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Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3, 2024

One year ago today: August 3, 2023, he quit his e-mail.
Five years ago today: August 3, 2019, 76 phones.
Nine years ago today: August 3, 2015, Germany buys Greece.
Random years ago today: August 3, 2010, complete sensical fact.

          Two foot storm surge, that should be good for a few hundred million in claims. I dodged the worst of the rain last evening. Without my sextant, I estimated the clouds at up to six miles high. She’s gonna hit land someplace around here. I’m stocked up on coffee, so relax, at worst it means you get 40% more to read on rainy days. There was a thunderstorm directly overhead for two hours after midnight, moving inland very slowly. No power outages, that’s remarkable with ten more lightning bolts per minute (my estimate).
          Gave me time to begin unpacking and here’s two curious items. A brand new meat clever, it was under the passenger seat when we went looking for a dropped radio bolt. Who knows, maybe a free meat cleaver under the seat is some new trend. A new Hyundai option? You heard if first from the blog that dares - dares to headline a serendipitous meat cleaver.

          And this roll of PLA. What’s that? If you read back far enough, it is the type of plastic used in 3D printing. This raised my hopes what might be inside those boxes. I know we did not buy a printer, but we were semi-famous for being able to fix anything and often got donations we had no time to look at. The character who was going to design the toothpick clip for me melted away at the first hint there was a lot of work involved. Is there a printer in one of those boxes? Good question, I’m not going out there to check it until this rain lets up.

          The Reb is not feeling well, so be ready for an instant trip, meanwhile, I sold another vacuum tube. I’ve also read why tube transformers use three voltages: 5V, 6.3V and up to 800 volts. This requires rectified AC power, which can never be fully turned back to DC. (Mind you, that would be a useful A.I. application.) Keep raining so I have time to calculate last month’s eBay payout. I’ve confirmed the weekend gig but we need another rehearsal, the band is suffering from timing troubles. I have to often begin playing and let the other guy leap in, a burden I find irksome. One more, it stems from his playing with other groups, in particular garden-variety groups. This cannot meet the standards needed for this duo—each tune has to have a uniqueness or we are just another couple yahoos.
          This is that whiskey oil can, called Stillhouse, the Daytona 500 limited edition black bourbon. It is solid stainless steel and has a patent pending. I plan to keep some acetone in there. Maybe get some others to mix my lawnmower gas with. Can’t think of a better use for any bourbon that might be left inside. I tasted it once, that was enough.

          There is an eerie media silence about the numbers of long-term Democrat career politicians losing their seats to Trump upstarts. What’s got my eye is the money they are squandering to keep in power. It seems insane where they are getting all this cash, but to no avail. Hence, I would place a Trump endorsement to be the equivalent of $10 million dollars. State Legislator Democrats are losing the most from what I can find. That’s considered a part time job that pays around $40,000 per year and they must maintain an office. It’s when you find the positions in some cities (like Chattanooga) occupied by over 90% by wealthy Democrats, you get suspicious. Chattanooga is a shit-house and it is falling apart. I don’t even stop for coffee there anymore. If it is new and shiny in Chattanooga, it is a government building.
          Chevron has announced it is moving its headquarters out of California. The Intel layoff headcount could reach 19,000 as they announce shutting down all non-essential work.

Picture of the day.
Iron Mountain, Arkansas.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

          It’s afternoon and Iran declares the world will “witness incredible things” in the next few hours. Maybe they finally have the bomb? Six bombs and Israel is gone. Contrary to what they’d have you believe, nobody is much going to cry. They’ve abused the system for too expect any mercy. Within minutes, Israeli hackers began shutting down the Iranian WiFi network. And I just shut down FreeMake right off my computer. They went though incredible effort to calim their product was free. Until you get through the entire process and discover their watermark across the entire screen. Up yours, FreeMake. Nobody said work for free, they said quit lying.
          I wasted another half hour because Windows Movie Maker says it will accept AVI files, but that’s another lie. It goes through the motions, then rejects them over a codec error, which try as you might you will not find that code without poisoning your operating system. The workaround is usually to conver the AVI to a WMV, but the top recommended software causes the output to display only solid black screens. Mr. Trump, outlaw Internet lying and you will be popular until the end of time.

          There is an old tale how the Allies were able to estimate the number of German tanks by knowing the number of road wheels manufactured. So another method got my attention. Probability theory, you see the spy network reported German was making 1,500 tanks per month. After the war, the correct number of 245 per month was confirmed. The Germans had a habit of writing serial numbers on the tank for repair and parts information. They numbered the transmissions simply starting at 1. The math people told the soldiers whenever a tank was knocked out, get that serial number and forward it home. I studied probability theory but never enough to get that answer.
          It works on a formula that if you receive a series of random numbers, there is an average distance between them. That makes sense. Now explain how German, making so few tanks, was able to fend off the entire world for years. Somebody has been lying to us all along.

Last Laugh