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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024

One year ago today: August 21, 2023, We got to $19,450.
Five years ago today: August 21, 2019, Nashville has learned.
Nine years ago today: August 21, 2015, seven segments.
Random years ago today: August 21, 1999, the taxi books, Venezuela.

           It’s become impossible to ignore politics any more. Up to 2015, I was content to be aware of the policies and general direction of things. But Trump brought it all into the open. Now this convention in Chicago is putting America’s worst on the stage for the whole world to see. No political issues, just speaker after speaker either hyping Harris or trashing Trump. One can hear the world laughing at us—but the fact this sort of thing could only happen in America should have them thinking twice about why that is. It’s 6:30AM, I slept in and it is already a pitch black time of day. Good morning.
           I am about to commence my research into how others are selling. Having determined the actual eBay display window has similar characteristics to the HTML of this blog, something I had to be assured was possible, I seek some way to sell the batches without creating too much more work. I’d like my method to be the best, so we’ll start with a coffee and a look at what is probably the worst.
           This shows how many are approaching the issue. Yes, it is time-consuming to take, crop, and upload a picture of each tube. So the lazy man’s approach is to take a picture of many tubes, shown here. In the listing, only one of these tubes is for sale, presumably you would trust it is there or scan the photo for your selection. I have another issue, it is that after years in storage at the old shop, many of the paper cartons on my tubes began to immediately deteriorate when moved. See, I need another coffee already.

           By sun-up, I’ve located several sites tackling this similar chore. Antique Radio Salvage has taken this non-database path. The tubes are sorted by model, regardless of brand name, see photo. You specify the tube and get whatever the picker grabs out of that bin. This works only for the bulk of cheap tubes. The expensive ones I will continue selling at individual brand prices. Aren’t you happy to be up this early with me, working on a new and challenging venture?
           It is now 7:30AM and we are getting somewhere. Here is a seller with boxes of identical tubes. More proof that most tubes are neither rare nor expensive. Here is a display of dozens of identical tubes, brand new in the box, but available for individual sale. One prominent notice is that the prices are around double what I would charge, but then again, they can guarantee you get a working tube. Now, we do not have this many tubes of the same brand, but this is a way to sell without paying eBay for the more expensive selling options.

           Our interest is also in rapid results, so it would not take very long to go through all my boxes and sort the various models into their own sales rack. As for brands, first come first serve. Our most common tubes are GE and RCA. Time permitting, later today we’ll try for a test run, tomorrow at the latest. The remaining uncounted tubes are mainly these brands, but enough are inventoried to make a decision now. I know I don’t really have more than ten each of any and most are three or four examples each. Many more are unique, so I already have to modify the plans.

           What’s this, the media reports a yacht was sunk by a freak waterspout (they are pushing the tern “black swan”) but I’m not so sure. Boats in harbor have been sunk this way, but on the open ocean these luxury boats, even when flooded or capsized, take hours to sink. Time to send some Columbo-type down there for a closer look at that hull. Another emerging story compounds the difficulties of the Democrats. It’s a double whammy, both that Trump exposed their methods and that they are too slow to develop new ones.
           It seems the Democrats, slow-witted as they are, used their tactics on Kennedy, the third candidate. But people now know what to look for and they got caught. They infiltrated his campaign, installed moles in his office, and began orchestrating lawsuits, hoaxes, and vicious rumors from the inside. I read Kennedy stood to lose the $10 million he’s sunk into this, leaving him with little choice but to quit. That’s another problem for the Democrats. You see, there is now another choice and that is to throw in with Trump, which would ensure a victory even with the take new poll numbers flowing out of the media trying to boost the Ho’s ratings.
           Kamela finally filled a rally hall. Yep, full of people who hate her shouting “Death to America”. Everything woke, well you know what they say.

           How about my ratings? Don’t know, don’t care, but I do notice anomalies. And for some reason, over 400 people have looked at my post of September 23, 2022, no explanation. I did mention Catturd on that day, an influencer, but that doesn’t account for much.
           A semi-cool afternoon let me install another shelf in the shed and catalog another fifty tubes. It may not be long before I can turn around in my office again without rattling a box of Raytheons. I worked another couple hours and finally, the end is in sight. Once the tubes are boxed and labeled, management involves mostly a pencil and clipboard. As the tubes sell and more strays get located, the deck is constantly being reshuffled. It’s considerably easier to work with the clipboard, moving the fewest possible units. I’m also getting near the need for more boxes, another chore completed.

