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Friday, February 2, 2024

February 2, 2024

One year ago today: February 2, 2023, a generic day.
Five years ago today: February 2, 2019, fairly large & pretty.
Nine years ago today: February 2, 2015, fearsomely-priced.
Random years ago today: February 2, 2022, advice finding rich women.
           Dang, the first good day in weeks and I have to drive into town. The best news is I scored enough lumber to finish the saw shed roof for just $9. That should keep me busy tomorrow, provided such a nice day isn’t due to two fronts clashing as is wont to happen this close to the Gulf. It also took another two hours of paperwork on that insurance claim. It’s either that or take a loss and I’m not inclined to do that. They don’t ask the blue book value when they insure the car and only quote the book to low-ball. They want “full coverage” while paying out average settlements. I learned enough about it to send the letter but if they squawk, the Reb & I know enough people to get some experienced help.
           Do I dare headline a picture of the cull lumber? Sure, if you want blogs that are only 8x10 glossy, you know how google works. I had the lumber yard slice the plywood to make it easier to move in the van. Maybe one day I’ll look back on all this as a great score for the week. The country is sinking into chaos. This is about as close to living off the land as I hope to get. If I ever do have to head for the hills, at least I’ll know how to build a lean-to.

           No reply from the Prez, but I’ve slated Sunday to resume rehearsals. We are at the stage of having a full 32 tunes on our list. That establishes the mood of the band and it’s as best I could have expected. We each sing around half the tunes and have another 10 we are working on at any given time. Lately, some of our instrumentals have gotten sloppy, so time to tighten them up. This is often caused by playing with others who don’t really know the music, such as Keith who consistently plays the wrong turnarounds. A couple weeks back, he was surprised to learn that the instrumental breaks have the same chords as the rest of the song.

           The ladies are back at the Thrift, seemingly do well. They have a son or nephew I’m mentioned who is there quite a lot lately. He understands how all that Congress and Senate stuff works. Myself, I only watch the decisions made and who they support. But I could not name you who’s who or even one member of Congress. They act in brute force unison and all on the take, so names are not that important. They will become important when they are arrested but until that happy day, I’ve got other things to mind.

Picture of the day.
Somewhere in Galveston.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           All morning downtown put me back home for a nap. Kiss the afternoon bye-bye, I woke up near dark and had to use the remaining light to unload the lumber. Then I put together a kit of tools and supplies for Wilford, who is taken by the study of logic gates. I advised him to apply that energy to flip-flops and memory circuits. Gates are easy, so easy that some use them without understanding them. Most anything useful is a combination of gates and flip-flops. It’s nice to have a second party around that has interest in these things. I gave him the Parallax board which I have not got around to investigating in years. I’ve hardly touched it three times.
           Let me go into that a bit more. Wilford has been around here enough to know that just following directions isn’t a good learning process. He liked my contention that following directions was something robots were supposed to eliminate. All to often you get circuits and lessons by those who do not know the parameters of the parts they use. They know only that transistors work and not how. On the other side, I’m intrigued by getting electricity to perform logic and retain memory. It’s from study at that level that I can tell how far along others have gotten.

           Here’s a can of spray, it’s green-friendly super WD-40. This can is for Wilford, he’s now got new multi-meters, boards, and one tremendous advantage—somebody to ask if he gets stuck. This compound sells for nearly $11 a can, I got a couple on sale. This size is a two year supply for me. Show of hands, how many peole remember what WD stands for? (Water Displacement.)
           A short week ago, we talked about my RAM project. We both ran into the same problem in no time—even the simplest circuits are too complicated. I’ve voted we continue at least the study part and independently test some PNP circuits to compare results. So far as I can see, RAM may require two arrays and I have no experience connecting wires at the level. The ROM was tricky enough, I burned out dozens of LEDs putting that together. And where are my LEDs anyway? Do I have to tear this place apart? Maybe I should [look] anyway just to see what I’ve lost and forgotten.

           A stop at the grocery store shows prices have gone up again. Everything is at least twice the price, yet the government keeps insistin inflation is single digit. I think that applies to their IQ if they think anybody is buying that hokum. I picked up a few racks of rib, which I’ve learned to cook by trial and error. I prefer them dry and spiced and don’t mind them for breakfast. Shopping in Florida proves there are so few good-looking White women left. Actually, that’s not true. It’s a stop-at-nothing demand for the good ones that keeps them tucked safely away and out of sight.
           The club in Bartow is bringing in a full band for the evening. They’ll be Tampa boys, so I can tell you the song list. Drop back tomorrow to see if I made it. The weekend crowds have slowly returned so we may get some good bands again. Many are overkill for this hick town, but it keeps the man-bun posse at bay. Nothing spoils a night quite like walking in to disco-afro-cuban rap on the overhead. I suspect the rash of new bands means they had some complaints. I’ve also noticed more new people lately but beware of groupies playing audience.

           That $30 squirrel-proof bird feeder does not work. Even with the new baffle, they just leap onto the wire casing. Their weight is supposed to pull the casing down and block the feed ports. I have videos showing otherwise. So we enter the next round of squirrel wars. I note they have to take a run to leap far enough, so we will locate the feeded around a foot further away from any surroundings. The other hanging feeder works great but the birds all prefer the other that is twice as far away from the window.

Last Laugh