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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2, 2024

One year ago today: July 2, 2023, except, no motorcycle, sigh.
Five years ago today: July 2, 2019, that Pierceville thrift.
Nine years ago today: July 2, 2015, song lists & fake schools.
Random years ago today: July 2, 2008, Pudding-Tat.

           Giving them no opportunity to waste a morning, I had the dogs out for a pre-breakfast hike. My back injury keeps me from running more than 100 or so paces. That is plenty for little Sammy, as for Chooks, he could care less. He is around me for hours working in the yard and may sprint whenever he pleases. And when he doesn’t, he gets his exercise moving from one sunny spot to another. If I didn’t say, I ran short of supplies for the final set of fence pickets. For efficiency. I took they with me to the recycle, then stopped at the music store, then on to the lumberyard. As I figured, I got all the cull lumber over the previous week, so had to buy 20 new pieces at $3 each. Ouch.
           Stopping at the music store, I talked with the other guy, can’t recall his name, the guy from Indiana. Here’s a view of the little practice amp I got for half price, they only had it in this color. I guess there is a market somewhere for little pink amps. The store owner, like myself, he scorned the takeover of the mom & pop music shops by Sam Ash and Guitar Center. He lived through it but today you got two generations who don’t know any different. He informs me the electronics on the small amp I bought are robot-built, so they can’t work on them. I asked anyone I can about adapting a bass to battery power but all known men with that ability want big money to build one. I would be the same, it is a dying skill that will not be missed until it is too late.

           He was also one of the small stores that were wiped out, so he is familiar with the American “capitalist” system. You are free to operate, but so is everyone else and some of their methods are anything but fair although they are quite legal. As I’m mentioned, unlike England where you can open a shop and tend it, American law is tweaked so you must compete by continually growing and expanding or you will be eclipsed. The big music chains got there by banding together their supply orders and getting bulk discounts. Soon they were able to sell identical merch for prices that were below the other’s costs. I’ll send them a data printout of the tubes that I’ve got, now that I’m able to spot which ones are used for guitar amps. Both solid state and vacuum circuits begin to distort over time, but the result is two sounds. The tube distortion is “mellow”, the transistor distortion is awful. Not as bad as ska, but still bad.
           The final tally for the lumber was $47. On the way to the store, I see this major domestic dispute up the street, it’s irony, some single mother yelling at her teenage daughter to behave herself. Hours later, after dark, I see the daughter walking down the avenue up near Old Hickory. She’s barefoot and searing pajama bottoms. I stopped and told her I was the neighbor and she should not be out after dark. I said I’d pay for a taxi if she had some where to go. She screamed at me to leave her alone. So I did.

Picture of the day.
Hawk Tuah girl without makeup.
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           I went for a ride in the Volvo, finding it rather disappointing. It was decidedly like the Civic and did not have much of a luxury feel to it. Plus, I was expecting the interior to be a lot more space-age, you might say. The Reb & I took the evening off and grabbed a movie at Providence (Mt. Juliet). “A Quiet Place: Day One”. Wait for the DVD. It’s a semi-horror flick about aliens that land in Manhattan Island and are attracted by noise. So the movie has few lines for the actors to learn. They have a cat that never meows. The premise is they can’t make the slightest noise in New York, one of the noisiest cities. They blow the bridges because the aliens can’t swim. Budget aliens, a mix of Alien and Starship Trooper spider thingees.
           The movie is amusing, but it being New York, none of the survivors were able to figure out how to make some masking background noise and tiptoe away. There is even a scene in an abandoned jazz bar. Now there is noise that would not only attract monsters, it might drive away the rats. We drove the Volvo a bit more but other than his & hers air conditioning, I find the car disappointingly average. So, we got home and I decided to head out for a few cold ones. Good plan, it was muggier than the Gulf Coast in Florida. No good-looking women, so here is a photo of my KIA van behind some Rudbeckia Goldsturms.

           I ‘m meanwhile enjoying “King’s Mountain” for both the plot and the historical insights. It has vivid descriptions, the author has an excellent ability on this. She is also totally up on her historical accuracy. You would like this book, although they quit putting CDs in vehicles back in 2015. You can easily imagine the smell of saltpeter and gushing wounds, I repeat, very vivid narrative.

           Here’s a statisctic from on-line today. If someone did nothing but read 24 hours a day for their entire life, they'd consume about eight billion words. But today, the most advanced AIs consume more than eight trillion words in a single month of training.

Last Laugh