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Thursday, February 4, 1982

February 4, 1982

           Ah, a break. I'll wait till tomorrow, but I've found the symptoms the dream, I sat and figured some things out, then life seemed not so bad when I woke up.

           Dave P. can be comical I see. Maybe a lighter mood, but he knows the equipment so well, he can use and abuse. And laugh I did at how he got these two gabby ladies to clear. It's difficult to control a fit of laughter, but he just wouldn't quit & neither would the ladies. Shorts, grounds, clix, buzz, holers, they were equally subborn. Then he had to contend with a grandmother who card zilch about the techniques of telphones and "needed her glasses" to deal (rather press) any number. You'd have to be there, but it's a soap opera.

           Not important, but I've completed reading another set of encyclopedias. Bobbies, and I wonder. I threw some spray paint on the car, and actually got the timers in for repair. There were two cuties from the Health Center in tonite. Any time.

           So, Chuck & Di had a little spat. I predict the veneer will fall off their relationship rapidly. I agree with marrying younger women, but make 110% certain they have quiet dispositions. Especially this close to Valentine's. And--about 85% (while we're at it) of my beautiful, if not exceptional, collection of house plants have died in this seaside climate. I, as well, feel the water on the Point has been influential. I does contain chemicals, and besides, little else as changed. Most [of] all and certainly the larger ones are all casualties. I am considering a weekend trip. We'll see, money is tight and times are bad. They say.

           [Author's note 2019: this erratic-seeming style was typical of my early journals because there was no plan they make long-term sense. The gabby ladies refers to the situation where the subscriber has called in a complaint. We are timed on how long it takes to clear. In this case, the ladies stayed on the phone for hours, so an experienced repair man knows how to put all kinds of distortion on the line to make them hang up. Except they wouldn't.
           Notice the early insight into the perfect wedding?]