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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October 16, 2016

One year ago today: October 16, 2023, successful
Five years ago today: October 16, 2019, “it might be”.
Nine years ago today: October 16, 2015, Hayley moved to Dothan.
Random years ago today: October 16, 2010, the most consistent.

           This morning a link arrived from Agt. M who follows the latest on free energy projects as posted on-line. He came up with this one, the Liberty Engine 2, saying you can build it yourself. We see lots of these posts, people using a fully equippmed machine shop who say you can DIY. However this item has an air of believability, so it is worth a good look. I have not applied any of my old Physics degree to find out which law it is breaching, but I have a guess.
           The power is evidently supplied by the magnets, hence it is not really free energy. For all we know, it may only power a single light bulb, which would make it one damn expensive say of doing so. The spinning core is inside a housing build up from repurposed microwave transformers. My theory is this motor keeps spinning by inductions and that it will eventually stop due to friction.

           Like so, we know that a magnet moving past a coil induces a current inside a field. We also know this field takes time to both build as the magnet approaches, and time to collapse as the magnet recedes. As this occurs, the current changes direction. I notice the motor is “started” by giving it a good tug with a rope. If you time the dimensions right, the collapsing current, which also means a reverse magnetic field, this would repel each set of magnets as they pass the coils. Ingenious, but not a true supply of free power, or as the Internet bunch say, free energy.
           Later, maybe tomorrow, I will compose the reply letter to Agt.M, but he already knows I won’t okay these projects without some guarantee it can be, as claimed in the blurb, built by the handyman. What I see is a lot of finely crafted pieces with incredibly close tolerances. We have neither the tools or skills to begin such a project. The video shows the welding process, but we just know all those precision cut pieces did not accidentally fall onto his work table by themselves. There are other misleading scenes, but I will need some free hours to analyze them.

           As I document my own decline, here’s the latest. I now regularly misjudge the space I need to walk along. There is a gap in the sheds where I used to shortcut through all the time, how I keep bumping into the walls. This happens a lot, walking through spaces my vision tells me are easy to navigate and no, it is not my weight. I fit, just not exactly has the old brain says. The second decrease is in estimating the force needed to lift objects. This is not a weakness of the grip, that comes later. This is an underestimation of the weight before it is listed.
           I mean looking at something and unconsciously underestimating the power needed to pick it up. Moving I’m okay with, but reaching for something heavy is increasingly requiring two tries. Time for the morning news, I will enable politics because of the ferocity of Libtard panic as their last ditch tactics don’t work any more. They historically relied on their voters forgetting the failed promises they’ve made every four years, but today the Internet will not allow that to happen.

           With the election just 500 hours away, the Demtards are going for their last ditch defenses. Trump is busy filling arenas and declining to attend their fake media interviews and debates. So they claim he has dementia and is in hiding. Ha, why should Trump cancel one of his rallies for the puny audiences that Poon could muster? Folks, it’s my personality, but the thrashing pain of losing leftards is a source of great amusement to me. How they squeal when a sharp retaliation is only the equivalent of the dull pain they’ve been administering over time.
           After Festus (who did not appear in the “Collie” episode), I did some experimentation with sanding and gave the latest box a coat of wood conditioner. I’ve come around to believing this expensive extra step is worth it. It’s overkill for my tool boxes. The difference is very nice. Now if I could only remember where I put all my sandpaper. I’m also unable to locate my saber saw. Again, they are not lost, just misfiled. But how do I misfile a and 8x8” box nearly two feet long? Remind me on Saturday to check the used paint depot early. I need more stain.

