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Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 20, 2024

One year ago today: June 20, 2023, the Titan is missing.
Five years ago today: June 20, 2019, until Elvis returns
Nine years ago today: June 20, 2015, classic batbike pose..
Random years ago today: June 20, 2010, more on peasants.

           You get pet pics. This is most of them. A walk with the boys completed my exercise routine in the Tennessee heat this day. Top billing is Chooks because he likes to watch me work. In this weather, silly human. Doesn’t have the sense to crawl under the porch. That’s my boy. I hauled the lawn mowers out of the shed and got them all started no problem. So I’m figuring a way to take at least one of them back with me, preferably that Honda. Should I post a picture of the lawnmowers? Hey, if things don’t pick up, that might be what’s in store.
           We got up to the Thrift for a some work clothes and checked the library rack for on-sale audiobooks. No luck, but that is where I found a most interesting book. I’ll have to get you the title later, as it turns out there are dozens of similar videos, tv series, publications, and article. Ships that changed history. It turns out to be an exceptional read. Some real inside information on what this industry was really like. Grimy, tough, dangerous, and once the ship left port, often sadistic.
           It was with interest looked into the clipper ships. These were unique to America, an effort to compete with the Far East spice trade. I gather around 150 of these were built and was a bit shocked at the number of them that disappeared without a trace. Big ships, sometimes fancy, with expert crews of hundreds vanish like that. Most of the time these boats were utilitarian except for the Captain’s quarters. Some caught fire because passengers often brought their own charcoal heaters.

Picture of the day.
Inaccessible Island.
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           The Reb arrived safely in California, I make up a big stockpile of doggie food. I don’t dish it out and wait for them like she does. I give a small sample and if they turn up their noses, they wait until such a time as that changes. It works fine for me. This photo shows Lilly, now full size, relaxing on the back porch table. One of the few places I still go out for coffee is on Old Hickory, so I kept inside for two hours working the crossword puzzles. Like this can, motion is kept to a minimum.
           Taking some measurements on the back porch, I see somebody once tried to repair the door and gave up. I’m going to remove their work and install what amounts to a door pillar. This permanently seals the second porch door, which has never been used in the years I’ve seen. I’ll be building new door jamb, wondering why this time I left my oscillating saw behind.
           Say hi to the pets, I’m having a yawning fit that will not quit. May your retirement be as happy.

Last Laugh