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Thursday, November 7, 2024

November 7, 2024

One year ago today: November 7, 2023, hurtful names, no less.
Five years ago today: November 7, 2019, too soggy.
Nine years ago today: November 7, 2015, the co-efficient.
Random years ago today: November 7, 2022, 46 nothing stations.

           Sammy is no longer with us. He had a fitful night, we took turns holding him, but he worsened steadily. He became disoriented and not really aware of his surroundings. It was evident he could not recover as he was unable to rest comfortably. Around 9:30AM he would just go limp and the decision could no longer be delayed. Seven years I’ve walked him pretty much every day I was here. Toward the end, he was not fully aware of his surroundings, so he’s in a better place now. Here is the last family photo of the little tyke.

           The political climate continues to dominate life in America. The Democrats have lost the election but are intent on clinging to power. But now that the average American knows first-hand what corruption looks like, there is going to be trouble. I’m using the old iMac, which will not display some web images, included the sole remaining uncensored source of street-level information, namely Gab. But the text appears fine and I see gems like Trump saying "Every single military official who had anything to do with the treasonous Afghanistan withdrawal must have their resignation on my desk by noon on inauguration day.”

           But he has not mentioned the real threat—loss of pension. Old people in America come in two separate species. Those with good pensions and those without. However, treason carries the death penalty and people are demanding resignation is not good enough. This reinforces the question asked here long ago—does Trump have the stomach for what needs doing? What’s more, the Bidenistas are still in charge and y’day they bashed down the door of a Trump supporter in Naples. The target is a packing plant in Immokalee, Florida. The raid was by the Dept. of Defense (figure that on out) and IRS agents were seen carrying a computer out of the building.
           Immokalee is, or was, a regular stop for me in over the years, a nothing town of unskilled labourers mostly. It would appear the only crime committed was the owner of the packing plant (Seed To Table) also operates a local restaurant, where he held a big victory party on election night. The blogworthiness of this event is that it was a Federal operation and none of the local officials were told anything. This is not a wise move in the sovereign State of Florida.

Picture of the day.
Southern lights near Tasmania.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           What’s hugely popular? On-line videos of the libtard woketard meltdown. And I can’t view them. This iMac is going into the shop, I can’t find the problem, and the library computers block Gab. I’ll see if I can support getting them fired. Besides there are no good-looking women in Tennessee libraries anyway, either staff or patrons. Every one is dog-fight ugly. I gave such women no nevermind, which is totally different than treating them badly—until they tell me what I can look at. I’m missing a great fest, the word is Alex Jones is posting the best of these crybaby videos, with 30 million views so far, and I can’t see them.
           It’s weird, the browsers will support their advertising photos, but not personal postings. That’s odd, I thought, and that’s how I discovered you can get right into the Gab systems folder by doing a look-up on one of their meta links. I won’t say which, since their system is already so screwed up but on the other hand I repeated warned Torbie to knock it off with that intrusive advertising. Moments later, a simple fix and I have the video and pictures back. I didn’t say Gab would like it, I said I have pictures again.

           Also at work, reports Elon Musk, is the mind virus which “tends to infect susceptible groups, such as collage professors, television news reporters, actors, and Democrats.”Too bad I was born so long ago, the country is electrified by the possibility Trump will fire all Democrats in civil service jobs, which opens a huge market and one in which political affiliation is a primary qualification. We also see a proposed ban on all future vaccine mandates. America seems to be breathing a collective sigh, but the fight is not over yet. It is far too quiet out there. Trouble is brewing, but panic continues to spread since the Democrats did not think Trump would win by enough to block their methods.
           Things are collapsing faster than they imagined. That psycho Jack Smith is dropping all charges, probably hoping that will save his neck. Trump has announced he will go after the leftwing censorship regime noting it is an entire “black operation” of government agencies, big tech, media, and corporations. He has given them notice not to destroy any evidence. Trump has learned the art of political warfare well. Democrats shape-shifters are coming forward in record numbers in attempts to extricate themselves. FEMA workers were told to skip houses with Trump signs.
           Trump has already spoken with 70 world leaders since Wednesday morning. There
is a rumour Alex Jones could make Press Secretary and there are robot dogs patrolling Mar-a-Lago. Hey, they don’t make as many mistakes as the Secret Service has lately. Harris still has plenty of time to do some of the things she promised, but she won’t.

           The deer cam shows once again it is not so easy a tool as just setting things up. I moved it from the back yard over to Mike’s driveway across the road. I don’t like placing the camera where I can’t see it from the house, so I opted for an angle where I’ve seen up to seven deer standing in the nearby clearing. It was pleasant out so I took Chooks for a long walk near the recycle depot. He’s fully aware of the vacancy left by Sammy. We stopped at the music store and by sheer chance I found a brand new Internet expansion card for my silo computer for $15 bucks. I’ve learned better than to buy such things sight unseen on-line.

Last Laugh