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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024

One year ago today: August 6, 2023, spreadsheet animation?
Five years ago today: August 6, 2019, it’s a trait.
Nine years ago today: August 6, 2015, unless something unbelievable.
Random years ago today: August 6, 2013, Crest vs, Silver.

           I insist this is not a political blog, but honestly sometime the humor is the best that is out there. How can one not laugh at the really good material? First, we get some work done. The church neighbor is cooperating by making plenty of noise as early a 7:00AM these days. I can even play bass before breakfast after he wakes up the whole neighborhood. Does the racket bother me? Not since I retired and can sleep whenever I please. Just remember that distinction.
           Here is part of the empty arena seating at the Paris Olympics. They are not owning up to vast boycotts and loss of revenue over their queer agenda. Wrong move, there Francois, you buggered up this time. The Olympic committees are falling over themselves issuing uncoordinated apologies and forcing athletes to comply. But it’s over, imaging pitting some teenage girls against biological men who would not dare fact a real man.
           The games went ahead, I mean some of these people trained for ten years for a shot at the gold, so they aren’t about to walk away. It’s a disgrace, plus there is backlash against some of the teams calling themselves American. No, it isn’t cute to see the US ping-pong team are all ethnic Chinese. Complaining gets you called racist, but what other country would allow such a thing? This picture says it all. Tickets to events that pre-sold for a thousand dollars are now on eBay for $12 bucks.

           There is a thread on-line that suggests the solution to world problems is to supply sub-Saharan Africa with all the guns and ammo they want. I awoke to a mailbox full of such articles, as I had been viewing articles on war in Rwanda and S. Africa. I canceled rehearsal, things are still too soggy around here. Hurricane Debby, that was no summer storm. I went downtown to post stuff and shop when I should have been in the shed making shelves. Mey, I’ll get to it. At the phone place, I talked with the clerk, who is a club associate, but not a member. Are you curious why?
           Because to be a full member, you must share all methods and hacks with other members, and he is very secretive about his skills, which include how to unlock phones. But that’s not the story of the day. He’s 22 and has gout. This is associated with old people and soft living. The poor guy has it as a hereditary condition, the first time I’ve ever heard of it in someone so young. Nor is it diet related. He does not eat beef and being Puerto Rican, I know he won’t eat pork. He’s been to a round of specialists who ruled out rheumatism or arthritis two years ago. It’s gout, and he gets it in his shins as well. Poor guy.

           The Iranian attack has not materialized. Boring, the world in general hates Israel but still wants Iran to get a shit-kicking. The whole country should be millionaires by now but they prefer to go around causing trouble. I’m listening to a new audio-book, “Golden Prey”, not bad. Narrated by that Ferrone (guy) who has a gravely voice right out of 1950s television. I’m rounding up used CDs to see if this solar generator really works.
           Over the past three weeks, my phone has choked up with calls I would like to delete. Like the tow truck calls that routed to Illinois, and other call histories. But there is no button to delete them without deleting them all, and I’ve long forgotten which belongs to the drummer, the vacuum tube shop, and the Legion. Up yours, Samsung. In the end, they all got shit-canned. It takes a full millennial to leave out a feature like that. Never go full-millennial.

           The Democrats have finally filled an auditorium. Their loyal fake news people are heralding this as magnificent. The crowd is burgeoning, they say, a force to be reckoned with. She’s chose a running mate most have never heard of except complaints of his performance. The Democrats are really going to push this through as if it is all business as usual. There is talk of grooming Chelsea Clinton for president in 2040. They don’t seem to understand their corruption is coming to an end and they best hope somebody like Trump gets in. TMOR (to my overseas readers), here is a typical posting of popular American culture.
           We recognize the charade, it’s like an announcement that they intend to cheat. Most irksome is that after all this time, the opposition just sits there and lets it happen. Many, including myself, are thinking the Republican plan is to make the election “too big to rig”, but that is shaky; On the other hand, Whites are still 60% of the population and more of them vote than any other demographic. I side with the people who say 40 to 50 million must be deported. And not where they come from, but just back across the Mexican border. Meanwhile, Trump has invited Willie Brown’s wife to his rally. She’s the wife of the 50 year old nog that Kamela was doing when she was 29. This could get interesting. The standing joke is that the economy is so bad even Joe’s job has been outsourced to a Hindu.

