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Friday, November 8, 2024

November 8, 2024

One year ago today: November 8, 2023, wood staining 101.
Five years ago today: November 8, 2019, item 4 won the race.
Nine years ago today: November 8, 2015, saw blades and Everglades.
Random years ago today: November 8, 2011, what guy didn’t?

           Here’s the two books I’m reading. This is the best I can get this Mac to scan, it has dozens of operating quirks. “Triggered” is kind of amusing and you just know Junior did not write most of that material himself. It’s understandably one-sided but his input contains a sense of humor. It’s an historical retelling of the Democrat lawfare attacks on the Trump family and he does not leave anything out. He's got many legitimate beefs with the political left. It is good, if dry reading.
           The other book, clipped by the scan, is “RV Hacks”. This is a fun book in that it unwittingly applies a lot to motorcycle sidecar travel. Gems like always park where you can pull forward out of the space, avoid entrance ways, use a stock marker to write the pressure on each tire, rig up a multiple charging station, and learn where all the “good” libraries are along your route where possible. A good library is one that doesn’t demand your ID to use the computers.

           There’s an unaccustomed enthusiasm in the air, like a general thankfulness the Leftist nightmare is over. Let’s hope it is not premature. There is plenty of time for them to do a lot of damage. But Trump has done more in 72 hours that Biden & Harris in years. The Ukraine is cut off, Europe wants to buy American gas and Syria has chucked out HAMAS. My contribution to a better planet was heading up to the recycle depot yet again, taking the last of the accumulated bags of daily plastic containers—something the Reb & I very rarely use. I want to go home already. It’s not the same here when there is company.
           And they are here when she is not, making my day more complicated. I tolerate them, but they only ever talk about one thing. They may wonder why the stock market is rebounding and heard of companies that are clearing out of China to avoid proposed tariffs, after all, they said democracy would collapse. Rumour is 50 department heads at the FBI have decided to take early retirement. I advise Trump to cut off their pensions, since they were not doing the job. Like many, I’m concerned how quiet it is. Something is brewing in the background. These people are desperate and Trump is about to release the documents of what they’ve been up to. Switzerland bans wearing burkhas in public.

           And remember my joke that the Democrats would claim Trump won in 2020 to stop him from a “third term”. Apparently that is on the table. But the best one today is queers celebrating that two 1900 year old bodies found in the ruins of Pompeii were men ducking for shelter. It proves only that freaks will do anything to pass themselves off as normal. And or course, now that the Demtards have lost the election, they are all about rights and healing.

Picture of the day.
Prairie storm.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           I’m too tired to write much, so listen to this lady playing Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2.

           And last for today, a precursor of A.I. pioneered by electronic mice in a maze. While this sport has lost much of its appeal to me (because the same tiny group always win), the rules the gadgets must obey have followed an evolution that, to me, typifies the Internet mentality. They are constantly having to adapt to stop cheaters, copycats, and dorks just plain trying to hack the system. It’s tempting to beat the on-line rulebook because there isn’t supposed to be one. Recall how I sketched out a “smart” pool cue that never misses? That kind of thing.

Last Laugh