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Friday, September 20, 2024

September 20, 2024

One year ago today: September 20, 2023, not a parcel.
Five years ago today: September 20, 2019, new yard ornament.
Nine years ago today: September 20, 2015, Score!
Random years ago today: September 20, 2004, overly snarky, even for me.

           What’s this? Some guy gets arrested for pretending to be a soccer star in order to sleep with 23 women? I didn’t know that was illegal, and if it was, it’s the women who should be arrested. Good morning, I’m grumpy a half-hour early because the season is over but I nabbed another critter and the noise of the trap woke me. It’s going to be one of those days, I know it. Four years ago this week I quit eating donuts with my coffee and I knew there’d be consequences. Like this week I’ve sold more doll eyes than vacuum tubes. I shoulda stood in bed.
           This is a picture of a college around 25 miles south of here, near Bowling Green, Florida. I’ll write about it later this morning, but take a close look. This place is never busy. Nobody I’ve talked to in the area has ever been there or knows anybody who has. It’s new and the grounds are kept up. It is a few miles from town, so explain why there are never any cars.

           It’s never too early to talk business. I see Stewie and I have differ schedules, he is only recently retired. This is my 28th year of enjoying life. He is used to being in the shop, where he can stop and process an order for $5 or $6. I like to batch my orders for all before dawn, and take the rest of the day off, even if that involves crawling back under the sheets. He’ll learn.
           Silver has stayed above $31. Trump’s sell-out rally in Long Island could be a death blow to the New York establishment. Caltier remains on pause, but the total return on the investment is now 10% since January 2023, which is okay. I’ve completed the preliminaries for my year-end and it was a so-so year all told. And I’m still looking but not acting on this Lofty bit-coin affair, knowing I must sooner or later learn how this bit-coining operates at street level. Meanwhile, GenZers continue to tweet the word “faggot” 866,000 times per month.

           It’s incredible how badly these GenZers are setting themselves up. It is risky to even keep gold in a bank, yet they are embracing a cashless existence where they don’t even physically see the money, much less control it. A pity, I mean that I won’t be around long enough to laugh in their faces. This smart phone demonstrates how insipid these bastards are. The spam folder has no “delete all” function. I spend around a half-hour per month going through the four steps required to delete each one-by-one. Wait, they are not finished being stupid. The spam folder is also the block folder. You can’t delete the spam without unblocking the number. But hey, just because I know donuts are unhealthy doesn’t mean I won’t sell them to Zoomers. Tell you what, let’s look at what’s in the news until 8:00AM and then make some grits. If you think you got troubles, rumor has it this Diddy character has some hidden footage of Mike Obama in action.

           Grits time. Neat how the package says 5 to 7 minutes. That is a 40% margin for error. Stand aside, son, I’ll tell you when the grits are ready. Since I was up, I made a batch of rice and more muffins. Help yourself, I’m going shopping soon. After a week of consistent results, I’m switching muffins from diary milk to coconut milk. It seems that while DeSantis has the perp, DC is blocking access to the golf course where it happened. Interesting. They can scrub the scene, but not the testimony that must be flowing by now. Some heads will roll.
           It’s late morning and I can’t get started. Over the years, I’ve wondered about that Florida State College south of Bowling Green, Florida. Never any cars in the parking lot and no apparent activity on the dozens of times I’ve been passed. I looked it up. They advertise a whole list of courses and programs. Far more than the size of the building would indicate. If you click on most of the course descriptions, you get shunted to a Wiki page of definitions.

Picture of the day.
North Macedonia.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Zimbabwe has approved the slaughter of 200 elephants to feed their starving people. These people are the landowners of the former White farms that 43 years ago made Rhodesia the breadbasket of Africa. We have parallels in America. We have a like-minded troop of bastards who want to divide up the nation’s wealth and they think they can vote the crops to grow. No call came for a gig by 2:00PM so I took the day off. Reading is an unbeatable hobby and later I drove into Winter Haven for a major food shop.
           Along the way, I finally finished “The Stars Are Fire”. As spotted early in the plot, the author does not seem aware of her own hypocrisy. My business partner in the 70s gave me a book to read that spelled out how women who place their children above their husbands will meet with woe. I agree, the first time the wife uses the children as an excuse or hostage, the fun part of the marriage is over.
           But what grinds my gears is how this woman is portrayed as making it on her own, when in fact, she steals $45,000 from her husband when she leaves him in 1947. That’s around $650,000 in today’s money. She cheats on him, lies to him, cuts him off, and still plays the victim. The message is, gals, in case you decide you don’t like the guy, make sure he has something you can steal. With a half-million bucks in the piggy, what do you need him for?

           Instead of a day trip, I opted to buy $60 worth of groceries that I would not normally splurge on. It was nice strolling the aisles of Wal*Mart, unable to find the Carnation or any help with that. And they seem perpetually sold out of some things I like, such as Z-cup hot chocolate pods and that Dragon brand hot sauce. I felt unusually famished, so for once this year, I ate until I felt full. That came to around 2,000 calories in one meal. I way ahead on my diet, so I wanted to see what it took. Felt fine, no difference. Wish I could chow down like that any time.
           Zero work done today and I’m staying home with a DVD, some old western with Burt Lancaster. He did it all before Clint Eastwood, though with less flair. I promised myself to record any significant medical matters. Back home, I reached to close the van hatch, what do you know? For some twenty years now I could not move my shoulders up and back, just even with my sides. With only a slight snap, no more that the sound of cracking one’s knuckles, I could reach for the sky.
           This movement was repeated over the next few hours and I can do it again. Not completely, for instance, I have to stretch my arms forward, and then up. If I spread to the side, it’s same as before.—but perceptibly looser. Ha, and they tried to say playing bass was not therapeutic. Check again over a few days, but I can tell it’s going to stay better. At this rate by age 70 I’ll be doing chin-ups. I have nothing else for you today, so here is a picture of hold growing on my mailbox. Your turn.

           And last for today, Australia has now blocked all Muslim immigration.. Several articles are appearing about VPN vulnerabilities that this blog warned about decades ago. (You don’t give your credit card information to people who promise you anonymity.) Musk has vowed to bankrupt Verizon & ATT for attempting to sue him out of business. Another family murdered by an illegal, but it was in New York so nothing will happen. Bartering clubs, especially those who trade home-grown vegetables, are now subject to a 24% withholding tax.
Last Laugh

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