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Saturday, October 5, 2024

October 5, 2024

One year ago today: October 5, 2023, turtle net worth: $2,338.
Five years ago today: October 5, 2019, replacing joists.
Nine years ago today: October 5, 2015, superlatives.
Random years ago today: October 5, 2010, more than 280

           Wow, it is almost impossible to get by an hour without some form of news alert. That makes sense, this is the most important election of our lifetimes. Talk about weird, the Democrats counted on repeating 2020 and had no apparent back-up plan. Now that the margins are so wide that fake ballot ruse is not going to fly, they are resorting to blatant copying of Trump because to their amazement, what he’s doing works. Ha, Poon held a rally in Michigan even in the same arena as Trump, but instead of sweeping scenes of mass support, the television cameras keep her tightly framed by the same ten stone-faced people.
           In related news, GPS overlays are revealing that 93% of attendees at the last four Harris rallies were carrying the same electronics devices. (3,933 out of 4,290) Conclusion: these are paid attendees and actors following her around pretending to be supporters.
           It appears her teleprompter went on the blink and she tried to improvise. She did the verbal equivalent of piss her pantsuit instead. Pardon my French, but what a shit-show. There’s a single report that a FEMA director who mean-mouthed some victims has been beaten. I would wait for confirmation, since it appears that is what FEMA is bent on provoking. If they are going to declare martial law, they have to do it soon or even that won’t save them.
           Madison County Sheriff’s office reports coordinated attacks on semi-trailers delivering emergency supplies to North Carolina. At one location, 80 trucks had their tires punctured and some had lug nuts loosened on the rims. It does not take much to figure who would benefit from this type of attack. Most of the affected regions are Trump territory. Trump rallies continue to draw mass crowds, this one in Butler was estimated at 100,000.

           The exploding pager attack may have been vastly more successful than reported. The reaction of Muslim clerics is dumbfounding. They are claiming Israeli must have had help from genies and sprites. They are especially claiming the death of the Hezbollah leader means the Israelis used genies and sprites, because no way the Jews could have killed him without supernatural help. The Hezbollah guy had been hiding sixty feet underground since 2002. Yep, the pager thing must have done a real number on them terrorist boys.
           DC is preparing for some undefined “mass event”. A FEMA higher-up has blasted North Carolina church shelters for misgendering migrant transwomen. North Carolina State police announce they will arrest any FEMA employees who hinder rescue operation (but about a week late on the call).

           Up an hour early this morning (4:30AM) gave time to review the vacuum tube sales, my box-building hobby, and the direction of band music. The tubes are not selling, I’m actually making boxes worse than I did six months ago (lack of practice), and my duo, primed and ready, has zero gigs lined up. Nine of the sixteen bands I used to follow once per month are no longer listed or advertising on the band sites or GigSalad. I would say this is a musical dry spell.
           So, I cranked out my bass and played through most of our song list to reinforce muscle memory. The new PA has a tone, somewhat more boomy, we’ll just have to get used to it. I still have “the touch” but it takes twice the effort. Hey, if we ever get any gigs at 10:00AM, I’ll be up to snuff. Trivia. Dennis Wilson, the only Beach Boy who actually surfed, drowned in 1983.

           Repeat posts by eyewitnesses say some FEMA big-mouth was indeed put in the hospital in North Carolina. That’s what you get when you screw with people who have lost everything. Harris held a cheapo event called a tailgater in the U of Georgia today and one person showed up. A corrupt Judge in Colorado has sentenced a clerk to nine years in prison for allowing an independent investigation into claims of tampering with voting machines. It is an obvious pre-election move that threatens anyone who tries to expose fraud.

Picture of the day.
Anzio today.
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           Yes, I think whether or not you get married, have grandkids, go to church, or pay taxes, it always winds up the same in Florida—doing yard work by yourself. I’m no longer the party animal, but nor am I watching lottery and the weather channel. Sure, I gauge a lot by comparisons, what other yardstick do I have? It’s been ages since I could snap my fingers and party on. Instead, when it clouded over, I was out there dragging branches and hurricane deadfall, working the electric chain saw. It’s not bad now that the shed is fan-cooled and there is a computer set up. Short breaks are better for me than walking back to the house, from whence sometimes I don’t return same day.
           This isn’t today's trivia, I found a misconception I’ve had for most of my life concerning shipwrecks. Flotsam and jetsam. I was wrong but point out the error was in the textbook. Supposedly, after a wreck, flotsam was what floated and jetsam sank. Wrong, it is a legal difference. It is not wreckage, but cargo. That which is washed overboard is flotsam and belongs to the finder. But jetsam is thrown overboard to save the ship (jetsam-jettison) and belongs to the lord whose shore it washes up on. Something like that.

           No deer cam footage, as we uncover another engineering defect. The off-on switch has an intermediate position that should be down from off position. It’s the camera settings mode. However, if you don’t watch carefully, instead of a single click turning the unit on, it puts it into the settings. That’s twice it got me already. The camera is slick, I really like it. I dug out an old camera tripod just for this usage. The yard work included fixing various tarps and boards that came loose and prepping the burn barrel. I was tempted to kindle up, but found I had only a single Yueng-Ling in the cooler. That squelches that idea.

           Running the numbers on this new transmission reveals what a fiasco it was. I will try to get the price down. Will they give me a discount if I go pick the crate up myself? Or, do I wait until they have a slow week and tell them to give me a call when they can do the job for $1400? I must invest in a tow bar for the Hyundai.
           Other budget news, I will retire the category of Building Materials on November 30, 2024. This figure has been reported wrongly several times since it’s creation on January 1, 2017. At that time, I had lived here four months with all of that time required to get back on my feet. I’d have to look it up, but I had less than $200 left to my name on September 1, 2016. This means I may have some insightful totals for you to examine about life in contemporary America, from a time of peach and prosperity under Trump to ruin under the others.
           For now, the important total is the amount spent on this cabin, now easily recognizable as one of the best deals ever in a safe American urban area. That’s correct, an absolute bargain by any standard. You can get places cheaper, but they are not safe and in a nice hood. They are falling down or have some major trade-off. I call this a cabin, but it is a two-bedroom small house with a big yard, trees, sheds, lots of parking, walking distance to a safe and clean downtown, good Christian neighbors, and hurricane solid.

           The total price including what I paid and sunk into it to add things like the new electric panel, laundry deck, and wired worksheds is $40,920. That’s not even a down payment on something livable these days. I own the land and a solid network of investments that will always pay the taxes. The cheapest inhabitable building for sale in this area, excluding mobiles, condos, townhouses, or anything that does not include the landis now $119,000 and it was built in 1920.
           The criteria are two bedrooms, detached, no HOA, and less than twenty minutes from a city. That means it don’t count if it’s in the bush. The cheapest house is three times what I paid, and if you want something comparable, your talking over $180,000. Here is a place that caught my eye, it’s in the industrial part of town, but I know the area is not really that bad. It still has mostly lower working class inhabitants, if you get my drift. I could probably wave $60,000 and get it because no bank will land anybody that small amount of money.

Last Laugh