Picture of the day.
I cannot see the fish.
(Just the tree, gorilla, lion.)
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           We need a spot of good news. Not that I’m happy with them, but Caltier paid the largest dividend yet. Apparently from the flip of one of the early properties, I’ve banked a lot on this process. I pay more attention to the operations that get these deals mainly because I have no say and Caltier does not spell out the sequences. This pumps the return so far to over 10% by their calculations, over 8% by mine. I contacted the Reb, the focus here is that I do not expect others to follow the operations of this type of investment. But I would impress upon them thi si one of the few investments open to people once they can no longer physically plow the fields.
           It involves a change of attitude that is often the largest barrier. They scream tax the rich—until they gain a nest egg of their own. This dividend was over twice the largest to date and would be carried on my books as a capital gain. For anyone curious, the “reverse” calculation I’m semi-famous over says for this month’s return, I would otherwise require an investment of $46,000. Don’t expect to follow that unless you are a deep blog reader. Just accept that I look at these things from a different scope.

           In the boxes [of tubes] there’s the occasional gizmo I’ve not seen before. Here is a rectifier diode. General electric, made in Haiti. I find that both scary and logical. Scary, because that is my regard for any potentially lethal item that can be build by unskilled labor. Logical, because at some point there must have been at least a minimally educated working class over there. When a country loses its industrious class, one of the first operations to shut down is elementary education. Don’t need it. Time to mention food.
           There is a recipe around here that is made to ratios, not volumetrics. You can scale it for any size frying pan or number of guests. The name started in Tennessee because it is an item that is only made while I am there. The recipe is “Spuds T” and belongs to my lawyer guitar player, Trent. You get the recipe and the secret ingredient. Slice up some potato and carrots and cook at a mild boil for 15 minutes max, less if you want firm. While waiting on that, dice up equal portions of onion, celery, and any breakfast sausage (not bacon), making a mental note of how much of each, because you will add enough cooked carrot so those four ingredients are 25% each. Get a frying pan that is twice the size you think.

           Here’s where the secret ingredient comes in. Sesame oil. Mix it half & half with your usual cooking oil. It’s expensive, but you are worth it. Stir these together and set on to a sizzle, mixing thoroughly, When frying hot, you are going to add enough potatoes to double the volume of the whole mix. Spices are whatever you have in the kitchen that works. I use paprika, pepper, and a garlic-herb mix. I do not add salt or butter, you might prefer some. Do not use bacon, it will overpower all your careful prep work.
           The cooking depends. If it is for the Reb, don’t add anything and the organic, free range, grain-fed, no hormone brown eggs are on the side. If it is for me & gang, a couple drops of liquid smoke and allow the bottom layer to scorch just a little. How did this [recipe] get a name? You see, it may look like hash but in fact the ratios insure consistent enough results that it became referred to by name. You can call it “Spuds T”.
           Where did the title come from? When I first moved in here, Trent had a day trip to Tampa, just 25 miles from here. I had not much in the fridge and this was the result. If it is near Xmas, add a sprinkle of nutmeg. This is also a recipe that gets people up in the morning, probably the frying onions, but we are very results-oriented when it comes to chow around these parts.

           It’s tax notice time again, Mr. Trump, outlaw property taxes. This week everyone also received a 1,200 word gobbledygoop letter that says your water bill are going up. Imagine, charging people for waste water removal in Florida. By the sneaky dint of leaving the rates alone but upping everybody’s valuation, my taxes have almost doubled since 2018. My curiosity ends at how this property is assessed for tax purposes, always a boost for me. The land underneath is apparently now worth $70,000 on the open market. Yes, I am surrounded by older, well-kept two-story vintage houses.
           But I would not sell for twice that, simply because the net would not be an adequate down payment on anything else worthwhile in this district. While we are here, let’s find the cheapest livable house in the area, say a 50 mile radius. Craigslist still remains good for this kind of search. There is a dump in Dade City in terrible shape, for $32,000 but the cheapest move-in is over in Lake Wales, 30 miles east of here. Somebody knocked out the walls and gave up, and it is yours for $87,000. Otherwise the cheapest house is $130,000.
           This does not include trailers on rental pads. The market is flooded with trailers like we predicted. Lot rents have soared to the point the residents cannot afford to live there and noboey will buy. It’s a deliberate plan, we saw it coming fifteen years ago. And they were warned. Nearby is a Zillow of Mulberry, Florida. Quick, pick out the two trailer parks.

Last Laugh

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