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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19, 2024

One year ago today: June 19, 2023, the day I got air.
Five years ago today: June 19, 2019, I build a couple.
Nine years ago today: June 19, 2015, always a risk.
Random years ago today: June 19, 2008, Wallace hated that door.

           I don’t have anything for you today. Why? Because America is going through a phase where useless oxygen-wasters have the temporary upper hand. Without notice, that is until you park, walk across the lot, and up to the door, then you see it. The tiny sign, closed for Juneteenth. See, they got you, made you think what they wanted, raised your “awareness” and if you don’t like it, you are “raciss”. Yep, drove all the way to the library and the door was locked.
           Yes, folks. That is how you get people to appreciate the superiority of your culture. Inconvenience the hell out of them. They they will love you and your people. Also, some banks shut down their ATMs, as well. Figure the logic on that one. If you don’t hate them enough, they’ll help you hate them. To claim you are underprivileged, you first have to find somebody or something you can rant against.

Picture of the day.
Palm House,
(Greenhouse in Vienna.)
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           The house is in some disorder. I recognize furniture from the 1980s, other things I’m told are from the old estate, but I can’t place them. Since the house was full of people, I went over to the old club. Nice, nobody remembers my name they know I drink Yueng-Ling. That’s my kind of place. The chaise is relocate to the south wall of the living room. I walked the dogs, cleared a space, then fell asleep for twelve hours. I’d told so did the dogs.
           Wait, there is a bit of unusual news. JeePee instantly took to his new chateau. It has one design flaw already, but I’ll handily fix that. The space between the wall and glass cage is too narrow and there is a way he can get in where it is hard to get out. Maybe tomorrow, if I can find the energy, it’s just as hot and muggy here as when I left Florida. According to Google, this is my post number 7,200.

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