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Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 26, 2024

One year ago today: May 26, 2023, dog vs. skunk.
Five years ago today: May 26, 2019, yard with wildlife.
Nine years ago today: May 26, 2015, carousing Deland.
Random years ago today: May 26 2012, Abby gets it wrong.

           Another batch of tubes are ready thanks to events this morning. First, a heat wave, second, I went to the shed in my cutoffs and brushed through the dew. Back inside, I was making coffee and French toast and my shin feels like it was hit with a blowtorch. Not an insect bite, but a square foot of inflamed tissue, what the? I keep few products around for this but fortunately, I have calamine lotion, which brought it under control. Later I retraced my path and found nothing, just blades of grass I walk through all the time.
           But you want to hear about the doggie. The Reb got him to the clinic to discover he was no longer limping or even favoring the paw. Here’s where you watch carefully. When she’s around they get well-cared for, but when I’m around they have figured out they get spoiled a bit. She had me on the speaker phone at the time. The plan is to wait and see if he’s fine by tomorrow morning.
I’ve no good pics from today. Last trip to Miami, I encountered this roadside coffee machine. It had 32 brands of artificially flavored millennial muck. The one button with real, regular coffee was sold out.

           Another 11 birdies in the playground. The same mix, two couples of cardinals, one couple each of titmouses (titmice) and either wrens or sparrows, I can’t get a good look. And three singles, a downy woodpecker, another juvenile woodpecker, and a tiny bird with a pale yellow breast. I’m going to build a pair of patch cables for the Tascam recorder. The plan is save $76 over the regulation cables. Other than the wires themselves being higher quality, the plugs (jacks) are stereo, which is overkill because the Tascam is two mono lines. Maybe there is some feature I don’t use in the mixing stage but I don’t need that much recorder.
           Indoors, I got around to a couple documentaries and books I’ve been wanting. One was an excellent work on Blitzkreig, easily the best I’ve seen on the Internet. It avoids 90% of the nonsense and only leaves out one important factor, which would have complicated the video anyway. It’s that German tanks were not designed to fight other tanks, rather to crush wire, cross trenches, shoot up pillboxes and to drive around pockets of resistance, blasting any artillery positions along the way. It was the Soviets and Allies who had bigger, heavier tanks but no idea how to use them.
           Reminds me of Isandlwana, where the Zulus had plenty of captured British rifles and ammunition. But the bullets were invisible and nobody had yet figured out the gun must be pointed at a target.

Picture of the day.
North Sea rogue wave.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           A lost day, but not as lost as back when I worked all day just to pay the bills. Back in my day, you didn’t vote for a free ride, you took the jobs that were available. Even jobs that Americans won’t do, some say. There was welfare, but single men could not get it unless they were missing a leg or something, and even then it was disability, not welfare. And back then, being loopy as hell was not a disability. I’m saying, you went to work. I told you how I did it, but not really about the fifty or so failures before I found something that worked.
           I’ll give you a couple hints or pointers. You work around 160 hours per month full time. Most people would be very hard pressed to save a dollar per hour out of that. Suppose you had a job that paid sell enough that after deductions, you took home $10 per hour. If you try to save and invest $1 per hour, it is really going to impact your lifestyle. I’m purposely referring to the lower income situations since that’s who needs to save the most. I’m aware the average wage in Amrerica these days is $29 per hour.

           As usual, I step back and look from the top down. What do I need to do to make the $1 per hour investment without cramping my way of life. Ah, Caltier. That pays (or would by now if the situation in Tennessee remains stable) around $140 per month. That’s close enough to $1 per hour. Map that out to my big picture and you see how I went about things. I have never yet met anyone who systematically saved $1 per hour. I specified “systematically” and I’m doing it right now. Is anybody else? Show of hands. That’s what I thought.
           And you can look from the top down at this herd of elephants taking an afternoon nap.

           Trump addressed some libertarians. I’m a libertarian and that’s how I know the people who belong to that party are fakes. Any philosophy carried to extremes gets sordid, which explains why those people never get (as Trump pointed out) more the 4% of the vote. Libertarians are moderate in everything, meaning the people who call themselves that in America are jokers. It’s a philosophy that loses traction when goofs think they can turn it into a political party. They scream about right and wrong when they should be supporting a position, not a faction, that self-corrects the corrupt and greedy.

Last Laugh

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