Picture of the day.
Growing tea in Brazil.
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           How about some Caltier news? A review of all 119 e-mails they have sent show a lack of overall direction. However, I am satisfied with their explanation that the pause is the result of changing audit firms—but only because I know enough about audits to know they are not lying. I was uber-disappointed by a June payout of $28, but I think from now on I will look more at their e-mails because they vary so much in intensity. You don’t know it if is a friendly confirmation or the announcement of a major sale. But we have noticed small payouts often precede a property sale and June was pretty small. indeed. In an uncharacteristic move, I sent them a question about this. Even stranger, I got a reply to the point. The July disbursement is being delayed due to a pending sale. This indicates they want to include some proceeds from that sale into the July distribution. Hmmm, unless it is at least $250, I’m unlikely to be impressed. The result of this valuable time put in over here is that Caltier is back on the radar. They don’t know how close they came to losing this account—or maybe they do. It is one of their largest “small” accounts and they’ve assigned us a contact who, by way of the offers he sends, tips us off we are on the accredited investor’s list.
           The decision to cap off Caltier early and seek alternative investments stands. The goal has been halved to $25,000 which will be no challenge at all. We are already past the $20,000 mark and if not for recent unexpected expenses, would be there already. This does not mean Caltier investment comes to a standstill, only that they no longer get first dibs. They aslo have a bad habit of posting important information at the tail end of a boring e-mail, where I'm likely to miss it.

           In a sincerely needed break, we watched a full-hour episode of Gunsmoke, colorized. In the early days, the writers didn’t offend anyone by having more than one simplistic plot line. Thiw one was outlaws taking over a town and locking Matt up for ransom. The neighbor got some wind damage on his siding, which is an expensive repair these days. I’ll take a look at it tomorrow, since the pieces are not that badly damaged. I managed to salvage the spare vacuum hose and start cleaning the silo. It cleared up, but the heat stayed on, so that’s why I’m inside taking care of the paperwork.
           The Reb called, she needs another day or two down time. We are not the category that age slowly, more like quantum leaps. One day I suppose I’ll wake up half-doubled over with little warning. Just not now because I confirmed the gig this Friday, I gotta be totally up for that gig. If that goes even twice a month, that’s probably the most to hope for in these parts. Judging by the band bulletin board sites, around half the non-pro bands in Polk have up and quit. I balanced the books and 3 gigs a month would make me happy.

           That video of that Democrat rally is being broadcast ad nauseum. It allows us to see only one corner of the room. I’m seeking to coin a new term. You could give me a hand, and I’ll get you an honorable mention. There is a new class of dumbo, a direct descendent of an older class. But since they are manipulated electronically, they merit a cyber-category. These are the people who see a mass of posts that all carry the same message appearing everywhere at once, but do not suspect the bots are behind it. It’s an offshoot of the old bandwagon effect. It has become the pivotal method being used by the Democrats to again spread the lie that the election is 50/50. Only this time, they have to go over the top, so let’s give those who fall for it their own label and make it as derogatory as possible. They deserve it. Think of a really rotten term to call them.

           For over two hours, I read a series of articles explaining why rectified AC electric can never work right for DC circuits, see for yourself. It seems the ripples from the AC can only be reduced so far, mostly using smoothing capacitors and inductors. The material was equally focused on why DC circuitry was so sensitive to such tiny fluctuations. I gave up trying to follow but this raised a question. Is not AC produced by a different commutator ring than DC at the power generator? Then instead of using discrete components to do the work, why not have an AC motor drive a DC generator. Since I’m not the first to get this idea, I thought there would be dozens of sources. Wrong.
           Instead, I found piles of data about voltage regulation circuitry, some of it very complicated. I want a good old AC motor with a shaft to a DC motor wired up as a generator. It solves the problem since it is real DC. Maybe it’s expensive or heats up, but compared to intricate wiring and components, would it not do in a pinch were not the need great enough?

           Next to that, reading another chapter on Sight Reduction tables seemed a breeze. I’m still wrapping my brain around the confusion, unhelped by so many terms for the same thing. But I’ve got the overall concept. Now lets go over the instructions once you know what they are talking about in their own blurry ways. They assume you know more than they’ve told, the answer is to read at least seven books on the topic. Even then, you don’t know which books.

Last Laugh