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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13, 2024

One year ago today: August 13, 2023, the critical practice #2
Five years ago today: August 13, 2019, it’s Difficult.
Nine years ago today: August 13, 2015, few are present.
Random years ago today: August 13, 2006, 10 miles by bike.

           That dog fence is a goner. Completely rotted or fallen down, the pieces are not salvageable. Untreated pallet lumber. The bamboo, if you recall, is all dead after a spell of -1° weather over the winter. It looks like the area was hit with Agent Orange. I crawled a way into the new growth but chiggers are not my favorite. What does today entail? First a hearty breakfast for me and the turtle, then a run up to the recycle. A full van-load, are people saving up for me to do the hauling?
           The Reb has appointments all day, so I stayed at the library to read up on Project 2025. This is the so-called “right-wing” agenda that Trump says is not his creation or policy, but that he knows the people behind it. If it is true, it is nothing more than a group of who intend to undo the Deep State using precisely the same tactics—and of course, the left is howling mad. It’s a tase of their own medicine and they sure as hell do not like it.
           See that black car? That’s from the replacement money for the stolen KIA and you know the story on that. So, let me get this straight. I’m driving a 2007 wreck that is not going to last, and the doggies get chauffeured around on electrically-heated seats. Hmmm, last month I slept on the concrete because nobody had any cash left. Is there anything wrong with this picture? I’ll think about that as I’m taking apart the signal light assembly on my Santa Fe because I can’t afford to have anyone else do it.

           The 2025 agenda would involve task forces trained to fight entrenched bureaucrats and how to avoid left-wing Soros-backed judges. They would work a removing the lingo that Democrats have spent decades salting into Federal laws, including eradicating all references in Federal materials to climate change and gender fluidity. Oddly, the talk is only about taking out the wording, not about replacing it with terms that return these countless documents to their original meanings. I think they should go further and put older phrases back in.
           The most appealing rumor is the declassification of Federal workers that the Democrats had classified as “essential” and thus immune from being removed. And the cancellation of the entire Department of Education, which very few good Americans would object to. These people know that Trump was unprepared in 2016—but he exposed so much of the Democrat corruption that his supporters are ready this time. They will likely attempt to cut off the Democrat money supply. Myself, I will be watching, because if they gain a toehold, they will be able to stunt in days the programs the Democrats have spent years and millions slipping into place.

           It seems the Trump alumni (as the project calls them) have learned Democrat tactics and strategy very well, indeed. The only government department that might expand is the agencies bent on slashing government regulations. I’m hardly the only person who’s noticed every time the Republicans win a legal point, there is another law blocking their way that has to be hammered back. Part of the training is to teach the incoming administration how to spot left-wing code words and biased language—and to let those who use them know they are on a list. This could be fun.

Picture of the day.
Ted Mack.
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           Today took a lot of thinking to get through. I had planned to leave, but that would mean the Reb would have to deal with the dog able to get out of the yard. I opted to stay and get something in place. With zero experience, I priced out some wire fencing. A kit for $108 which included 21 stakes. Until you go there. I was millennialized, the people at the store had no kits, so it is the same old scam. You can argue with them but they are trained to talk in circles until you call them on it, they pretend they are offended. Or you can buy the damn pieces for $161 which is what they were scamming for in the first place. Typical low-grade rip-off. I'll have to do this tomorrow morning, to if you see any pictures here, I got energetic. I had to put an unplanned 140 miles on the van chasing around this trip.            What caught me off balance was eBay. On the 11th, before I left, I checked all three places I've been shown that eBay orders appear. Their messages box, the paid and awaiting delivery list, or my own e-mail notifications. Folks, there as nothing there that morning. I bothered to check on Monday morning because I was at the library, and two orders were listed on the 10th. What kind of nonsense is this, eBay? I've repeated asked for instructions on how to check the whole local operations with a single log-on. They refuse to give a straight answer. And every user I ask is snarfed into his own little sequence and has no aptitude for teaching anything, always seeming to be 40 miles away from the action.

           Here's an out of sequence photo, a Camelot macaw that I will not see until day after tomorrow. As ever, travel throws things off but this is a timeless pet photo. On the return leg, I took a side trip through Perry, and it was a wonderful drive, but you'll have to wait, that is the day after tomorrow. The last week's chasing around all done, I stopped for a haircut in Cross City. America is no longer a land of small towns growing into larger towns and then cities. The post-WWII party is over, time for everyone to get back to work, or such work that is left. The barber shop caught my eye because an old sign still said Thrift long after that portion had shut down. There are two birds, but the story is they have both lost their mates and do not talk much any more. Kind of sad, but they are well-tended and friendly enough. The barber shop is run by a retired guy who has the right idea about taking it easy. As for me, a shop would tie me down.
           This is the last time the Reb & I will see each other for a while, so we were out to dinner at the Thai place. The staff is still curious how I like the 5/5 (five out of five) hot sauce, but I lived in Thailand long enough to gain a preference. This was really another business meal, as the cumulative effects of the recent hard times meant we have to better coordinate resources. Um, it is not looking all that great. Pray we have no further vehicle trouble or expenses until past December. I got my first ride in the Elantra shown above, it seems quite a nice unit. One major change is that for now, travel between Tennessee and Florida can no longer be budgetted for whenever. Each trip is now recorded and held within limits. That doggie fence, I had to hit my reserves which has not happened in 15 years.

Last Laugh