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Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19, 2024

One year ago today: September 19, 2023, show me poor . . .
Five years ago today: September 19, 2019, that Ave Maria song.
Nine years ago today: September 19, 2015, I programmed this.
Random years ago today: September 19, 2011, some shouldn’t-says.

           Ha, these new AR glasses (up to $56,660 a pair) are carefully avoiding the label “google glasses” but you know, I can’t find out what AR stands for from the ads. If you search on AR, you get “anti-reflective” which you can get from the dollar store. Sure, I’ll find out, but you know what I’m saying. They are marketed by the apparent size of the screen display, such as “201 inches”. What’s got my attention is this product epitomizes shady on-line marketing. The entire presentation is full of quirky qualified claims and traditional millennial scam-phrases like “up to”, “free download”, and the usuals like “seamless”, “”ultra realistic”, and “climate change”. Okay, so I threw that last one in there, but it’s not like they didn’t stay up late trying to squeeze it in.
           What adventures will today bring? I’m carrying my camera in case the elderly raccoon makes an appearance. She doesn’t really know if it is day or night any more and must be living off raiding the neighbor’s cat food. I have a squirrel to discourage and he’s learning I can zap him from long distance. I’ve shot him at low power in the tail a few times but he has gotten used to it. Maybe I’ll do some heavy work today, the extra sleep lately has helped a lot.

           This is your reminder we have not given up on the Gigrac. I have a small budget if it can be repaired. A very close inspection show nothing amiss on the motherboard. But Tennessee advises there is a thermal coupling that can trip and cause this manner of trouble. The unit lasted a full year after first exhibiting the problem. To make it spooky, the unit tended to cut out while I was playing the note C.

           Calendar says this is a random food mention day, so this morning at dawn, I made baked ginger chicken for the weekend and an unusual muffin batch. I use a store-bought mix but instead of adding the 1/2 cup dairy milk, I use coconut milk. It works identical and does not really change the flavor of the results. I wish it had the same effect on coffee. Evaporated in my coffee represents 100% of my milk intake other than baking. Keeps you light on your feet. Ah, there’s an actual sun ray through the window. Let’s put a ration of seed in the feeder and check the news waves. For reasons unknown, I favor the news on a Thursday.
           Let’s see, Trump makes an appearance on Gutfeld, I’ll wait for the video, but just because I don’t watch TV, doesn’t mean I’m unaware of facts like how Gutfeld completely blots out the best the MSM can come up with, which appears to be Kimmel & Colbert. What, I’m not supposed to know about those boys? Hey, know thy enemy and them guys are definitely not your friends.

           There’s another $65 gas budget reminding me that habits make goind for a day drive one of the cheaper ways to spend a day. It almost forces me to listen to NPR. Like droves of anti-Trumpers they have realized they got it wrong and are trying to soften up now, too late. The whole radical left counted on time being on their side, for instance that they could accuse Trump of anything and it would take months for the truth to emerge, by which time they had passed some law or policy difficult to reverse. Now, they are often backpedaling within minutes. They are now realizing there is no time left to stop what’s happening.
           This accounts for several former bastions of Trump haters now publicly admitting he has some merits. Nope, too late, nobody’s buying. Turns out they were not really against Trump, they were against anything that impeded their plan for one-party rule. As Trump says, he just got in the way. The latest factor is that the Florida Sheriff’s office has the would-be assassin in custody and they are not ceding to the demands to turn him over to the Feds. It seems too many other Fed investigations have taken forever and the last shooter had his complete existence purged from the government files and his body cremated within hour.
           This time the Sheriff’s have the guy at some secret location, presumably spilling the beans. Where did he get money to quit work and jet around the country, appearing in Blackrock commercials and hobnobbing with Democrat personalities and who knows what. I say what the Sheriff wants is names, and he should have quite a list by now. Let’s hope the Sheriff knows his stuff and does an RMCP. That’s where they don’t reveal the information, but use it to set their target up. The heat is on, the longer the Sheriff has him, the worse the outcome.

           Then comes the Trump Long Island rally, with tens of thousands, pretty unbelievable. But I’ve always said the illusion of 50/50 is often created by the left to cover their minority standing. It is peer pressure enforced via political correctness and fear of being labeled racist. That only works until the pot boils over and them New York Democrats must be crapping their drawers. The popular sentiment is not that there was ballot cheating, which the Democrats can deny, but that almost 100% of the cheating favored one side, which they cannot deny.
           Crapping but not as much as Hezbollah. A second wave of attacks involving exploding phones and walkie-talkies seems to have timed for Hezbollah memorials and funerals, clearly a warning to any families of the terrorists that even association can be deadly. I wonder if the pagers are also rigged to explode if anyone opens them to check? Say what you want, tactically, this was a brilliant plan, and the only country in the area that has the resources to carried it off being Israel, who only say that the war has “entered a new phase”.

           Behind the scenes, cancel an unannounced trip to TN. I might have left this Sunday, but it turns out a power pole had been knocked down, putting some accounts out of service. For all the space-age technology, the system is still vulnerable to where the cable enters the house. After six months, robocalls began picking up this morning. Most hateful are the political “last chance” messages that cannot be changed from high priority or deleted or blocked. For the record, I would never associate with someone who resorts to telemarketing, but that goes double for this Ramaswamy asshole who will not quit with the calls.
           The phone system is no better. These alert calls are likely just a reminder the government can access your E11 card, even when your phone is off. The $32,000 “free loan” people are at ig again, this time California numbers. Shoot the millennial who came up with the block feature where the phone still rings and you get spam from the cellular company that the call is blocked. It takes probably three generations of inbreeding to do what public schools seem to manage in twelve years with these people.

