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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3, 2024

One year ago today: July 3, 2023, remember the “hunskie”?
Five years ago today: July 3, 2019, a spirited post, indeed.
Nine years ago today: July 3, 2015, downtown Okeechobee.
Random years ago today: July 3, 2014, the sidecar in its day.

           Up early enough to get the final pickets up on that yard fence. That sixty feet of boards cost me a week of toil. Except for some reinforcing screws, it’s over (except for the clean-up). There’s a heat warning but these days when isn’t there. One tenth of a degree more than last year and it’s climate change, buddy. Things are winding down here, so I’ll give you a treat, something you have not see before. There’s an old rock song, “In A Godda Da Vida”, Iron Butterfly I think.
           Well you have heard people play bongos and you have seen the old movies where the natives signal using a hollow log? We have a [somewhat] hollow dog. Remember you say it here first, playing the drum solo from “Inna Godda Da Vida” on a semi-acoustic instrument.

           Remember, you saw it here first, Chooks the Wonderdog. Now, chiggers. They make the blog, my worst chigger attack in years, and they are Tennessee chiggers. Takes a week to heal. No, I won’t treat you to the pictures. Unless they turn purple, how’s that for a deal. If they turn purple, you get to see ‘em. I tried to avoid working in the bushes where the chiggers lurk, but the delayed reaction to the bites mean I get it today. Y’know, the Reb says it can be up to 24 hours before you see the marks. Hey, that’s Tennessee for ya.
           Tomorrow we may have some time together. The company is still at the house and, well, you have to tiptoe around sort of thing. A lady friend of hers needs a hand out in Crossfield, you’ve heard me mention the town rarely, but I took a recent trip through that area to see Sweetwater, TN. I only know the area because real estate prices there are collapsing (it’s much too far to commute).

Picture of the day.
Parking in Cairo.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           We have another hurricane, but this one is being built up into a climate change event. Scientists, they say (but rarely name) say they “predicted” this. Yep, folks, “it gonna rain”. Who are these people? Paid shills obviously, paid to say the ocean is hotter than it was last year. However, here is the cause for jubilation over here, where we believe if you don’t work, you don’t eat. The Supreme Court has made another common-sense ruling that favors all Americans—except those who don’t play by the rules. If you want to know who they are, listen for who complains the loudest.
           Anyway, it seems there is more trouble in the Democrat camp and the panic increases over there. So that roaring sound you hear in the background is not Hurricane Blake, but the sound of Trump’s campaign people giggle and rubbing their hands together. The sheer stupidity of the whole woketard movement is being laid bare in front of the world. The amusing part for me is that there are so many libtards around here and they are feeling the sting.

           The photo here is a bench made from 2x4s that I found interesting as I need something similar [made] out of pallet lumber. The challenge is the pallet pieces are not consistent thicknesses. This bench is a planter stand over at the Sunshine cafĂ©. Check back for a planned trip there tomorrow.
           It has been too busy this trip for the Reb & I to spend much time together. There are many items looming on the horizon and one may be a complete pull out of Caltier. While I doubt there is anything funny going on, there are too many telltale signs they are ducking something. We have tried everything to get a straight answer out of these people, but they do not even return calls scheduled calls. I monitor the watchdog sites, and nothing. This is close to eight weeks (?) the fund has been “paused” for compliance and their contact is nothing but a damn answering service. Stand by, a decision will be made here shortly.

Last Laugh