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Saturday, February 6, 1982

February 6, 1982

           Sat. Feb. 6th. First, Smitty's on Century Plaza or whatever didn't open till 8. I forgot my ID card and had a [unknown word] weekend experience. Dave lets down his guard, sort of forgets the rules. I cannot [unknown word] him, but he's arrogant. This test postion, while not dispensible[?] is far from craving his abilities. I hope someone besides me understands that. I don't know who said it first but the first sign of a man being average is that he thinks he's not.

           I stopped to see Bobby. I bought her a record. She wants me to help in some kind of "speed-learning" experiment. I looked at the text. It advocates repetition to music so we bought her a record. Still, it's only repetition, and there's little speed there.

           I've made a little decision, but a leap for me. I've decided to wear a little jewelry. I know there's a recession and a million unemployed. I'm sure I can't afford it, etc. but I feel the need. Probably just a ring or medallion, but no bracelets, but just to see. Maybe, because women are tuned to that frequency, they'll pick up on it.

           I had a consdierable problem wiht my shoulder or upper arm, rather, this morning. "Exclude", but man, it was hard to conceal. Also, Rob is moving out to this guy 'Rick' I think. Typical nerd, but maybe he's okaya. I had more dreams, but I was not refreshed when I woke up today, so I marched a little out of step.

           I have to admit, Dave knows the equipment very well. He hooked up an interesting series of relays which I'll tell you about when you are old enough. This is gonna be fun--I mean if that's what you can do with his [limited] scale of imagination, just let me at it.

           [Author's note 2019: I had completely forgotten whatever the relay did by the time 30 years later I decided to look at electronics. And the word "Exclude" is a company designation for a trouble report that cannot be fixed by our department. And if I ever did follow that current trend with jewelry, I can't recall what it was. Ah, fashion.]