Picture of the day.
Algerian money.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here are four 750 mL cans with the labels being removed prior to painting. Far handier and more durable than plastic, these are the bourbon whiskey cans from the Legion. These will be painted either grey, or a green finish if they are to contain gas/oil mixtures for two stroke motors. They are stronger than needed for their original purpose, a feature that used to typify the American Way.

           Squirrel wars. I may have won a psychological round. I moved a very sensitive wind chime to the feeder to alert me when the squirrel arrives. Then he gets a low-velocity pellet in the tail. Well, it seems he has associated the sound of the chimes with a stinging sensation. This morning he kept trying to get around the baffle without the sound, but it is attached to the feeder itself and his weight is many times what is needed to set off the alarm. He gets just so far, then panics when the bell sounds. Here is your picture of the setup. Will he find a way? Or am I about to get brainstormed with a new anti-squirrel device.
           The picture may lack detail. I added the labels. The Swan is the decorative piece that catches the wind, from it’s feet hand the four chimes. The Swan’s neck hangs from one of the bird perches at the base of the feeder. As you see, it is a nice overcast day, not too hot at all.
           Remember years ago when I designed a mechanical tilt mechanism works without ever having seen one? I’ll sketch out this idea later, but my concept is that the birdfeeder is long and cylindrical. Birds, being almost weightless, never tilt the column much. A squirrel causes quite a tilt, aha, a tilt. If he tilts it enough. It could be made to contact a ring. So could a gust of wind. I need a little thinking time with this one. How about say, a three second delay, the a capacitor discharge? Or is that too much like a pager attack?

           A second pleasant fall day, 78°F and only 84°F by after noon, which tips you off that is when this picture was taken. Hang on for a second, I just got four calls from Tennessee in a row. Everybody I know there that has this number has called. Why are they all laughing?
           Okay, you remember that flash drive I forgot at the library? The Reb picked it up. I go there a couple days every few months because their computers have great editing software. But it is a nest of libtards and soi-bois, so I don’t know anybody there in person. However, they print a monthly newsletter with patrons in the background. Sorry, I can’t tell you the punchline, but shall we say I look like what I am and the library also picked up on it. I should charge admission or start wearing sunglasses indoors.

           Florida, your constant reminder that things take longer than you planned. Of all the chasing around, I got maybe an hour’s work done today, yes, I keep a separate log of my work hours, in case you wonder how it’s mentioned so often in the blog. I’m too lazy to walk over to the wall and mark it on the calendar like the old days. I watched a dozen TikToks (on Gab) on this topic, all women over 50 crying the blues, where are all the good men? Um, married to good women, I suppose. No, it is not the same as young men asking where all the good women—young men often have nothing. It’s when you are over 50 and have nothing that’s causing these women grief. That’s why the replies held my attention.
           Outside of the usual comments on body count, there were some serious questions about these women comparing themselves to men. Wrong, they said, men who wind up alone fill the world with inventions, discoveries, art, and music. The women just become self-centered and blame men. These older women talk only about what they want instead of what they have to offer. They’ll get no sympathy from anyone, not even other women.

           This topic is fascinating to me. I never ask for anything I can’t give in return, ergo I’m uber-sensitive about those who do. Don’t dismiss that too quickly— I regularly I meet such women and one of us is not the other’s type. Anyway, I know I ask where the good women are, but with a vast difference. I ask from a position of having a productive lifetime asking only the same in return—and have not gotten a good reply since I was 30. Having a house, car, and money is not enough. I expect if you are single and over 35, you would have those things almost by osmosis. No, those are not wild expectations. Men who squander also wind up with nothing after that age, and I got no use for them either. But when it comes to older women crying the blues, I admit, with a certain smugness, that I enjoy watching the shoe on the other foot.

           A chat with the Reb, this is the worst we’ve been financially in years. No doubt it is inflation slowing everybody down. But we have been hit with a series of crises back-to-back that has taken a real toll. Worst hit was our joint account, which can no longer sustain the pets with regular checkups, only actual pains. It must also cover any human visits and I don’t want to be the one to make that decision too often. (I can and will make unpopular decisions.) I’ve been down to my last $100 before and understand it better than those who by now would have reached for a credit card.
           All extras have been curtailed. We will never go hungry in any real or metaphorical sense, but droves of people are on the brink of something. America is holding its breath. House prices are still climbing but the increases are artificial. I’m going to boost the joint account by 20% out of my now scanty reserves, and the condition is people emergencies only. This is probably temporary but problems and issues don’t care. My plan remains everything on hold until December.

           It’s a plan not so easy for people used to robbing Peter. Looking at the bright side, no extras means I have the $65 monthly travel budget. That has to take the place of entertainment for a while. Let me think what’s the most fun to be had with that, and I already know it likely involves buying some gasoline. I really liked that trip to Skycraft. All trips to Miami arecanceled until further notice. And no word from the Legion about playing tomorrow. They’ve come through at the last minute before and a good gig there could find me in Jacksonville next day.

           Since you’ve been good and read this far, here are some fake phone numbers to give creeps. I have not verified them, they are from a meme.
605-475-6968 The original rejection hotline.
206-569-5829 Weird, it’s a Seattle radio station with a loser line.
515-808-2362 Somebody’s theme song complete with air horns.
Last Laugh
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