One year ago today: December 9, 2023, an egg, that's it.
Five years ago today: December 9, 2019, did not care.
Nine years ago today: December 9, 2015, house-huning no-gos.
Random years ago today: December 9, 2009, lazy Theresa.
A morning in the shed, could not have been better. Cold morning, warm day, this is what sells people on Florida. Thinking it's like the time. You know who else is having a great day? Penny, the guy who stopped a violent felon. Just you keep any eye on this one, since a sizeable chunk of America think the people who prosecuted him should suffer consequences. I'm inclined to agree. China announces the largest gold field discover in history—but we've heard this kind of thing from China before. Boyd, the man who shot Babbit, has demanded a pardon before Biden leaves office or he is going to “go public”.
JeePee is plainly enjoying the exploration of his new cage. The tower intrigues him but I see the dimensions are off, he can't quite turn the corners. But he's learned to keep going around in circles until he gets each stage right. I will re-design the staircases with shallower slopes and wider treads. It's a winner. He knocked over one of the boards across a slat, forming a small teeter-totter, which he seems to love. We had one tube sale today, a $15 TungSol. We've learned that eBay is not the best way to sell these things.
This may be the iconic picture of 2024. Penny is cleared on all charges in the Neely case, but the aftermath will be here a while The American mood is that Penny acted correctly in protecting others from harm and the charges against him were because of race. The case was pushed by Bragg, a notorioius New York anti-Trumper. The whole trial reeks of prosecutorial misconduct, so this is not going away on its own.
The popular take is that he should never have been charged and the affair is politically motivated. NYC releases thousands of violent non-Whites into the streets every year, Neely was one of them. It's not going to help that the Judge behind this is a lot of things Americans don't like about the two-tiered justice system. She's old, ugly, Jewish, and has a mysterious layer of growth on her face. Some say she is driven by jealousy of what she never got, namely a tall, young, handsome White man. I'm never surprised when short men and grotesque women lash out at the world.
I could not name the most useless country on Earth, but Ecuador is a prime contender in a continent with an economy based on drugs and coffee. The countries top drug kingpin in jail is Macias (one of the few Spanish words that means nothing in English, pronounce “mah-SEE-uss”) disappeared out of his prison cell. Like most ex-Spanish colonies, the whole place is degenerating to gang violence. That's what happens when you don't allow poor people at least some options to aspire.
Ecuador today.
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Insomnia, not bad, but enough to get me out to the old club, where I was the only patron. This gives me a chance to catch up on the local trends and perceptions. This year seven more bars have switched from Karaoke to Djs, a move they will sorely regret if the economy picks up like it should under new management. The Prez replies that he's had to take a another part-time job and myself, I have to eke out the rest of this month on $325. But hey, all the bills are paid and there's food in the pantry. People food and turtle food, the line in indistinct when I'm in command of the kitchen.
From backgrounds in their promo pics, I was able to determine the female vocalists that might be a match for my duo have both played at Ybor Cigars. That would simplify things, since I have to go right by there tomorrow. Remind me to get a haircut while nearby. Meanwhile, we over here are adapting to the turtle as much as the turtle is adapting to us. Most of his new digs are a material he had little contact with before, namely wood. He can't get enough of the stuff. I've learned with unplaned lumber, he can climb almost vertically. As long as his nails can get a grip, he will play on the wood for hours. Making noise. Tomorrow, we test if he likes Pavarotti. I hope so, it's the worst CD I own and he's welcome to it.
I got home and found a 24 oz can of Yuengling in the cooler. What a perfect way to wind down the day and get the turtle to bed down. SpaceX has test-fired the rockets for launch, what is it, seven? While I hope for the man on Mars in my lifetime, my real wish is the discovery of life. It will negate 5,000 years of crap that has held mankind back for it's own purposes—and it would not matter what spin they put on it afterward.
So they have nabbed the CEO killer. Seems the guys mother (?) died when the money ran out. I'm not buying the story that he was recognized in a bar from that blurry photo where he took off his mask to flirt with a desk clerk. That's a load of bulldonkey you can smell from here, but we'll go with that. The media will likely run with this one since the shooter was White. (Actually, he was not White, he was Italian, an admixture.)
Let me end the day by telling MicroSoft what a bunch of AOLs they turned out to be. This Win 11 won't run my favorite software, but the real idiot feature is the file menu. It reflects the low grade of their target clientele. When downloaded, photos have generic captions that normally must be changed. The rename command is buried in a sub-menu, option 37 in a list of 38 commands. What's more disgusting is if you examine the other commands in the order they are presented, these millennials must “copy as path” and “edit in Notebook” to an incredible degree, yet most millennials I know could not describe what those commands are for. Don't blame me if I grab another coffee and laugh at these people behind their backs.