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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 1, 2024

One year ago today: October 1, 2023 her overall behavior.
Five years ago today: October 1, 2019, 99 and 99.
Nine years ago today: October 1, 2015, a gossip page.
Random years ago today: October 1,2008, a day at the shop.

           Here’s two week’s supply of supper for me. Not that pasta is good for you, but it is easy to store. Make sure you get the kind with sauce packets. You won’t have any milk or margarine if the power goes out. The meals are not just pasta, that is the base for several dishes. We have a matching supply of breakfasts, mainly packaged oatmeal that requires only hot water. The packaging is important, these have to be locked in a rodent-proof box. I’m amused at the people who are concerned with variety. For me, the same thing seven times a week just reminds me of college.
           It’s also the only time I plan to each Spam. Again, a packaging concern. The cans will keep a while even in the Florida humidity and the serving size is correct. America is off the rails when a weather event requires less than a week of food, but a manmade event needs a month’s supply.

           Ground game, a rarely used political term meaning a party’s organization at or below state level. This morning brought a barrage of concerns about Trump’s ground game. Republicans are concerned, they say, but they don’t say who “they” are. No evidence of his ground game, it goes. Grave questions everywhere. And sudden, as well. Amazing how low the Democrat tactics are sinking as everything they try backfires. Biden, who is apparently on vacation, tells the droves of Republican voters there is no Federal aid available A week after sending billions overseas and dispatching a thousand troops to “help protect” Israel. He’s forgotten American troops don’t have to follow an illegal order, which is what is shaping up.
           Trump is wisely pressing the issue that these corrupt people are one fair election away from extinction. Unnamed Republics in all the “battleground” states seemed to have waited until this morning to issue these dire warnings. That Trump’s “top of the ticket” tactics could, they repeat often, could cost him the election in an exceedingly close race. Ah, there’s the giveaway. The 50/50 illusion they must create to “win” by ten or twenty thousand votes.

           Iran is causing trouble again, this time another threatened missile attack. That is one strange bunch if you ask me. With no direct interest in the matter, a known animosity for their own neighbors, and standing to gain nothing from blasting Israel, is always at the forefront of some kind of trouble. Other than oil, their economy seems based on goat-herding and weapons factories, although Minnesota is proof that sometimes works.

Picture of the day.
Downtown Jakarta.
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           Here’s the next gamecorder episode. This was overnight at 24 minutes past midnight, actually. The camera is finicky and subject to false alarms. It is supposed to detect heat and motion, but very brief motion alone will trigger it. It also favors the lower left corner. This ads up to extra work and planning to position the camera for the best scenes. No raccoon overnight, but definite new raccoon tracks.
           All we got was a few seconds of the neighbor’s white cat. The worksheds have no secure walls, only great roofs to work in the rain. The storage sheds, except for the silo, are not much better. If I have time later this week, and I probably will, I’m going to try a medieval solution to a medieval problem. The vermin seem to bother the emergency food even when it is securely packaged or canned. The real reason for cupboard doors was to keep them out. I’m no cupboard maker, so let’s marry the technology to box building. After all, is not a cupboard but a box with the lid on the front instead of the top?
           The actual problem is the rodents getting near the packages and sometimes leaving a mess. It means any containers used as dispensers, such as evaporated milk, have to be cleaned before use. So, I build a Carnation Carton. Get it? Ha-ha. I’d have more video for you but it seems all three of the “new” XP computers lack sound cards.

           Festus Tuesday. By now, we have seen so many Gunsmoke episodes, we can guess some of the plots. It’s a history lesson for me, as I did not know the various roles and characters and often did not recognize the actors who played other roles. Like Burt Reynolds, how that guy ever got an acting job stupefies me. This week, Festus is the star, along with April, played by Elizabeth Rae, who I learned just died four months ago at age 88.
           The neighbor is not a computer person, or I should say like most people nowadays, he can use a small number of apps he’s learned by repetition but hardly anything else. He has an extra tablet maybe he can give me, but he has to ask his sister-in-law, who lives in Fort Meyers. That would put me back on track. As it is, I have to go home to write anything. He’s got a top of the live iPad but did not know how to use it, I see this all the time. They don’t dare let anyone else use their gear because if the slightest thing changes, they don’t know how to reset it.
           We went over the game camera, he’s never used one either. It’s quite the toy, now set up in the shed to see if we can get some more footage on the grandma raccoon. Plus, we may finally be able to do an inventory of just how many cats are in this neighborhood. Not enough to control the rat population, I can tell you that.

           The 3D printer. I don’t have the know-how and it is taking up space in the kitchen. So I’ve made arrangements to set it up with a friend on the condition we print a that long-awaited toothpick holder. I read a bit on how to use the design programs and I’m okay letting others to that kind of work.

           I’ve decided to re-read the book “1421”. It is exceedingly well-researched and I’d like to go over the passages on the specs of these Chinese ships. In fact, I’ll do that right now since the Internet us acting up. Forget the food and water, get them people some WiFi. Sometime in the next hour, service is back up to speed. The age-old pattern is emerging, how these other civilizations have their moments, but never really advance or know how to use their own discoveries. This time, we know it was the Chinese since no other entity had the resources to build 2,500 ships. It says the ruins of the shipyards are still near Peking. The cost in human lives was horrendous, as usual.
           The period that interests me now is the situations that led up to the voyages. The Chinese clearly knew the Earth was round and had methods to determine longitude. Their maps of African and Australian coastlines are accurate to within a degree.

Last Laugh