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Monday, August 21, 2023

August 21, 2023

One year ago today: August 21, 2022, SPAM.
Five years ago today: August 21, 2018, the attorney as hero.
Nine years ago today: August 21, 2014, the Argus, again.
Random years ago today: August 21, 2013, multiple-choice.

           Who’s ringing the bell this time of morning? It’s the tree man. There was no storm, but enough rain to weigh down tree branches and the non-native species can snap off. They did in that patch on the neighbors yard at the back. The only convenient way in there is via my yard, so they wanted permission. Sure, I let them use my ladder. They only trim the branches that could cause damage. I let them leave the logs in my yard in case I need another el-cheapo trim in my yard, the guy’s always given me great prices. If you see a video, he should be in the frame made by the trees.
           This got me wide awake when I had planned to snooze late, so I hauled out my bass and got through the entire Prez song list. Except for a few passing notes, I’ve got them exactly to the original versions he’s specified. This makes it very easy for him to play the guitar parts and he was furthermore quick to notice he did not have to “keep up the beat” on his own. The only thing I’d add to most of the tunes is the odd fill that he can’t do on the guitar while strumming. He’s taking a week off due to company.

           I’m taking time off due to mild exhaustion, but I say it is the plain old aging process. Because of the recent tests saying watch for diabetes, JZ says I should get a blood tester. He’s got all that gear himself, having been pre-diabetic for some years now. I can’t stand the test and won’t do it unless my PCP gives instructions. Even then, I’ve not forgotten the set of tests that were just a finger monitor, no blood sample. I plain don’t like the needle thing.
           Damn, I hate these millennial smart phones. The new unit I have will not let me get at the contact list directly and its default behavior is not to make a phone call. Another annoyance is the speed dial. If you give the number a name, it becomes impossible to display the number. The Prez has two phones, but without that first number, I can’t add the second number. I could take a chance, but that’s not the best course when dealing with the last few generations.

           So, I had to drive downtown. Never an easy chore in Lakeland, where the road was barely side than you door-handles before they got creative. We got a note from Ray-B. He is in Lousiana. We thought he was not leaving until next week. Hope he has a place to crash, my spare room is full of drywall and other supplies. Ray-B is a generation and a half younger than me and believes in the COVID hoax. He’s got the flu and he’s on the way to Florida.

Picture of the day.
Ramadan lanterns.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The afternoon was gobbled up with paperwork, all you get is this picture of the latest box. For some reason 800+ people looked at it last day, which is the parameter to get posted here. Trust me, this box is NOT as fancy as these pictures make it appear. The unique feature is the inside lid, which bears the marking for 70% off, this board is from the cull cart.
           Five hours of paperwork, but we are budgeted to the year-end in case the libtards actually bring back mask mandates next month. It will be the end of their reign, but that tell us they are up to something. They will fall back on old plans, which to me spells martial law. They have already lost the election so they are likely fomenting unrest as an excuse to prevent the election itself. They are not doing so great trying to rout Trump. They have to make changes to charge him and he’s a businessman who knows how to turn those changes right back on them.

           The other plan-ahead is Caltier. Yes, I’m going to channel any “found money” in there for the year following August 28, that’s next Monday. From what I can tell, this should be at least $6,296 but it will arrive in small amounts. This had to be coordinated so the attached bank account never goes below the minimum balance. That’s an easy way to trap yourself if you have any auto-payments, in this case the post office box rental fee. The amounts should be roughly similar but each most be posted manually, the only way to be sure it goes right. This means a year from now there will be at least $20,000 in Caltier—but likely more as this is in addition to other items. And Caltier has been very good to us the past few months.
           The Prez has been in touch, we are scheduled for next Sunday. This time I will bring some PA equipment. I still don’t know where the guy lives, but he has an excellent guitar. But no pickup. I have my Dean Markley in the silo, and I don’t think he is aware of the chorus pedal trick for the instrumental breaks.

           Here’s the report we’ve been waiting for, this week’s roundup of the yard plants. Last evening shows 6/10ths of an inch of rain and once more, the only thing really flourishing is the oregano. The avocado stem has not died and may be showing better leaves. A second avocado is in the “incubator” but no signs of life. Our pineapple plant, donated by the hillbilly, is growing roots in its private glass jar on the doorstep. The papaya seeds show no signs of sprouting. The flowers have all died and stayed gone from that single heat wave. And the plant that may be a weed, now transplanted to a flower pot, is stable.

           This, I think, is a bit sad, a sick birdie. I believe this is the cardinal baby that is not going to make it. I missed the video of the adult bird trying to feed or help it, or that’s what appeared to be happening. I’ll review the video frame by frame later to see if I can find a view with both. The chick is almost fully grown, but stayed this dull color. It moves very slow and walks a lot.
           You can tell from this picture how dark colored she (I think it is a she) has remained while the others have regular plumage by now. I don’t know what’s happening here because if she could not fly and eat and take care of herself, she could not have made it this far. It might be birdie paradise out there, but it is also wild.
           And I missed a classic video this morning. All in one great scene was a squirrel, Mrs. Downey woodpecker, the Cardinal couple, a titmouse and a finch. I would have had to be ready, no way could I have moved on that without scaring them away. They are still skittish about movement inside the window.

Last Laugh