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Monday, November 11, 2024

November 11, 2024

One year ago today: November 11, 2023, NNE of Madagascar.
Five years ago today: November 11, 2019, a separate music variety.
Nine years ago today: November 11, 2015, copying the worst.
Random years ago today: November 11, 2010, she was painted up.

           Having warned about the decline of Scientific American magazine, now they have gone too far. They published an article that genetics is racist, a contrived concept to place white people at the top. Since going woke is a one-way street, I will hence regard anything by that magazine as science fiction. The Alberta pastor, Pawlowski, had been arrested again for protesting the latest round of Canadian COVID decrees. Ottawa is bent on making him a martyr. The European Space Agency reports finding copious amounts of water (frozen ice) just below the Martian surface. This raises questions.
           If the water is there, it means NASA knew about it as far back as 2006 and said nothing. NASA has behaved like a secret government department since the Shuttle program. This does not stop there, as it is rumoured NASA found evidence of life on Mars way back in 1976, when Scientific American ran an article about the Viking lenders when four separate tests found “evidence of life”. This theory compounded by how NASA has since that time ceased sending life-detection apparatus on any other Mars missions and has successfully blocked others from doing the same. The paradox is that if they had found life, there would have been a massive push to get there. It does not make sense.

           Here's a carbon dioxide recharge cylinder. Something every boy scout wants to invent, to fix his soda when it goes flat. I would have bought one of these cartridges just to see, but they were $23 each at Krogers and $16 on-line plus $7 S&H. It suffers badly from millennial marketing. What does "up to 126" recharges really mean?
           Boost got me again. this is something like the fifth time they’ve got me after closing time on a Friday before a long weekend. It’s half insane because they gain nothing by it. The effect is like working with Canadians. They’ve been wrong so long they come to prefer doing things that way. I got out to Mt. Juliet and that office was also closed without notice. This meant backtracking to Murfreesboro, a total of over two hour and 58 miles on the van to pay a $15 phone bill. Then I discover Boost has been gouging me for 50 months. The clerk did not charge me the $4 “inconvenience fee”. I asked and he said it has always been Boost policy not to charge that fee on bills less than $20. I told you about Boost and how they will nickel & dime you.

           The good news is California wants to secede. Nobody is stopping them, but you should get a load of the talk downstairs. How badly the country would suffer if California split. Don’t Americans realize California would make the 4th richest nation in the world, blah-blah. It’s bull donkey to me. Take away the federal subsidies and adjust for the fact that state has more people than, say Texas at second place, at the shine starts to wear off. The people downstairs must be unaware also that while Texas is a growing economy, California is collapsing. They resorted ti heavily fining businesses for leaving the state.
           Get a load of that WHO honcho, Tedros. He’s the East Indian who claims to be Ethiopian. Within hours of Trump’s victory, he is bellowing the that WHO had nothing to do with the vaccines. No lockdowns, no mandates, he says, the WHO never imposed anything. It’s all your fault, says rat-face.

Picture of the day.
Seattle welfare office.
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           Another hour of reading and comparison and I’m drawn to the conclusion my band should become a trio. Far easier said than done and it complicates life—but anything is better than sitting down doing nothing which seems to be the rule these days. I’ve already communicated these findings to the Prez, who like the idea but I don’t think he's aware of the changes it would mean. Unless luck intervenes, I doubt we’ll find anybody any time soon.
           Disney is up in arms, along with several dozen other big players. Why? Because of the late-arriving click-to-cancel laws will destroy a core element of their business. Along with scumbag outfits like Planet Fitness, MicroSoft, and Google, this affects any business that makes it difficult for consumers to opt out. Did you know Planet Fitness requires you make an appointment and wait in line in person? This does not affect me, as I pay cash only. It’s just fun to hear people call others “paranoid” while strangers are snagging money directly out of their bank accounts.

           How about another mini-survey of my situation? Always an eye-opener when I get more out of it that the activity suggests. Here’ a booklet around 220 pages that will tell me how dateable I am. Written by a team called Lookadoo and DiMarco, they seem to make a living out of plugging this stuff. The preamble says, and I like this wording, that most revolutions would have happened earlier if people didn’t waste their youth chasing hotties in high school. Good point, I’m still chasing them now. You meet so many intent on getting married that they have no resources devoted to staying married.
           This book is about dating, which they say is the true goal. An hour later, this book is not giving fast results. I’m on page 40 and they have not gotten to the point yet. Most of us do not need a lecture that boys and girls view sex differently. I fly by a couple simple rules before things get far. Top rule is stay clear of women whose only goal in life is to have babies. And next is the topic I see this booklet is already avoiding. Sex. There has to be some attraction and it has to at least have the potential to be enduring. I already meet too many women where, by the time time the second date rolls around, they are picking names for the children.
           After siesta, I read another forty pages and the book is not a survey type work. The title “Dateability” threw me off. It is more a long-winded description of how, if, as a man, you kind of strive to be nice, work hard, make something of yourself, and don’t lie to get what you want, some women will grow in love with you. If you are a woman, you kind of don’t gossip and hold back on the sex, and that is pretty much it. Statistically only 5% of teenage marriages last. And that’s why I won’t deep-read this book. It isn’t about dating, it is about marriage. Here's an updated view of the surgrury on the Gigrac PA system. It is not yet tested but all the power lights come on.

           I’m going to tattle on the company when the Reb returns tomorrow. Yeah, yeah all my life I’ve heard about how busy everybody is, which is maybe why none of them got anywhere. The point is, the dog has to be walked. Letting him out into the backyard for a while is not the same thing and you can’t fool me. Especially the big doggie needs to be heavily walked through changing routes where he can smell new things and check out old markings. If I can deal with the colder Tennessee nights, they should be able to spare at least ten minutes in the afternoons. True, that is just my opinion, but don’t start any contests. Chooks and I were out there a half-hour under a waxing gibbous moon and the chill. Back inside, he was out like a light.

           Not me, I got a lot out of today’s short siesta, so it’s hot chocolate and study time. I’m looking at early Soviet tank production since they began with a fundamentally different philosophy. Most other countries viewed tanks as a form of cavalry and armed them just well enough to overcome enemy pillboxes and machine-gun pits. The German designs show this influence, their prowess came from using the tanks to spearhead breaks in the enemy lines, and after that shoot up railway stations and supply dumps. The concept of using a tank to fight other tanks was embraced only by the Soviets. It is no surprise their tanks were heavier, faster, and had bigger guns.
           My curiosity is the models just before the war, for unlike the Germans, the Soviets did not have an elaborate numbering system for naming the tanks. This is probably because so many designs used existing components that nobody could keep track of. So, I’ll watch what they built instead of how they built them. After twenty minutes, I said okay, enough. They had begun calling totally different designs by the same name and historians know in the end they focused on two designs. The T-34 and the KV-1.

           Another “whoops” for the Democrats. Trump’s vow to lift the lid off Democrat cheating methods has whistleblowers scrambling to curry favor. Some of the topics coming to light are incriminating as hell, but just you remember the Democrats still have a hold on the judicial system as many of their appointed judges have always been on the take. Remember all those celebrity endorsements and stuff in the pre-election nose-dive of the Democrats? Turns out Harris was paying them, for example, she offered Oprah one million dollars for favourable mention. While this behaviour is nothing new for that party, the totals paid out far exceed the reported contributions that they themselves insisted on disclosure. Laws they thought were laying a trap for their opponents.
           In a reverse scenario of 2020, we now have Democrats refusing to concede, something they accused Trump of. They are still counting votes, again choosing only sites where the Trump margins are small enough they can truck in enough fake ballots.

Last Laugh