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Sunday, August 4, 2024

August 4, 2024

One year ago today: August 4, 2023, garden-variety lazy.
Five years ago today: August 4, 2019, it’s the welfare.
Nine years ago today: August 4, 2015, six minutes.
Random years ago today: August 4, 2007, not the only one.

           The neighbor on the church side made my morning. He started running power tools at 8:00AM. I plain don’t like to be first on a Sunday, so I was out there in the cool. All I have for you is what happened until 10:30AM, when it got too muggy again, so here goes. I found an excellent pallet just before I left for Miami and it is now prepped. A good pallet is all new lumber, three 2x4”skids, and nine equal size slats of lumber.This is a photo on Lake d’Iseo in Italy, why not?
           Running the compressor, I dusted off my tools, and noticed rubber seals already cracking on my airlock (the device to punch nails out of lumber). Next, I got into salvaging another small pile of lumber from the old chicken coop. This is not cheerful work back there, as we got 1.0 inches of rain at last dusk and another 1.2” in less than ten minutes this morning. That’s measured by the papaya gauge, uncannily accurate for being partially under the tree leaves.

           I was able to complete the cross-members on the bottom two storage shelves, noting that the dampness had already reached some of the cardboard, but it is still the driest storage I’ve got. And the amount of rain from this surprise storm is remarkable. Usually there are a few days warning. The lumber is not stacked yet, I’m not that energetic. I threw a pork roast in the oven and some spuds on to boil. I bought the pre-seasoned heat & serve, hey, I told you tip money is for the extras. I have not eaten pork regularly in eight years.
           I got half the shelving also completed but that wall faces the south and gets hot to the touch in any sunlight. I quit after stacking most of my paint cans, gaining back some of my floor space. I tidied up a bit but you won’t notice because there is a week’s work of that awaiting attention. If I was wise, I’d crawl right back in the sack and sleep until this afternoon. Which will it be? I’m also curious about that bale of 3D filament. I opened a few more boxes but not that large one way behind the rest. It’s the right size an shape, but what is it? Drama, mystery, that’s why you keep coming back. Whatever it is, I have no place to keep it.

           Later this morning, we are still getting blasted and, most unusual for summer, the temperature is dropping into the 70s. Normally I’d consider that an error, but I checked both thermometers. We are never going to hear the end of this from the Climate Change Kooks. Until Friday, this was rate a tropical storm. Now look.

Picture of the day.
Laura Bullion, outlaw.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Good planning, gang. It’s as bad as most hurricanes out there, we are snug inside with an infinite supply of coffee, rice, and a week’s supply of extras. We scheduled a rehearsal on Wednesday but nobody though it would be this bad. No sweat, we can practice by remote control. In fact, I’m in the mood for another chocolate. She’s pretty soggy out there and I have some tree branches hitting the siding. Somebody at the weather bureau gets a black eye, nobody predicted this.
           Before I came inside, I put extra tarps over the tubes and tools, even though they are inside the sheds. Why take chances, even if I got soaked going out to check them five minutes ago. I ran the totals for my tube sales, a disappointment this month., but anything helps. My other plans, however small, were not affected by the van breakdown. My anti-dormancy deposit was again over $40. More money, if the truth were known, than people ever properly invest. The return on this “Found Money” is around 4.64%, a bit less than the 21% inflation rate this year. But you know the theory on that one, my boat is sinking slower than the rest.

           I got a note from Mitch and he is the first person I ever wrote to about the following topic. The actual methods I use to meet women. I’ll say again, I do not approach women and I don’t care who calls me out on that. Well, I finally gave Mitch some of the inside on how it was done. Why blog it? Because what amazed him was I could remember the name of every woman. No, it isn’t in the blog much, but the reason is not a sharp memory. It’s that I only date the best—and I do not date skanks, single mothers, divorcees, or leftovers—so of course I would remember. Sorry, you don’t get the step-by-step, you already have plenty of general guidelines.
           What really made things stand out is he asked me to open my hand-written journals, which he has never seen, and redact an entry. I landed on June 4th, 1982. There is no blog entry that date. It was RofR’s grad. We met with his dad & step-mom at the auditorium, the speaker was a famous author. We left after for Hershel’s place, then I had a dental appointment. I caught up with the gang later, but we gave up waiting in line at Senor Frogg’s. We went to the Tower Inn for beers, then for pizza and wine. Mitch was stunned by such detail on an arbitrary day. Again, the most accurate records of many people’s lives will be while they knew me.

           It’s calm outside but don’t be tricked. Rehearsal this week depends on my inclination to drive 40 miles in the rain. I rewrote the simple “stomp” bassline to “Roll In My Sweet Baby’s Arms” to emulate the melody line and it turned out way better than expected. Careful, Billie-Bill, I did not say it was original, only that I’ve never heard it before. It’s a mandolin line on the bass. No eBay sales this weekend, nothing to report on the domestic side. They say the stock market is crashing, but I’m too poor to notice. Hmmm, maybe Blackrock should have shorted the entire exchange instead of just Trump stocks. I hope there is a real plunge fueled by revelation of what Crowdstrike tried to pull off.

Last Laugh