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Thursday, March 21, 2024

March 21, 2024

One year ago today: March 21, 2023, the “not guilty: post.
Five years ago today: March 21, 2019, I loved that car.
Nine years ago today: March 21, 2015, not exciting enough.
Random years ago today: March 21, 2008, five hours in Florida.

           My Tennessee recovery time sets a new record, this is the Equinox and I’m still in the wrong time zone. According to Atlas Obscura, there are 27,024 places in the world worth seeing.. But I could not find the list, which includes gems like the world’s only remaining wild apple orchard. You can see portions of it by endless scrolling, Sadly, this “atlas” is one of the worst for woketardism, so bad that you wonder if they are lampooning. All the proof you need that COVID is a hoax is when articles on antique soda bottle openers begin with, “Now that the pandemic is in full swing, ravaging the globe , , , ,”
           What a time to discover a shingle shortage; My saw lean to is half done, I was always able to scrounge enough to finish this sort of task. This is the most exciting picture of the morning, unless you want to see the pot of beans I’m soaking. I am bone-tired from playing more than my limit last night and the lady was e-mailing me by 7:00AM.
           I just crawled back to sleep. Nothing helped, not even a hot water soak. It has never taken me this long to recover before. They’ll point to my chair and say that’s where he used to sit. It started innocently enough, they’ll say, but as the locals dropped out it soon evolved into a xylophone-bass concert the likes of which Central Florida has never seen. He would have wanted to go that way.

           Half a day later, I’m still dragging my ass around. Have I finally reached my point of no return. Will I now have to play at the old folk’s home and listen to requests for the Poppy Family? Say it isn’t so. I read some filler articles, such as the trend toward surge pricing. I do recall when Coca-Cola testee vending machines to charge more when it was hot, but consumer backlash killed that one. Sadly, we now live in a world where price gouging is acceptable to the masses, who seem to always imagine themselves as the seller, not the buyer. We aoready know hotels and electricity companies charge more when demand is high, my favorite is the accusation that Uber charges more if it detects your phone battery is low. (Uber always denies such things.)
           Other companies are trying to re-label the process as “dynamic pricing” and at least one chain of universities has been calling it “perfection pricing”. My take is more realistic. No matter what they call it and how they say it will streamline the market, it always results in an overall price increase. In other news, Trump takes 100% of the Florida seats. The panic on the left is at desperation levels, they are openly breaking laws to try getting at Trump. And Trump has stated he will place restrictive tariffs on Chinese cars from Mexico. In case you don’t know, China is building massive car plants in Mexico.
           In an interesting change of tactics, there are people who will evict squatters from your property if it is taken over by illegals; Late at night, no muss, no full, and they are gone by mornings. Washington State no longer requires non-White students to pass the bar exam to practice law because of “race concerns”.

           Here’s a video of a guy building a wooden piston engine. It looks like it took nearly four years to convict the lady named Zapata for changing all the military votes in Wisconsin to Biden. Nothing has happened to her. And the next person who posts or mentions the buffalo boy from J6 needs to be shot with a ball of their own shit. Who’s with me on this one. You know the AOL I mean, the freak with the horns.

Picture of the day.
Blood Falls, Antarctica’
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           By late afternoon, I can’t sleep so I read a number of articles and how-to passages that interested me. One was about a type of logic gate known as “add or invert” which baffles me. I get the concept, again being reminded my entire schooling in these gates consisted of five minutes of chat in a room full of nodders. (You can get my definition of nodders on your own.) I later stopped trying to find an explanation of this gate that made sense. I also watched a documentary on logistics in the Winter War of 1939 to see how the Finns dealt with food supplies. Pretty amazing. It’s hard enough to feed 200 men, but try it when they are ski-born and all over some trackless forest. I was not satisfied with the answers given.
           Years ago I found a site that had all manner of working mechanisms built up from layers of plywood. There were gadgets, locks, toy pistols, and printable plans. It is not only gone, so is every trace. The closest alternative are a few cheap copies of pieces, so we know it’s out there. It seems generally useful sites have a short half-life on today’s increasingly shallow media. I once built a toy wooden pistol using those plans, complete with a working trigger.

           Y’know, it is too bad more people cannot listen to Tampa radio stations to bget a real grip on the issues that really affect America. Nigerian tribeswomen voting rights, climate change on Mars, and don’t forget the agony from motel rooms that still have Netflix. But, if you can mentally tune out the lawyer ads, there is one station that really captures true Americana as the empire collapses. Tampa 100.7 Mix. Hits of the 80s, 90s, and beyond. Their gut to the core of the burning topics that sear the American spirit, and today the controversy ended in a heated draw. Do you or do you not add a little water to the the last little bit of dishwashing liquid? Be warned, both sides have strong opinions and this may be only a lull while they regroup.

           Return tomorrow as the books are due and I may have some Caltier news. They have established a new fund that interests me because of the asset mix. And they’ve extended a personal invitation to join. Not many blogs would get away with giving you picture of a half-shingled roof. Come on, admit it. Y-day it was wooden chocks.

Last Laugh