           This marks the second day of a steady wind from the northwest. Three day’s wind marks the change of seasons as the wind kind of ushers in the boundary where the Sun no longer leaves enough heat to keep the night muggy. Will it be cool or cold? Either means I can install the overhead heater in a little bit of comfort. Why is my attic lighting burned out? We’ll know soon. Later, as I was putting my tools away I caught a blast of cold wind. So, it is going to be an early cold spell. Good, my pear tree needs 400 hours cold to bear fruit the following year. That chill got me by surprise, brrrr.
           Addled old Joe just said that Kamela beat Trump so badly in the debate that Trump is scared to death to beat her again. If this link does not work, find it yourself. This blog rarely links to Rumble. The link is actually to TCN, or Tucker Carlson Network. Am I always the last to learn about these things? Well, second last. Even in my own circles most people hear of these things from me.
           The latest in Demtard tactics is to claim the 50,000+ Trump rallies have only “15,000 confirmed” attendees. Lame, everyone can see the live broadcasts. Boeing airlines is now $53 billion in debt. Guess they should have hired me when they had the chance. NASA has finally launched the Europa Clipper, a useless by rather interesting craft destined to probe the ice on the Jupiter moon from 16 miles off the surface. By the time America was 200 years old, it had 12 citizens who walked on the Moon, but today China announced it will lead the space race. Interesting, at over 5,000 years old, there are still millions in the Chinese interior who have never used electricity.

Picture of the day.
Pianoso Island.
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           The Reb called, she is familiar with the year-end closing procedure, but I don’t expect anyone to follow that without required training. She's aware I don’t like the attitude of people who live off credit cards, so is very tolerant of my decisions that factor that in. The Reb is aware of the [current] margins here and I can only hope Sammy makes it until I see him again. He’s not well and cries a lot. But is it mental or physical when he does it in his sleep? All I can offer is support, Sammy is a decision she will have to make. But I am going to have to be there before year’s end no matter how tight money will be for 180 days.
           Everything is on hold, I notice so may others have quit with the overt signs of affluence. But I know the real behind-the-scenes disaster is not just the credit cards, but the way they neglect putting real plans in place that are common sense, card or no card. A recent example for me is that second vehicle. It already needs minor repair, but the priority is that tow bar. You know darn well most people would have put that August tow on their card. I came up with the $1,520 cash.
           So the Pope is calling the vaccine a “moral obligation” and the latest Euro coins feature medical personnel administering the jab to a child.

           Yard work is amplified by all the deadfall, including a lot of branches that do not appear to originate with my trees. They are brittle and have black bark. Maybe they are from the growing tops of the camphor trees which cannot be seen from the ground. I cleaned the laundry area, which we now know acts as a catchment for limbs, leaves, and branches. I confirm the damate to my fence is worse than initially surveyed. Some fenceposts are tilted. I chopped up all small enough pieces and stacked the ones that need the electric chain saw treatment.
           The front bush, I call it, was an hour-long task. I wish somebody would invent a power tool that can pull up small roots. You go on line and the all the “experts” can tell you is to dig around it. No-Brainer, Inc. As a child, I once saw a farmer remove a stump by tying a noose around it, and using a pump-handle car jack to slowing rip it out by the roots. I would like something with tongs that gapples the smaller saplings so I don’t have to. There’s your million-dollar idea. Make a sturdy tripod a couple feet high, you don’t need much. Have a release lever like on bar clamps to slide the grappling hook to get a grip on the tree, which by now you have sawn off to a small stump. Then use your electric drill to pull out the stump by the roots. Max size should be maybe a half inch diameter. I’d pay $80 for such a tool. You would have to place something under the legs to stop them from sinking into the ground. Maybe shape a cone or a simple triangle of something.

           I did not make it shopping last day so I’m out of basics. This rarely happens but you can’t go wrong mentioning food in a blog. Here’s something. I do not buy sweet and sour sauce because I so rarely use it. Today I had the appetite and whipped up my old recipe. Equal parts of vinegar, ketchup, turbinado, and soy sauce, with corn starch as a thickener. What could go wrong? Well, I was short on the sugar so I figured just make up the difference with stevia, which I use for baking.
           No dice. The produce I use states it is equally as sweet as the same quantity of sugar. Nope. I doubled it, then tripled it before it made much of a difference. It was still too tart with half the mixture being sweetener, and even then it gave it a slightly metallic flavor. The same stevia works fine in tea, so there is something out of whack when added to vinegar. That’s all for now, it went down to 74°F last night and I have the recorder set. It is already down to 77°F before midnight.

           Not so fast with I canceled my sign-up some months ago when they asked for information I did not have. This time, it will not allow me to create a new account with that same e-mail. I’ve long since deleted the throwaway password used at that time. I always use a coded password for any new account, then change the password as soon as the account is established. Also, it appears Lofty may require a scan of some picture ID. That’s a scary development, but one we are prepared for.

Last Laugh

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