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Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16, 2024

One year ago today: August 16, 2023, that’s $600k today.
Five years ago today: August 16, 2019, the slowest and oldest.
Nine years ago today: August 16, 2015, an exciting Sunday?
Random years ago today: August 16, 2017, early renovations.

           Within hours of the WHO announcement of the a worldwide monkeypox epidemic, it was discovered in San Francisco wastewater. Talk about impeccable timing, some are calling it the “Electionpox”. This round say the pundits, is to use monkeypox to obscure the numbers of people dying from the vax & boosters. I have no details about Trump Force 47 is emerging as a voluntary group of supporters who include an intention to watch the polls. Interesting, and predicted here years ago. Watch those drop boxes, be prepared to resist last minute “threats”, and do it all too soon before the elections for the slow-witted Left to do a thing about it. What shall we accomplish today?
           A hundred dollars of orders came in while I was away. My filing system isn’t perfect and I had to make a substitution, policy is a more expensive tube. So I just have away a $40 tube on a $20 sale, but that’s how you keep the customers happy. A gold-clad Realistic Lifetime to replace a GE make.

           I did leave my flashdrive at the library in Tennessee. They have it but policy is they can’t look to see the contents. Then how do they know who to return it to? I’ll let you know but that is typical of how policy paints them into a corner, then rather than clean up their act, they will put you through hoops.
           I put another rack of shelves in the silo, hoping to get back to inventory. I want all the tubes cataloged, which I’ve been doing at around the rate of 100 per day when I get to it. A slight morning mist let me unload the van without too much pain and I hear I missed a total heat wave while I was away. Hey, I was not vacationing, I was building fences and chasing around government offices. Stuff you can’t send somebody else to take care of because they’ll get something tripped up. That’s what government offices do. This time they almost refused to accept the address on my insurance policy. Why?
Because the page also contained the office address of the insurance agent.
Picture of the day.
Taylor. No makeup. Natural.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Howie was at the door, he ran over my extension cord with the mower. I insisted he forget about it but he equally insisted on replacing it. Somebody remind me to pay that electric bill tomorrow. The afternoon had me moving more boxes of inventory. I found time for a siesta. So there, that was the highlights of my day. No wait, I sometimes forget Fridays and I have no gig. Do I stay home or give this town a dancing lesson. It’s been a few years since I was on the floor, telling you how often I meet women who can dance.
           Hearing that Kamela (not a typo) was holding a rally in N. Carolina, I tuned in to see this photo. Her total attendance, including the reporters, was less than 160. Them Democrats better do something fast. In light of their constant claims the presidential race is tied for first place, this event is pretty much past the point on no return. Their media lackeys are claiming Trump at 41% and Harris at 42%. I doubt Harris has 20% anymore, the way she is parroting Trumps promises which everyone knows she cannot possibly keep.

           So, somebody almost got away with auctioning off Graceland. This is what happens to unearned wealth, nobody is keeping tabs. Somebody claimed the mansion had been pledged as loan collateral and filed the proper documents to put the estate up for auction. It’s a fairly sophisticated process, so I don’t believe the lady they caught pulled it off on her own. My interest is the affair is that America is rife with legal paperwork that can be processed without the knowledge of the people it could harm.
           The mayor of Palm Beach is trying to shut down Mar-a-Lago. Expect more of these last ditch desperate moves as the election nears without any hope for the Left. They will try something and they are now worked up to a frenzy. Again, I support neither party, but I certainly love it when liberals have to begin eating their own.

           Opting to stay in, I watched a few documentaries to confirm nothing substantial has come about after the release of sealed WWII archives. I watched a few youTube productions and they are as slanted as ever. An enduring theme is that after armaments production was forbidden after 1919. It forbade the Germans only, not other companies from doing business. It’s untrue the Germans secretly set up sneaky ways to circumvent the Treaty. As always, Treaties have loopholes and it was commonly understood the true purpose of the wording was to ensure Germany could have enough industry to pay reparations. The companies were foreign and 100% legitimate, with offices and factories not hidden at all. They operated in the open with full knowledge of everybody involved.
           There was no need for subterfuge on the scale the Allies claimed. The terms did not forbid other countries from building factories in Germany. By 1933, it was the Allies, not Germany, who had breached the Treaty beyond recognition. The Allies had also agreed to disarm and they never really did. (The Treaty is very repetitious, so read any one chapter and you have it.) Strange how these “Britannica” versions proved so enduring.

           A short nap put me back in Eastern Daylight Time, and I stepped out after dark to peek at the sky. How pretty, the Moon not quite full was the brightest I’ve seen in years. None of my yard sensors turned on and it was possible to see the whole area. I do not know how to navigate by the stars, but I thoroughly understand the theory. I’ve just never had the time or inclination to use the stars. The few trials I made say it’s easier to use the planets. Until I find a clear horizon around here, I doubt I’ll learn to shoot the stars.

A peek at the news. The Supreme Court (wisely cleaning up their act just in case) has blocked the Biden/Harris bid to allow men into women’s areas. Trump rallies continue to swamp all else, but that Harris rally where 79 people showed up says it all. The FTC has banned the use of A.I. to influence or generate publicity beginning after tne upcoming election. National Public Data (NPD), the company that has been collectiing your personal infor without your knowledge or permission for the past 30 years just had it all stolen. Pardon me, they are calling it a "leak". They had it all in one spot. Your hame, address, SSN, all of it. They have my data as well, staying I am a permanently 38-year-old woman in Krakow. Who's the conspiracy theorist now?

Last Laugh