One year ago today: December 22, 2023, 90% done.
Five years ago today: December 22, 2019, Miami anniversary coincidence.
Nine years ago today: December 22, 2015, no somersaults.
Random years ago today: December 22, xxxx, WIP
Up with the birds, that feeder gets popular when the thermometer drops. And she’s 41°F out there before dawn. The heater is still not connected, but I have the mounting race almost ready. It is heavy and has to be securely fashioned to studs. Part of the delay is the need to run in a 240V dedicated line, including drilling holes in the attic. There was quite a lot of birdie activity, so I set up the deer cam to see if it will work though a pane of glass. I do believe we have a juvenile female woodpecker, I’ll try for photos at the birdbath, easily the focal point for all birds in the vicinity. In fact, here’s the unusual photo of the month. This plump well-fed robin as been by, weeks after the flock has left. He’s fine and lively, just a bit late to join the party.
The unknown pale yellow birds are still occasional feeders and we have another small black with spots small visitor. But that could be another juvenile woodpecker. How odd that these birds appear at the beginning of a cold winter spell. The streaks in the robin photo are sunlight on the dusty window pane which has a diagonal crack. I think I’ll tack together some extra bird houses or nesting shelves, since the pieces are already stacked in the shed.
And my attic lights quit on me, but I know where the problem is. A GFCI. I’d rather build boxes all day, partially because of cold-weather discomfort on my shoulder blades. Last evening I read some instructions in the back of my Nautical Almanac. Now that I know how it works, those folks should get awards for having worded it all in most difficult manner possible. In fact, it still does not make sense, but I now know what they mean.
A minor change in my Rx has me off balance again. It’s back to the same strengths as 2016. Alas, the one they increased is the “bad breath” pill. Listed as a side effect, I see drowsiness has been added to the list. That’s all we need, a drowsy me. Either a second female cardinal as arrived or Mrs. Red has been feeding steadily for hours. Yes, it’s a fact things have become so slow in my life these things have become headlines. By mid-morning we are still in the 50°s, so let’s look at some woodworking sites on-line. I have some books in the silo, but I’m not going out there in this weather.
By noon it’s above 70°F so we may get some work done yet. If you see yard pics, then I worked. Trump has announced something I like very much. In my lifetime, the single largest (but not only) determinant of getting a university degree was if your parents paid for it. There are other problems but the main one was lack of money for some of our best. Think what I might have done if I’d graduated at 22 instead of 32. Trump is taking aim on the schools that operate on excessively large endowments.
This has needed addressing for a long time. The plan is to work with educators to give promising students a chance at a free education along the lines of what only the rich currently enjoy. I was, by a big margin, the poorest kid that ever attended the schools I went to. I’ve already explained how a student loan is barely enough for books and tuition, it assumes you are getting at least some support from home. From age 17 to 21, I wore the same clothes I had when I was 14, hand-me-down sweaters from my older sister, how funny that must have looked if only because it was obvious I had nothing.
Here’s a picture of the last cactus in late flower stage. I say last because these were from the cuttings in Redlands so long ago. Taking a coffee break, lets see if any stats made my list. Yes. Of the world’s population, 63.8% use social media. Says 30% of men 18 to 30 have not had sex in a year, about the same ratio as lady-boys out there these days, I’ll wager. (Guys, if you go a year without getting your end wet, Nature is telling you something.) All this month of December, I’ve sold two tubes. eBay is plainly not the correct way to sell tubes.
Hindenburg dining room, 1936.
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That was my estate manager on the phone, my very small estate. All is the same but these days treading water is not good enough. Two hours and fifty-eight minutes. She has a German Shepherd that’s now 90 pounds and thinks it’s a puppy. Jumped on her and knocked her off a retaining wall, she’s fine but it seems I’m at the stage in life where things like this happen too often. We compared notes and all should be okay well into 2026 but some hard decisions are in store. For one, I have to double the amount I keep on hand for emergencies. I work in cash and it has to come from somewhere.
Too bad her and I could never be business partners. She is much too left-wing to be reliable and I don’t mean that the wrong way. She is totally loyal and trustworthy, but she is also a liberal. That is, she believes people in need should be helped. So do I, within limits. Helping people is kind and noble, but compelling your neighbor to do the same is nothing of the sort. You got it, I’m the redneck you-don’t-work-you-don’t-eat faction. But I was not always that way. You ask for help, you might get it. But when you demand help as your due, well that’s a different animal.
Just let me say that in my life I’ve met huge numbers of people on welfare. But I’ve only met maybe five who needed it, as in could not do some kind of job. Don’t hand me that dignity crap, for I’ve had to swallow my dignity and take jobs I hated. I won’t get into it but if you can have children, you are healthy enough to get some kind of job. The libtards I had most are the ones who say they are paying their share and therefore you should be forced to pay yours. I would never stop others from paying all they want, but I would never compel them to pay. We’ve been pals for thirty-nine years, but we could never be partners.
This is the birdbath and the deer cam is on duty. I’ll leave it overnight, hoping for lots of activity. Naturally, there was plenty while I was on the phone so I could not get the best shots. Yes, it is a small red-hooded woodpecker, possibly two, both females. Something is wrong with the robin, but he is happy and comfortable, loving that bath. I have not seen the beige/yellow birds in a few days, maybe because they move fast. There is certainly enough activity out there. Most of the birds except the cardinals will share the baths
I forget what nickname I gave my executor, but she’s never lived in a warm climate year-round. She knows how I longed for a small workshop of my own and asked to see some photos of the boxes I’ve been building. She has never heard me play bass, sing, or seen me on stage. She’s unaware of any hobbies I’ve picked up in the past 25 years. Shown here, these are all tool boxes.
Still chilled, I worked inside the big shed, this time I applied different stains to see what I liked. What did I learn? Applying the stain and poly by hand takes a lot of skill. I knew that, but today I learned more about why. In memory of JeePee, I may rig up his basking lamp to inspect the layers I apply witth a brush, my only method at this time. I learned no matter how carefully you brush, one coat always shows spots that are thin by comparison. I gave a coat of some sort to 22 pieces of wood, they are drying now.
Next fun activity was loading up the burn barrel. I did not light it as it must be attended and the was no time before dark. I sank half of one post hole and tuckered myself out. I foresee a long quiet evening in my desk chair, sipping coffee. It was a three-hour day including two laundry loads in the dryer and loading some trash in the van. That Hyundai is okay for groceries, but it is too small for serious chores.
I’m settling in for the evening. Let’s glance at what the regime is up to. Gaetz says if his misconduct is revealed, he’ll squeal on “all the other perverts” in Congress. Archeologists regularly find ancient board games that nobody knows how to play because the instructions are lost. Apparently A.I. is able to figure out the rules. Did you know Ivermectin is not a drug? It is made from a bacteria found in the soil in Japan. A “congresswoman” missing for six months has been found confined in a dementia home. An illegal set fire to a woman sleeping on a New York train and let her urn to death. Since it was not mentioned, it is likely the woman was White. This is reinforced by photos of police standing by ignoring her while she burned.