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Sunday, March 10, 2024

March 10, 2024

OOne year ago today: March 10, 2023, 1.2 million bogus voters . . .
Five years ago today: March 10, 2019, ooh, I stole 1% . . .
Nine years ago today: March 10, 2015, not similar, but identical.
Random years ago today: March 10, 2009, jammin’ at Toucans.

           What would the day be without drama? We started off innocently enough, the Reb was not back from the studio yet, so it was an early morning trip to the recycle. Look at all this stuff, one might think this had not been tended to since the last time I was here. There is a doggie in this picture somewhere. The doggies were very well behaved, but it was too damn cold for me to keep them out for more than a half-hour. Plus, one of their favorite walks by the bins has been dug up for street drains. I know I already mentioned that, it’s that a year later nothing else has been done.
           The DVD player I bought for the Saturday movie had a defective IR light. I took it back for an exchange. This is so rare for me, it’s blogworthy. The new player has a smaller defect. Sometimes it says no device detected, so you have to re-insert the disk. Reb returned and had to get ready of an Oscar party. Don’t ask me, themed parties of that sort bore me. We got to talking about my theory that you can predict what governments and businesses are planning to put on you by categorizing the information they want on file. I’ve done this subconsciously for years, I have a cover story for almost every question they’d as—but now I see the pattern.

           For instance, think of a college application form. Some of you already heard this story, but what information would a college need? Your name, I suppose. A copy of your high school transcript, that’s important. I guess they should know your age, unless you are over 18, then it really is none of their business. You see where this is going--why are they pumping for information that is not their concern, and doing it knowing they have something you want. And know you are young, vulnerable, and inexperienced, certainly not included to call them on why they need your life history on file. It’s an application to go to college. What do they need your date of birth, social insurance number, home address, references, and so on for? Ah, they are planning on doing a credit check and if you don’t pass it, you don’t get “approved”. Sure, it is within their rights, but it is not moral that they don’t tell you about this up front. And that’s where my theory comes in.
           We needed a word for this type of stunt, and thanks to the Reb, we have one. “Prehavior.” I like it. Some hours later as she got ready to leave, she came down with a pain on her side. I hesitate to drive her to the hospital because of that engine light on my van. However, one of her visitors from California has been driving her car (the KIA) and volunteered to get her there. I don’t know the results yet, but they kept her overnight.

           This second picture this morning is why I prefer a private office. See the cat sitting on my worksheet. Yes folks, the really good stuff is still done with pencil and paper. But imagine trying to all that with a cat constantly in tail-wagging mode wanting attention while I try to figure out how to get the balance on this account to stay over the minimum. That cat is no minimum, she still weighs close to twenty pounds.

Picture of the day.
Most popular chip ever.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here is an interesting picture because it explains why I don’t shed many a tear when I hear of airliners that disappear and cars that catch fire. This is a millennialization of GPS. The concept of GPS was a Boomer triumph—but Boomers based more on experience than usual and they were not raised to churn out computer code. This is my display pulling up to the Chase Bank parking lot while I run into the cafĂ© next door for a coffee. It shows the nearest Chase bank to be 173 miles northeast of here. The idiocy of whoever is responsible for this is compounded by the way these people defend their right to create this sort of situation.
           Each dork in the chain can prove he did his part of the job right. And you talk to these people, they don’t have any problems with this sort of bastardization of the system. Two or three consecutive generations who all want to get away with “just doing their job” and hell-bent to avoid any responsibility for the consequences.

           Knowing the Reb will call if it was too serious (but I don’t know for sure), I got a text message from the Kaiser. We met up at Phat Bites for a couple hours. Lots to catch up on, he’s got another five-song promotion, and EP. Mostly we talked music, getting plenty of laughs trading stories of the nincompoops you meet in this trade. He’s studied the Russian language, Rhodesian history, and I was mistaken that he was from Bothel. My error, you see, even people from Seattle most have never heard of the place. So when somebody mentions a town that obscure, I figure they have ties to the place.
           He wants to set up a long-term saving plan and can’t wait for me to write the book. That best I could do if give him some pointers on the basics. Even that took an hour. It is too easy and too wrong to hear me saying keep your investments a secret. I say again, you cannot do that. Everything worthwhile is on a government record somewhere. The best you can do is arrange your affairs so that they go after others first SO THAT by the time they find your accounts and such, you’ve had time to take the money out and place it elsewhere. Before continueing, here is a photo of the two most interesting boys you'll meet in Hermitage when I'm not here.

           You ask, how is that even possible. Gee, if I told you, why buy my book. Instead, I’ll let you think through one of the scenarios. First, government workers are lazy. When they are told to do a “round up”, that is catch people, they will go after the easy targets first. Remember how they caught all the people in New York who did not have proper permits for their swimming pools? Many who had a tarp cover were never bothered. This is the same philosophy, I’m just spelling it out.
           What you would get from my book is an outline of how to do this type of thing—since there is nobody to tell you about which technique fits your circumstances. I walk you through how the government workers pick their targets. Tell you what, here’s a hint. The government does it by searching through databases. But, those of us who have been watching see a major defect in that procedure.
           You see, the government hired “IBM idiots” to create their databases. They went in with the mentality of “computerizing” an existing and very flawed manual system. If they’d hired real programmers, they would have optimized the system for computer use, not simulating the manual operation. I have yet to see a government data base that is even normalized. If you follow that, great, if not, my booklet will tell you how to arrange your affairs so you data never comes to the top of their searches unless they already are looking for you—and by then it is too late, my friend.

Last Laugh