Also, more recent info reveals the motor is not, as I first posted, a Cessna design. Rather it is a copy of a German ultralite sport model. However, I do not buy the US theory that the copy engine cannot be made cheaper, if only because it does not have to be made to last. Even the Russians, who have plenty of experience building motors that last a few hundred hours, contracted to Iran to manufacture the copies. Mind you, it would still be the most expensive part of the drone, which is otherwise plywood and styrofoam.

           Let’s grab the news and a third coffee. This led me to look at Saaremaa, the largest island in Estonia. It’s big, a thousand square miles and I never heard of it. And it’s old, inhabited by 5,000 BC, before the pyramids. They got working windmills and a church over a thousand years old. They eat eels and apparently brew excellent beer, according to German tourists and the odd panzer division. I’ve eaten Estonian sprat. The local music sounds almost Cajun and all documentaries seen to have gone out of their way to avoid any pictures of young, single females. I found one picture of some pretty ones, turns out it was a girl’s choir.
           Any hint of wanting to see pretty girls brought up the dating sites, which have little to do with dating. I see the Estonian women have parallel difficulties as American when they try to look and act the same. The horror stories you hear about Russian mail order brides seems to equally apply. Same as Texas, if you want a good one, you got about a six month window after they leave home. Like most Europeans, after they hit 30, the populace likes to join hands and do a little circle hopping dance. There’s a lot of fishing and farming but islands are rarely good places to retire. Most of the videos are tourism ads with one thing in common. No mention of prices.

           The neighbor lady is okay. She was just gone a while and all the other people were doing what I should do, throwing out everything I don’t really use. The city sent a special truck to pick up the mounds of stuff and they have a small shed that is fixed up like a cottage. I had glanced at that house before I bought this one and it was out of my range, but that cottage would have been home for me and rental income from the main building. Lots of speculation, I should be super glad I found this place, now known in our circles as the last bargain in America. Housing has become a dream again—unless there is a good solid collapse.
           America knows who’s getting hit. California, and it serves them right. The high-income educated have fled the state and there is nobody left to buy their houses. The highest remaining income group, the tech workers, are leaving to relocate in cheaper cities. San Franciso was always too expensive, with crappy houses selling for $1.5 million. That is a unique market, so don’t expect any of their recent $400,000 price drops. I feel most other housing is priced at least twice what it is worth. The market has worked itself into a corner, since flooding the place with immigrants does not work any more. They can’t get the jobs that pay enough.
           The net is full of defeatists to say voting is useless because there will be cheating. They don’t realize the game has changed. This time, nobody will be fooled and nobody will be getting kicked out of ballot rooms. Nobody will be putting up window shades or approaching drop boxes in safety. You can imagine the headaches this gives the left when they see the throngs of Trump supporters lining the roadways twenty deep for miles on end.

Picture of the day.
Bull penis museum, Iceland.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Noon, and I’ms still not in gear. Leftovers (ribs & pancakes) and I’m looking at the news again. Another actress or athlete vaxxed to death. Farmers blocking the roads in France. Black robbers hitting the New Zealand shopping malls in broad daylight. The Texas stand against Biden has a name, Operation Lone Star. Woke science is pushing a “new” blood vessel disease and a 70% chance vaxxed people will get cancer. Biden announces intention to outlaw militias as a threat to “our democracy”. If he’s talking about his version of democracy, he’s got that right.
           An hour later I got out there and finished putting the sheathing on the roof. Sounds easy? I had to move half the rafters a stud-width over due to a measuring error, which meant taking the existing sheathing off, leaving no place to stand and away you go. The whole structure is a few inches off square but it looks right so I put half the required screws in place, then put up another shelf in the other lean-to. More room for small boxes but it makes things a lot more convenient. More than four hours and I’m not winded. This calls for a possible second night into town. Let’s see how I feel after coffee.

           JZ & I talked about fixing HVACs, which led to how one learns that trade. School. But there is a problem with that. The school wants you to become licensed. The school insists you take the professional exam or they don’t let you take the course. I’ll shop around, I might be interested if there is a place that just lets me take the courses and what I do with it is none of their business. It might be cheaper to pay a shop to teach me the ropes. If not, I’m reasonably certain I have all the necessary tools to troubleshoot the unit.
           On the upside, they just want money becuase it does not take six months to learn to repair anything like an A/C. I’ve had them [A/C units] fry on me an it’s usually electrical. I’ll compromise. Let me watch a couple A/C repair videos on-line and see if they make sense. I’ve probably tested all the of the individual components except the compressor pump itself, but if that part is fried, then chuck the whole thing out. Like most troubleshooting, the challenge is memorizing the order of a series of small checks, I know from telephones it is usually one failure that brings the system down. Compound failures were another matter, but I was the best they had back then.

           The American Psychological people have determined merit-based hiring is unfair and does not address “socioeconomic disparities”. The same post gives advice on which fibs are “acceptable” on your resume. Biden gets shouted down by the audience at both his campaign events so far. The crypto-currency clawback feature is increasingly in the news. That’s where the issuer (not the owner) can reverse the transaction and take the money back if the transaction is illegal. It would only be a matter of time before merely disliking it is enough. Folks, electronic cash is a pitfall nobody in their right minds would support if they new the facts.

Last Laugh