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Friday, February 5, 1982

Frebruary 5, 1982

           Fri. 5th Feb. A 10-6 shift. Sorry work dominates today, and later, there's more. Another dreamy nite. I have no more luck than you remembering them, but as usual, I got 'em in batches.

           However, such nites for me have a tendency to be quite restless. I stopped at Dave's again He was broke & hungover both. Life left me behind today. I just am indifferent [about it].

           Bruce joined me for coffee & informed me Roy has ben on his case. I hate to see it happen but it does focus things away from me. I know sooner or later Roy is going to have to concede I'm a worker not a shirker. Unfortunately for Bruce, his former job with CNCP has given him a set of priorities. He ties up equipment for a long time, and resists any suggestion on the matter. This is a case of teaching an old dog new tricks. He says he will confront Doug with the animosity by Monday. I will wait and see. I've noticed Roy letting up on me, but it is too early to declare it as an admitions that I can actually dial a telephone. Anyway, I doubt Bruce will put up with it, it decreases Roy's credibility & shifts emphasis.

           This is much later, like 1:30 AM. It's disrupting but I am going to take a sleeping pill. Or a half pill. I took it a few minutes back, I can't sleep but I must. I had a dream I was chipping firewood back in VLNA. I am so groggy, but I can't drop off, it bothers me so much. My leg & shoulder are sore, so maybe it made me dream it. Drat, tho, I'm not sleep, just grotty. I gotta go to work in 4 hrs. I don't want to take a painkiller besides. Strange tho my heart must be doing 120. Good luck.

           [Author's note 2019: this is the frist time I've read this since it was written. Hmmm, I remember most of why it seems so disjointed. It was meant as a series of reminders rather than a story. Yet I think my style of today is showing through. But isn't it prophetic that 2-1/2 weeks after I start with the phone company I'm taking sleeping pills and concerned about my heart?]